Nov 1, 2014

DC: underwear

some tasks are so important that one flees into the woods
in what ever they have on
even in their underwear

the ink drawing 
before painting

below my woodland model

thank you for being our lovely host!
Visit her blog to see more 'underwear' art



  1. On that sunny day, she can wear everything. It doesn't matter to her, she has more important things to do. Great picture. I like the way you start your drawing and the colours makes it a nice underwear picture. What do you think about Lotte's Art?

    1. yes Joke, she has very important things to do.

      I don't know Lotte's art......

  2. Gorgeous! I love the delicate lines.

  3. That's brilliant Tammie! I completely agree. I do exactly the same thing...except when I'm here in the city and run out in time for the rubbish pick up, I do get a couple raised

    1. so fun Veronica
      i have run out in my underwear too

  4. Funny and serious! When I see the raw drawing: You found the perfect colours for this picture! I also see graves of creatures in heaven....

    1. i so enjoy how people get to make art/ my art their own
      and i get to look at it anew through you

    2. I often make similar experiences, its great! :)

  5. dancing happily on your own, reminding the laughter of loved ones having gone for so long and being with the spirits of the woods, nothing more appropriate but underwear. I like this. a lot

    1. so enjoyed your poetic response Annton

  6. That's a nice random act of kindness:) - eric

    1. such cute insight
      that could be the title
      thanks for inspiring a smile

      lovely new week to you,


  7. I like how your drawings always have a story around them- this one feel lighthearted but I'm wondering about the grave stones in the back ground- perhaps
    it is telling me to stay in the moment no matter what :) spontaneity! lovely :)

    1. how fun to see how the gravestones have influenced you. I think staying in the moment is the most profound experience we can have. but there are no rules ;-)
      the gravestones came about because of Halloween, because i have never drawn any and in Honor of the weekend being: The Day of the Dead, a time to honor those who have passed before us.

  8. thank you so much Alexandra!

  9. Oh, that's cute again! Lovely, how she helps the little owl!

  10. sweet painting. & I would her underwears are quite cute but I would have color in some bright color instead of black but the black works well in the environment, guess I'm just a bit color obsess

    have a great day.

    1. yes, bright color would be nice
      and also make her stand out more
      not sure why i chose black, maybe to make it look more like underwear for the theme
      i would have never dressed her like this without the theme
      but then again, maybe this piece would not exist.... if not for the theme
      themes are a bit like deadlines and can inspire completion
      i love completing pieces

      sweet new week to you

  11. that model of yours shows its ribcage, could do with some under- and above wear... ;)))
    i like the tombstones too, the inscriptions, a hint of humour, and realism.

    1. yes, she is pretty thin as she reaches up to hand over the owlet.
      thank you for enjoying the humor in the tombstones

  12. Bonsoir ma chère amie,

    J'aime beaucoup ton dessin avec cette magnifique biche et cette maman chouette dans son nid...
    Les sous-vêtements sont une belle coquetterie.

    Je te fais de gros bisous ♡

  13. sweet drawing of a sweet danser
    at least , she looks like a danser to me
    and than, the owls ;^))
    thank you!

  14. Wow How cool …Love the photo of your inspiration & your sweet drawing that it inspired!

  15. Tammie beautiful in your underwear in the woods
    along with the deer and the owl, very beautiful !!
    And people silent as the grave ......
    Kind regards Christiene ..............

    Tammie prachtig in je ondergoed in de bossen
    samen met het hertje en de wijze uil ,heel mooi!!
    En de mensen zwijgen als het graf......
    Lieve groetjes Christiene..............

  16. This is so touching - of course returning the little owl to its nest would be of maximum importance.
    What a wonderful story to draw and then paint, and even more wonderful to paint it in such a beautiful and sensitive way.
    The colours you have chosen reflect the seriousness of the mission and the environment with the gravestones.
    Yes, I like this very much, you might have guessed!

  17. so charming, so nice! thank you, Tammie, for this interpretation of the theme!
    x Stefanie

  18. Beautiful art, love both your paintings and photos! <3

  19. Adorable! And I like her underwear too. Thank goodness I rarely encounter such important tasks. No one wants to see my granny panties. I love your brushstrokes. :)


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