Nov 7, 2010

Earth Angel

earth angels mingle in the flesh of our land
permeating the soil with a spirit
in which we find clan
hovering as well in our auras to embed
a reminder that we too are one with the land

 initial sketch:


This week I am celebrating the opening of my new Etsy Shop, Beauty Flows

When I lived in Santa Barbara California, I made jewelry for 24 years. 
Now I am offering for sale that line of jewelry as well as greeting cards of the art you have seen on this blog.

jewelry is made of tiny glass seed beads
gemstones and freshwater pearls

to enjoy wonderful sketches
by other artists,
visit Sophia's Sunday Sketches


  1. Beautiful angel, what did you use on her hair that makes is glisten?

  2. Hi Marlene,

    I use paints called Lumiere Acrylics, I got them from Dick Blick. I have been into shimmery paints for a few months now. But most of my scans or photos don't show it well.
    Thank you for your visit.


  3. Anonymous11/07/2010

    She is so very beautiful; and she looks so serene and happy!

  4. Oh, what a lovely lovely painting. I also like the shimmery paint you use--it adds a bit of sheer magic.

    Your jewelry is beautiful, too, and congratulations on your Etsy shop! I will be taking a look!

    ((hugs)) I keep trying to find another word to fit your work besides exquisite, because I use it so much to describe what I am feeling about it--but that's the word which fits here--I can find no other.

    Have a wonderful day, Sweet Friend!

  5. A shimmering beauty for sure. I'd love to spend a fortune on all these wonderful art supplies... so many great things to try!

  6. Oh she is serene and I love all the poetry and prose on elemental spirits of nature! I will find the poem i mentioned you snow lady reminded me of and post it this week! Congratulations on your store - will love to visit!! I also used to make jewelry, sometimes still do, and I love love love to wear it!

  7. Beautiful work, Tammie! I'm so glad to hear about your new Etsy store, too -- congratulations!

  8. I love the eyes on your angel. That's cool paint you used. Found ya through Sunday Sketches, my first time participating.

  9. I like her gold hair - makes me think she is special and perhaps magical

  10. nice. its the eyes that suck me right in...and the little pucker pout of the lips...great face...nice verse as well...there are angels around us...and a connection to the earth....

  11. Hi Tammie,

    Love her eyes - you have such a wonderful talent for them - she is so very like an earth angel too - very serene!

    Can't believe your jewelry!!! It's gorgeous! I had no idea you made such lovely pieces.

    I will have to hop over to your new shop to see everything.

    Best of luck on this new venture!


    What's the weather like there right now?

  12. Gorgeous painting! I love the rich textures.

    Also, your jewelry is so beautiful and detailed! It must take so much patience to create!

  13. She's so beautiful Tammie, and your jewelry--outstanding! I wish you much luck with your Etsy store. I'm hoping to open one next month if all goes well.

  14. Tammie, What a beauty....the hair is just so gorgeous. You have created a magical feel here. I love her eyes, and the shading throughout her face. she is really popping off the page. I do believe in angels, too....xxoo

  15. This is beautiful! Even before I read the title I could already tell it was an automatically has an
    "angelic" feel to it.

  16. Sophia, Clytie, Sara Lynn,

    Hello and thank you for enjoying her ~


    Thank you for considering her details. And for your blessing with my new store!


    Wouldn't it be grand to try all sorts of art supplies!


    I look forward to your poem.
    Making jewelry can be great fun.


    Many thanks!


    Thank you for your visit and lovely comment.


    fun how certain colors can make a feeling or thought come to life.


    Really fun for me to see this post through your thoughts, your eyes. Thank you.

    Hello Julia, 

    Thank you for your lovely comment. It really is wonderful to read comments and re-look at a post, at a piece of art and consider it in a new light. I thank you for this. 
    When my son was young I wanted to be a stay at home mom, and I was single. So I began the jewelry business. It gave me lots of freedom as well as a lot of work. Thank you for appreciating it. 

    Today is gray, the kind of gray where it looks like the same time all day long. 
    The kind of gray where it makes ones eyes a little cloudy. The kind of day where hot tea and a warm fire are perfect. 


    Thank you for your lovely comment!


    A magical feel, ah, thank you. I love shading faces... There is something sweet about watching a spirit come to life with the layers of color.


    So lovely that you could tell she is an angel. The hills are her wings... I was not sure if anyone would notice that.

    Wishing you all a lovely week. 


  17. Her the eyes seem to hide deep gentleness...

    Thank you.

