Apr 28, 2015


i sat sketching her
my mom appeared in the drawing!
I showed it to her and she loved the bird on her head
and said the snake could not be her more
she said she once folk danced with a snake wrapped around her like this
i did not know
but i do remember her picking up snakes with glee
and huge tarantulas (spiders)
she has always loved animals
she is a beautiful redhead

Apr 26, 2015

My Wish for You ~

my wish for you
comes from the depths of inner stillness
rises through heart
 flows into the world 

Apr 24, 2015

DC: Coat

these coats have a life of their own
a very colorful life


Patrice is our lovely host this weekend 
for drawing challenge

which reminds me, my wood shed needs a coat of stain

Apr 21, 2015

Balancing Pose


being playful in nature

hiking this week
i found these flower stems from last year
completely charmed by the basket-like center
which must of held seeds, maybe?

nature is amazing

Apr 12, 2015

Montana Fantasy-scape

 a joyful world

 i have a question for you
below is this piece at the watercolor stage

the one above is the finished version
which i simply went over pencil lines and added white highlights
which do you like best?

one day this week
a new visitor 

a Yellow Finch or American Goldfinch
such a lovely splash of color and song too


Apr 10, 2015

DC: Grass

 in the realm of grass
i offer you this most precious gift

but i could not stop there.....

the land of grass
house under hill of grass
house made of grass
nest of grass
bales of hay (grass)
man wearing hat of grass and shoes
smoking a pipe of grass
green green mountains
of grass
snake in the grass



Apr 7, 2015


though she seems dressed for a warmer day than we have
she does have an atmosphere of the color of early spring

hanging on the island

Apr 3, 2015

DC: Key

 the key
to her balance
became an Elixir of:
being with what is

I was going through my photos with doors and key holes
 I took this photo while visiting my sister in Italia
I wonder what the key that opens this door looks like!
Some day i will draw this door....

last week i started this piece for our pollinators theme
just finished it last night

i know the bee looks huge
but it only wants pollen
and speaking of key:
how mushrooms could hold the key to life 
article and film

This weekend our lovely host is Veronica,
thank you Veronica!