Dec 21, 2018

Winter Solstice

Tis the shortest day of the year, here.

The bears are hibernating and I also have that sleepy spirit in me.
Going with the flow of more darkness, wood stove going in the wee cabin, the cold days and snow feels nurturing, gentle and restorative.
outside the cold air is invigorating and inspiring. 

I wish you a blessed Solstice
whether it is with our short days
or long days where you are. 

(this is an older piece and seemed perfect for today)


Nov 20, 2018

Dancer's Pose

the tiny fairy rose with delicate grace and strength 
(like the dancer she is) 
amongst her forest friends

felt so good to draw and ink this piece
it had been too long
May the spirit and act of art continue in your lives and mine.


Oct 31, 2018

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!
Happy Samhain!
(it truly does feel like the beginning of the cold, frozen time of 
year. )

I feel drawn to consider and send prayers to those have passed before
loved ones and those I had not met

I send you love on your journey
may it be of grace
I miss you


Oct 27, 2018

She Ponders

she ponders : rake autumn leaves
or paint the mountains

this piece was drawn
while I waited for my flat tire to be repaired

a fun way to pass that time

yesterday's rain made the ponds so pretty and reflective

the Western Larch are in full color and beyond these days

it has been such a beautiful autumn!

Oct 16, 2018

Grizzly for InkTober

this weekend 
a friend saw a grizzly bear fattening up in the oat fields for winter
his photograph inspired this photo

purple mushrooms showed up in the woods
someone ate them over night

a drawing for inkTober

Oct 7, 2018

Healing what is Out of Balance, One Energy Sphere at a Time

here is half of this piece
still working on the rest
Tempted to paint it

what do you think the elf is doing with his hands?


Oct 5, 2018

Carrots and Kindness

a little evening sketch..... one never knows what will show up on a page
very similar to writing in a journal


for InkTober

Oct 4, 2018

Sylvan Wreath

The autumn king of the northwest woods

Lay down his crown to rest and dream upon the pebble strewn mossy carpet of forest floor

Opening his heart to the permeation of birdsong

He came under the spell of the charms
Charms dangling within the branches of leaves

Made by the wood witch of the northwest woods

another ink drawing for inkTober


Oct 3, 2018


It has been 3 months of not much art!

I am letting InkTober inspire me to do daily art.
So far it is working. 

Here is the first ink drawing
(above is it watercolored
for sale here )

my internet as been down for two days
so I am behind on posting
but not on drawing

Aug 17, 2018

Night Walker

under the light of night
standing with flame of candle
listening, inside and out
being with the pulse of trees
night walker

a peak at two of my visitors:

I adore seeing them!

Jul 21, 2018


a hearty mushroom

yet alert
to all life

in progress
step by step 
it came to life

lovely weekend to you!

Jul 12, 2018

Foraging and Sharing Mushroom Food

unexpected help
feels like a gift to her heart

my wonderful travel case
made by Peg and Awl
it helps to inspire art anywhere I go

Jun 24, 2018

Resting Within

painting a Buddha resting in peaceful silence
inspires deep peace in me

morning visitor:

I was away for a while and could not post on blogger (no matter how I tried to from my iPad). 
I also no longer receive my comments from you in an email, which I had set up to do all these many years. 
Are you also having these complications with blogger?


May 23, 2018

Apr 26, 2018


lately I find myself enjoying botanical art
I love looking at pieces that others have made

I enjoy my whimsical art much more
due to the creative aspect

botanical art is more technical
which is nice in a different way

I took this lesson at Anna Mason's school
I adore succulents
find them so beautiful

Apr 17, 2018

Tree Elf

glancing outside
I spied
elf boy at the base of a tree

reached for my binoculars.....
but he wasn't there

maybe the tree bent down and picked him up

taking ones eyes away to reach for a camera or binoculars 
is always to take risk of missing out on the sighting
still, it was a joy to see him

Apr 5, 2018

PPF: Hunchback Fairy

little hunchback fairy

perfect to support her wings

inspiring freedom of flight into all domains

Above is a floor tile that I saw this little fairy in
do you see her?
This is what inspired the painting.

Sharing with PPF

Apr 4, 2018

Scribble Picnic: watering can

the only thing sprinkling
from watering cans 
in my neck of the woods

Seems the winter fairy has entered spring.

4 fresh inches this week

Visit Scribble Picnic to visit other folks art
for Michael's theme:

Mar 25, 2018

Heart Spark

from a colorful realm
he entered our world
with the gift of
a golden egg

if you are blessed with the offering of this gift
your heart will spark
the ultimate blessing of love is yours

from then on
love is the only possibility


Mar 21, 2018

Scribble Picnic: creams

though my world is still creamy white with snow
I am celebrating spring
with each tight little bud that I see

(even the frozen pond is creamy aqua)

Sharing with Scribble Picnic
theme: Creams

visit to enjoy others art on the take
lovely Spring or Autumn 
to you all!

Mar 14, 2018

Scribble Picnic

across the universe
is a world much like ours
but there
things that are large are small here
and things that are small there are large here

I wonder what kind of differences that would make



Feb 16, 2018

Hiking with Friends

summer hiking
lake fishing
Lucy always in the lead
flowers blooming 
forest growing
that is all we need

hiked to Whale Lake with friends last summer

(there was actually 5 of us, only 2 made it into the painting)
 I think it was 12 miles round trip and 100F

I really enjoyed creating this piece
so colorful against my milky gray winter

Feb 14, 2018

Scribble Picnic: Mushy

within the inner sanctum of his being
endless possibilities 

he chooses
a love affair with life

Thank you Michael

(this might not seem very mushy
yet a love affair with love and life
is entirely intimate to me)

Happy Valentine's Day to you!


Feb 11, 2018

Small Art Journal art

between larger paintings
tiny sketchbook art
makes fills my desire to be painting


Feb 4, 2018

Promise of Spring

more than a promise of spring
in her wee terrarium
all winter long
with love and protection
she holds
the first sprout 
for the birth of spring

an example of where my inspiration comes from:


Jan 24, 2018

Fungi Fantasy Landscape

it is so nice
how i can count on
fantasy fungi drawing/painting
to be enjoyable


I have put hours of time into the following piece:

I can't find my way to the end of it. 
There is (imitation) gold leaf, texture, layers of shading, work on details in hair and background.
She was enjoyable, but.....

does that ever happen to you? 
in anything you do?

Jan 14, 2018

Fairy Queen

she sat
and felt
the beating of her heart

for her people 
rose from this stillness

she knew how to bring more heart to her clan


Jan 3, 2018

Even Elves

even elves 
curious about fairies

yesterday we hiked to a frozen waterfall
ice does such marvelous things
