Nov 24, 2016

Tattoo Elf

A customer saw one of my Christmas Elf's and asked if I could do her
holding a tattoo gun.

Her she is ready to make your dream tattoo for you

wink wink


original in the shop

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. 
I am thankful for your kinship here in blogland!


  1. Ha Tammie,
    een prachtige kerst elf, mooie de tekening als postkaart met Kerstmis
    binnen te krijgen, en zien te liggen op je deurmat.
    lieve groet

    Ha Tammie,
    a wonderful Christmas elf, beautiful drawing as a postcard Christmas
    to get inside, and got to be on your doorstep.
    dear greeting

  2. You're so clever! And I love your sweet imp!

  3. Anonymous11/27/2016

    wie schön deine Elfe
    Ich wüsnche dir einen schöne Adventzeit!
    Hezrlichen Gruss Elke

  4. Greetings to you, dear Tammie! The tree in here is a brother/sister of Bavarian-Forest Christmas-trees! Artsister and feeling-sister1 :))

  5. Oh how sweet she is! I love the tree too.


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~