Jun 5, 2013

Crystalline Realm

Dip Ink Pen for the outlines
watercolors for the gemstones
so fun to try new things

if you are in Whitefish Montana Thursday June 6th
our town has art walk from 6-9
I will be showing my photography
and debuting my art at
sips and nibbles of excellent pasta and drinks

 wonderful music of Lee Zimmerman on Cello

(art will stay on the walls through June)

i would love to see you 


  1. Bonjour,
    Dommage que vous soyez si loin pour moi, autrement je serais volontiers venue vous rendre visite...
    Je vous souhaite plein de bonnes choses et de belles rencontres.

    Un village de crayon, voilà ce que m'inspire ce beau dessin... A chaque croisement de rues de nouvelles histoires se racontent...
    Gros bisous à vous.

  2. This is really lovely and original! Love this technique, the colors are crystal clear and beautiful! Congrats on the show, I wish I could come! <3

  3. That looks like a lot of fun. Love the collours you used .
    Have fub on the show.
    Liefs, Melanie

  4. Ha Tammie,ja dat is echt leuk nieuwe dingen uitproberen en deze is ook mooi om te zien.
    Zelf vind ik het ook leuk om iets nieuws proberen
    Liefs groetjes

  5. Like crystal houses! It's such a unique idea! Good luck with your exhibition Tammie!xx

  6. It looks like a landscape with very special houses ...

  7. Sounds great! Good luck and congratulations :)
    sweet little ink painting the colors are so serene

  8. It is fascinating to a kingdom of glass!
    Amiga, great job and an unforgettable experience.
    It's good to try new things.
    A kiss!

  9. I like how you brought together an imaginative landscape and the stylish geometry of the crystals. This is really good, Tammie!

  10. I am happy for you that you have the exhibition. Wish it was not so far away! Valerie

  11. Oh WOW! Well, you're probably selling your heart out as I write this! Good luck with the show and SO happy to have you join the SOC again this year - we are lucky to have you, xoxo

  12. Beautiful gemstone this watercolor, color and shapes and your game.

    Congratulations on the show, I'd love to be there. Enjoy a lot!

    A big kiss dear Tammie

  13. Wow, these are really! Really cool, simple but great!

  14. Pretty Crystalline Realm. Shame I don't live near Montana. Art walk—what a great idea! Absolutely adore your night and day watercolours in your previous post too.


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~