Dec 29, 2011

2011's Setting Sun

it was in the glamour of the setting sun
colors calming
light enlivening
a year coming to an end

she opened to absorb all the colors of a passing year
spheres of insight rose within and around her
2012 a new beginning 

she will bring her heart fully
as she steps gently 
yet deeply
wings rising
vision flowing
and growing
for peace love and freedom
for all
welcome 2012

this week i am posting for two lovely prompts and ways of sharing
simply to say: 

Lovely New Year to all my art and ethereal blog world friends!
visit: Paint Party Friday to enjoy paintings around the world
this Sunday visit: Sunday Sketches for sketches by lovely people

Dec 24, 2011

Ms. Apricot

she closed her eyes
inhaled the frosty air of winter
then opened her eyes wide 
to take in the huge expanse of stars in the dark new moon sky

she had no choice but to be herself
honor the facets of truth as they rose and changed form

for her twin soul was housed in an ice crystal
a crystal that beamed to her a unique light 
as she moved to the left 
or moved to the right in her life
the facets of that light inspired her every move

Tis Christmas Eve Day
and the snow begins to fall
The mail has just arrived!

Jeri Lander had a contest on her blog: Hopalong Hollow Gazette
I won a beautiful Santa in his Sleigh print!
I hope you can see all the charming details, because it overflows with geese, elves, cabins and a fox. 
A gorgeous star and moon sleigh filled with old fashioned toys!

Jeri writes and illustrates gorgeous children's books, 
treat yourself to a visit to her blog!
Thank you Jeri, I love your gift!

Wishing each and everyone of you
a lovely day
and night
today and every breath beyond


Dec 17, 2011

Fashionable Gal

she's a fashionable gal
full of grace and style

moves a bit like deer
uses windows like a mirror

heads do turn
inspiring hearts to burn
in the end we know
that her beauty is more than show

for grace flows
from our hearts to the edges of our light

enjoy other sketches:

I love it when stars fall from the sky
one upon another 
making the world white!

from my heart to yours

Happy Holidays to each of you!


Dec 10, 2011


winter maiden
snowflakes dance
golden hair 
like autumn's grass
tender heart
opens to blue and white
seasons grace may shed some light

join: Sunday Sketches with your own art 
visit to enjoy posts from around the world


Dec 3, 2011

She Walked the Land

walking the earth
through towns and land
walking stick knew the way
when she held it in her hand
aura in golds
and rusty reds 
she walked the way
of the older clans

I have taken to making small pieces of art. 
 I love how I can begin and complete a piece in the evening. 

to enjoy art by others....