  18. Loved this
    You are a great artist!

  19. Lovely sketch and finished painting Tammie. Good luck with your new shop! Your jewelry is just as wonderful and as your paintings.

  20. The sketch was lovely but painted is Wow!! Great colours and vibrancy!

  21. Congratulations, Tammie! The shop looks wonderful. I wish you many many sales. Your new painting is lovely - her hair is so luminescent. Theresa

  22. Gorgeous Tammie..she has such a pure heart and spirit to her energy! i love her eyes..and her gaze..the whole piece is calming and wonderfully healing! Beautiful work!

    OH yay..fantastic lovely..your gorgeous jewlery and cards..wonderful!
    Awesome!! Wishing you much magic on your new adventures!

  23. Yay! Congratulations on the openining of your shop !
    Your jewelry is beautiful... and, wow - I thought you had used some sort of metallic leafing... the effect is fabulous :)


  24. Tammie,
    She is so very beautiful and so much like an angel !!!
    I am so pleased to hear about your new Etsy shop and many, many best wishes for success!

  25. the eyes is as it is...

  26. hey cute blog, will you check out mine? it's new and i need followers, i hope to hear from you soon!!!

  27. Love her green eyes!

    johanna, sweden

  28. This is such a beautiful painting, it seems to shimmer to me and catch my eye instantly. I love the innocence projected in this piece. Lovely work!

  29. Hi Tammie.
    Thank you for stopping by my Blog to visit.
    I visited your etsy shop ~ Your photography is gorgeous!!! And if that little cabin in the photo on your sidebar that says "Home Sweet Home" is truly where you live... well, you are one blessed gal. What a beautiful, peaceful place to call "home".
    Nice to meet you.
    ♥ audrey

  30. gorgeous painting and jewelery!

  31. You inspire me Tammie, you're very productive!:) I love your jewelry, such fine taste! I also checked out your shop and I find it funny that we might have been setting up on Etsy at the same time.haha Mine is still unfinished though.

  32. Love the beauty of your artwork and the poem :)
    My favourite part:
    "a reminder that we too are one with the land"

    Touches my heart deeply!

  33. Beautiful poems and jewellery to go along. And then you say you are a photographer too Wow!
    Thanks for your comments Tammie..and oh that cabin of yours sounds like such a dream.

  34. Tammie, I adore your earth angel, LoVe the color choices and the paints are so iridescent looking and dreamy! And your beading is amazing, I can't imagine the patience involved in creating that jewelry!

    Also I want to thank you so much for visiting and taking the time to leave such a kind comment on my blog :)

    xo ajae

  35. Beautiful. Good luck with your new shop xJ

  36. I love how you've used those shiny paints, it gives it a very magical feel! I think I've been inspired to get mine out again now! :) xx

  37. ~i l♥ve working with our metallic paints...they bring forth a little extra piece of magic and sheen! she is gorgeous...congrats on your shop...may it be a prosperous and fulfilling adventure ahead...much l♥ve and light upon you always~

  38. wishing you so much good fortune with your new shop!!

  39. Wow! Oh wow! The shading on her face is so gentle, beautifully blended and smooth. And the shimmer! That is absolutely gorgeous. Reminds me of the art of the Byzantine era. Look at those eyes and that nose and mouth! Fabulous!

    And speaking of fabulous, your jewelry is beautiful! So much intricate work with all those tiny seed beads, but the results are wondrous.

  40. So many lovely visits, thoughts, ideas and comments. I thank you all so much. You encourage me endlessly. Your kindship is a wonderful gift in my life.

    Heartfelt warmth,


  41. Anonymous11/15/2010

    she is magical, and your words beautiful.. especially 'permeating the soil with a spirit
    in which we find clan'

    just had a peep in your new glad your selling these spirited artworks as cards..i love them (and your photographic cards are stunning..more so in the flesh - so to speak) jewelry is cool too.. a very creative lady :)


  42. This is beautiful Tammie, I adore your poem.x

  43. I like this drawing as well, filled with strength..

    You are a clever and creative woman! :)

  44. very splendid post.
    your talent soars.

  45. Anonymous11/21/2010

    keep it up.

    I am your follower, welcome follow us back.

    hope to see you at our week 11 potluck tonight.
    we are open Sunday, American central time 8pm and remain open until Wednesday 8am.

    any poems are welcome,
    linking in early would be of most beneficial to have your work read and commented by fellow participants.

  46. Tammie- you are SOOO talented- I can not even begin to tell you... An ETSY shop??? Way to go- I will have to investigate!


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~