Apr 1, 2014

Sunday Sketches: Dreaming of Spring

as winter's presence melts into watery lakes
i dream of butterflies flowers and fungi fairies

sweet beginnings of Spring to you

hello Blue Chair Diaries friends
it seems i have not shared with you for so long. 
I look forward to stopping by and seeing your art!


  1. Your spring invades us ...
    Thanks Tammie.

  2. Oh I am just yearning for the signs of spring... they are so very slowly showing up here in Jersey. Your scenic shot is absolutely breathtaking!

  3. Good to hear that spring is on the way to you, your wunderful illustration is a tempting invitation.
    hugs barbara bee

  4. Beautiful .... Love how you did that background!

  5. me too! this year I am especially ready for the butterfly's :)
    Happy spring to you too

  6. sweet spring to you too. love your artwork and that photo. i'm looking forward to getting outside more... have a great night~

  7. I am so happy it's Spring!

    She's lovely! And my...it's gorgeous where you live.

  8. Here's hoping Spring finds us both very soon and actually sticks around this time!

  9. My goodness, what a splendid marriage of line art and background colors! It makes the whole piece seem magical and evanescent!

  10. This painting is a dream!

  11. Lovely spring creation! The texture and lines together look beautiful. Happy SS!

  12. lovely..fab photo too

  13. Great to 'see' you and your creative work again ~ love the pen and ink sketch for SS and great photo! ~ xoxo

    artmusedog and carol ^_^

  14. I'm glad you are back! Love your pretty girl with the beautiful colors you used! Happy SS!

  15. How wonderful, your beautiful girls are so compelling and fabulous, this one is no exception! Very pretty photo too!

  16. Hi Tammie, Beautiful drawing! After looking at all the little treasures you've got in the painting, I then saw her hair clip is actually a butterfly - sweet discovery. wishing you a good week.

    And about the birds ... it took me a month of studying their colors and cross-referencing and noting before I got a handle on what I was seeing. It's been fun.

  17. The colouring in the background makes this look like a cave painting. It's lovely, Tammie. x


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~