Sep 11, 2011

Mouse Friend

they are kin


Summer can be full to overflowing in the NW of Montana,
a time to do outdoor things that our long winters do not support.

One thing I have done is help Larry work on his tiny log cabin. 
Staining windows:

 pre-chinking logs:

while he chalked around the corners of logs

so fun to see his cabin come to life!


  1. Anonymous9/11/2011

    You are pure as the river.
    Necessary as the wind.
    Thank you for such beauty.
    A mouse, a life ...

  2. I love your Mouse Friend painting! (Although the mouse wouldn't love me...I caught his relative last week in my basement!). Super cute and great colors! I would love to see a pic of the whole cabin. It is built similar to my own. Mine is in the eastern corner of the state where Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee all come together. By the way, I answered your question on my blog. If it doesn't come to you in an email, go back and see it in the comments on my blog. Thanks!

  3. Remei,
    this is such a beautifully creative response. Thank you for your lovely heart!

    I would love to see your cabin also. I will share a photo of the cabin at another time, or perhaps I can send you one in an email.

    I also do not allow living with mice.


  4. Such a beautiful friendship...that little mouse is a darling! :)

    Wow, you've been very busy! That cabin looks amazing.... oxx

  5. Your picture is so lovely. I would not look so calm.

    Love the cabin, what a wonderful project to be doing yourself. It is beautiful!

  6. Well done of the 9/11 work. Glad to see you at "Supples Me" ... Cheers

  7. It is so nice to see the round logs, I haven't seen them since I moved away from Colorado. Here in Tennessee, most cabins are squared logs. You are both doing a great job, I love log houses.

  8. Love your cabin!! It is gorgeous!! What a sweet little girl, even though she looks like she has some serious thoughts going on behind her eyes :)

  9. I love that she seems to know herself right down to her companion!
    I envy you being in Montana--one of my favorite states that I had the pleasure of driving through--and a log cabin--very cool!

  10. She is the cuttest thing with that mouse. :) I had to touch up our windows this weekend, too. :) Not my favorite thing to do.

  11. A log cabin - how fantastic! I hope you get to enjoy it too. I love the way you've rendered the face, makes me want to draw a face right now!xx

  12. OH wow Tammie..I LOVE her..she has this old worlde-vintage-y vibe to her..even Victorian era for some reason..I totally can see her animated in that era! There is something about her eyes and pose and her total presence..and just the energy from her..she feels real! I love her!

    very cool cabin photos..

  13. Anonymous9/13/2011

    Oh wow a beautiful log cabin. The wood looks a total dream! So well made!
    Thank you Tammie for your beautiful message, hope Blue star brings big goodness your way too!
    Huge hug :) Julie

  14. Beautiful painting and lovely handiwork on Larry's cabin, Tammie. I have no idea what pre-chinking is but it looks like the cabin will be much warmer as a result of doing it! Enjoy the final days of summer. xx

  15. Your girl with the mouse friend is beautiful.

    The cabin looks great. Both my grand daughters were born in cabins in Montana.

  16. Welcome back, Tammie! Wow, what a labor of love. Aren't log cabins the best. What a reminder that we truly can live simply and small, with what nature provides. I love the wonderful textures you are getting into your work. I can't remember the medium you use, but it has such a rich, velvety quality. I LOVE the dreamy girl post below as well. Thanks for the fabulous and thoughtful comments on my post. I love it when someone sees all the details.

  17. Such a beautiful painting! I love her face - and her little mouse friend. Log cabins are amazing - how I would love to live in one (even for just a little bit!)

  18. how exciting to build a cabin!

  19. The shading of her face is lovely, and that mouse is an awesome detail~

    I'm jealous of Larry's cabin, it looks so cozy!

    // - T.W -

  20. reminded me how soft, warm, and light a little mouse on your shoulder can be. I used to have a little mouse that hung out on my shoulder! I love the expression on the girl's face. Beautiful...

  21. Hi! So good to see your "face" o my blog - I hope you are well! I have missed you - I love the mouse lady of course!!!! and dreamy below is beautiful, too!!!

  22. another lovely beauty. hope you're having a sweet day.

  23. Anonymous9/19/2011

    Tammie, thank you so much for your lovely message. So nice to hear from you as I was worried about missing some of my closest blogging friends.
    You gave me such a huge smile today! Thank you so much :-) Julie

  24. Oh guess if I love that type of cabin! Well done! =)

    And I like your painting as well! :)


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~