Feb 28, 2013


my last face for 29 Faces
is two faces

faces of a tender start


also sharing with PPF
good Friday to one and all!

Feb 27, 2013

Feb 26, 2013

24,25,26,27 Faces of 29

she gazed at the full moon
letting it touch her heart
her spirit
with her eyes they danced
a sacred dance
one on earth
the other in the heavens

the top two are envelope art
that i sent to two lovely artists

do you ever put art on your envelopes?

Every once in a while
i have to draw gratitude, prayer, namaste

in flight

a mix of all the above


my birthday was last week
and somehow i got behind on posting for 29 faces

so here i am catching up
 here are my birthday portraits taken by my dear friend of 34 years, Abigail ~


lovely day to you~

Feb 22, 2013

Precious Whisper

in a quiet converstation
she learned that humans need to care
for honey bees

 they shared this in a precious whisper

inspired by Illustration Friday's word of the week


face 22
of 29 Faces

Feb 13, 2013

Fairy and Bunny

Fairies were in my dream two nights ago, 
do you ever dream of fairies?


sketchbook sharing
 I love Lyra's Huge skin tone pencils!

Feb 12, 2013

Look to the Light

look to the light
light of the spheres
universal light
eternal light
she exists 
to point to the sphere of light

12th face

Feb 10, 2013


I think of this gal as Lucy

my friend has a pup
her name is Lucy
named after my Grandma

sometimes she tilts her head to listen:

so cute!

sharing with Sophia's Sunday Sketches

face 10

Feb 8, 2013

Jester and Friend

she loves to dance for him
he loves to take her dancing in
to his heart through his eyes
that is simply how it is
this piece i did with a dip ink pen
this paper is quite smooth and i realized 
that the pen likes to slide on ahead of me ;-)
always something to learn

face 8 of 29 Faces

Feb 6, 2013

Ink Sketch


for an evening meditation 
i picked up a paper i had put a watercolor splash on
it was fun to do an ink sketch on the colored background
i love that i never know what i will draw

 face 5 & 6 for
29 sketches 

Feb 2, 2013

Greek Goddess

she wore swirls in her hair
they supported connection 
with the spirals of her world

sharing with Sunday Sketches
I just realized that 29 Faces is happening this month
how can i resist!