Jun 14, 2017

Scribble Picnic: Birds

bird song

uplifted her to the clouds

music can be like that



  1. Beautiful entry...she's so cute and I love the action....Also what a lovely place to create.

  2. How I love your table and view and very cool lamp. No wonder you can create such beauty in a spot like that!

  3. Love being able to see your beautiful artwork actually in progress on your work table.
    She's so pretty, and obviously is enjoying the songbird's melody.

  4. she seems like she is having fun, enjoying just being

    that looks like a nice little nook to paint while looking out into the nice green scenery

    have a lovely day.

  5. what a fun sketch!! i love it!

  6. This is a perfect piece for the theme, nice work!

  7. Sitting and singing his song on the bottom of her shoe, this little bird is able to lift the Lady up to the sky.

    Miracle of a Nordic Forest Hut Room with wooden furnitures!

  8. you are so minimalistic in your prose, Tammie, and yet so detailed in your art. Very interesting indeed. This one is no exception and beautifully rendered. I love what you wrote for it too and your lil nook there is utterly cozy! Love it. Great to have you back this week. Thank you so much! :) This makes a wonderful addition to our "bird watching" picnic. :D

  9. I love those soft colors and the way you repeated some of those shapes. This is very thought provoking.

  10. Hi Tammie Lee! :) Your work space is such an inspiration, no wonder you make such lovely art! :) Bird songs do that to me too, especially Mourning Doves. I find myself in another place when I'm listening to their cooing. :)

  11. A nice, light-hearted piece–I think I hear the music!

  12. Anonymous6/16/2017

    beautiful artwork and beautiful place to think of your drawings!
    The picture is so lively
    Greetings Elke

  13. This is such a delightful piece. Have a great weekend.

  14. Beautiful art for this week's Scribble Picnic prompt, Tammie. It made me smile and what a lovely setting to sketch and paint at.

  15. very nice :) great colours and cute little birdy :)

  16. A fantastic painting! I love how you paint bodies. Yes, bird songs are good melodies!

  17. Such a lovely work table and view! So fun to see.

  18. Ha Tammie,een reis naar de wolken met de vlieger
    en met de vlieger weer terug, een mooie tekening.
    Een mooie wolkendroom...................
    Mooi jou teken plekje
    wolken groetje

    Ha Tammie, a trip to the clouds with the kite
    And with the kite back again, a beautiful drawing.
    A beautiful cloudy dream ...................
    Nice place to draw you
    Clouds greeting


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~