Nov 28, 2010

St. Armand Watercolor Paper

5 1/2" x 5 1/2"

An envelope arrived in the mail yesterday.
Perhaps you all know Lynne Hoppe through her art blog?
If not I recommend that you stop by and enjoy her wonderful world of art!

Well ms. Lynne sent me two pieces of St. Armand watercolor paper. 
She tells me it is made from t-shirt remnants. 
I am brand new to watercolors
and also drawing a face from the side, so be gentle with me.

Lynne, thank you for this wonderful gift!

It was super fun to try a new paper. 
With the second sheet I will try watercolors with a brush, not the pencils, to experience
the difference.

 first the sketch:

then the watercolor pencils:

followed with a wet brush:

To enjoy sketches by other wonderful artists, visit:





  1. oh, Tammy ... oh, my.
    Just beautiful.

    Your cabin, too. Am hoping the snow holds off around here for a little while longer...

  2. what a beautiful setting for a snuggly cabin. is that yours?
    The paper sounds fun, made from t-shirts? i have not heard of that either. I love the way your painting came out. beautiful auburn hair...
    i will pop over to check out her blog, too! i hope you are enjoying your day, and thank you for all of your kind words. they mean a lot to me! xxoo

  3. Isn't it fun to try new things!!! Oh, and I am so envious of where you live! I used to live in the woods and MISS it!

  4. Hello Anno,
    May your snow birds take their time.

    yes, that is home sweet home.
    Thank you for your lovely visits as well!

    It is fun to try new things. Woods are a wonderful thing to have around.


  5. OH, my goodness! You say this stuff is made from tea shirts??? THAT is so cool!

    What a beautiful piece you made--I am new at watercolors, too. This piece just fills my eyes. What a beauty--and that feeling of peace which always seems to permeate your wonderful artwork.

  6. shoot...i think you did wonderful...nice colors in the face...what cool paper too...

  7. such a wonderful dreamy portrait!!! i love it!
    thanks so much for your wonderful words!

  8. Lovely sketch, trying new products is fun. I have never heard of that paper but it sounds interesting. Love the picture of the snow, beautiful.

  9. Well done Tammie!
    And it's a good thing you took time to get that wood in! 20F here this AM...but no snow.

  10. Such a beautiful watercolor painting! Your snow is brilliant!

  11. Anonymous11/28/2010

    She really is beautiful. I love how you showed her as a sketch, then finished.

    And the snow ... how peaceful and cold!

  12. HI Tammie..yay..gorgeous..such a beautiful painting and the watercolor gives such a differnt feel and energy to it too..beautiful!She is wonderful!
    Shine's to more watercolor magic !!

  13. Wow, paper made from t-shirts??? Now that's what I call upcycling, what a fab idea. It looks quite tough to work with.
    What a gorgeous cabin you have. Hope you are snug and cosy in there!

  14. oh wow!!!! that paper sounds and looks amazing with the texture....your painting is beautiful!!!! I love it!!!!

  15. Well that paper sure works for you!! Lovely watercolour!! (And incredibly picturesque home!)

  16. Great job! Love the face!

  17. Oooh... I love the texture of that paper - your painting looks great on it!


  18. Anonymous11/28/2010

    Hi Heather, I think your drawing came out lovely today! It has an soft, ethereal look to it; neat paper! Enjoy your snow!

  19. I think it's lovely, Tammie!
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I love meeting new people. :)

  20. Hi Tammie, What interesting paper. It really shows in the first one as I kept wondering how you got that texture. I like both paintings. I see you too are snowed in. We had a foot but it is now melting. But they say more is on the way. Take care, Sharon

  21. I myself have used watercolor paper. I did painting on it, something of an opt illusion. Here's my sketch

  22. you are so welcome, tammie! she's beautiful! you were brave to jump right in! i think you'll like the brush even better, as the surface of the paper is pretty fragile. as i said, you were brave. : )

    thank you for your kind words...


  23. Anonymous11/29/2010

    She is just lovely.
    Do you name your ladies?
    That paper texture is really nice. I have heard of it, but not seen it.

    My husband used to do a lot of paper mill work for the engineering company he is with.

  24. Such a lovely water color painting you've made! Warm and satisfied, she looks to me, the girl you have painted :)You haven't done it before? And you made it so beautiful!! =) Do you know which size (roughness) the paper is made of?
    Winter land at your place, I can see..!
    Have a nice week! :)

  25. wow, these are beautiful and have such a dreamy texture! wonderful job :)

  26. love the texture you have created in the top image. I adore watercolour paper, the really expensive kind. Although I'm not really a painter I love to run my hands over it, it's almost fabric like.

  27. wonders came her way...
    oh how i loooove thee!!
    & how fun to play
    w/watercolors & other artists!
    looove to you!

  28. hello everyone.

    Thank you all for your lovely visits and words of reflection and support!

    I love how so many of you were interested in the paper. I guess we like texture and new products to experience.

    I often do name my pieces of art, not always the lady. This one does not have a name. I think because blogs offer a place for a title that has gotten me to name things. Also because it is easier to talk about something if there is a name to it.

    wishing you all a lovely week
    and beyond.


  29. fantastic art.
    thanks for sharing...

  30. Tammie - she is really beautiful. The portrait looks so ethereal on the watercolor papers. I cannot believe that snow. I keep wishing for it, especially now that it's December. Hopefully soon! Theresa

  31. You are so talented. I like these very much.

  32. Everything here is gorgeous! Your painting is beautiful, as always. The paper you are using looks very nice, as well!

    The photo is lovely, as is the card you received!

  33. I've never heard of that paper, but the texture is gorgeous! I wish I could run my fingers over it. Beautiful portrait! She looks quite sophisticated. And I was surprised when you said it was watercolor pencil. Wonderful!

  34. Beautiful work and a beautiful gift. xJ

  35. Hey Tammie thanks for visiting me at the forge and your kind words , your work is beautiful , your have a distinct and recognisable style in your work which i think all great artists and illustrators posses and wow what an awesome cabin and setting....sooooo jealous !


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~