May 17, 2013

She Leaps (fillip)

leaping with spring
enlivens one's spirit

there are many meanings:

enliven, flip, excites, stimulates
flick, spur,  and so on....

I was going to draw a fairy flipping through the air
but when i sat to draw.... 
it was as if the fairy played a joke on me,
I totally forgot my original idea!

you see there just is no controlling what a fairy wants to do!
if she must leap, then leap she must ;-)

but i can play and flip the art ;-)

two meanings:
flip and enliven

also i will be joining Sunday Sketches (come Sunday)
Sweet days and nights to you~



  1. What a lovely, graceful drawing. I also totally enjoyed your poetry and thoughts. (Heehee) There is an almost Art Nouveau feel to this piece. Which, of course, fills my eyes to the brim.

  2. Love the elegance of the lines and how they guide the eye through the drawing.

  3. GORGEOUS AND UPLIFTING, TAMMIE LEE!!! And thank you dear heart, for visiting and leaving such kind words. ENJOY A WONDERFUL DAY! Anita

  4. your drawing made me smile, will share, thank you dear faerie (:

  5. What a beautiful post Tammie Lee!
    So happy, gave me a smile.
    Thank you so much for visiting and leaving such a sweet note.

  6. I love your drawing style. The nice long legs, and tehntoads with faces. It's a nice scene for in a storybook.
    Have a vey nice weekend.
    Liefs, Melanie

  7. haha, I love your drawing, the mushrooms are great guys... I hope the fairy and you will spend a good time together!
    Thank you for taking part in the d.c.
    and for your comments on my blog
    x Stefanie

  8. lilies of the valley. mushRooms with fine miens. a spRingleaping faiRy.
    cheeRful dRawings in the moRning - quite the best.
    amused. käthe.

  9. Sooo sweet :D

    I'm starting a little group on my blog and wondered if you'd like to take part. It's very flexible and you can join in whenever you feel the urge, or not. Feel free to invite other bloggers if you wish :D

  10. What a wonderful, playful and joyous drawing! I love the mushroom faces!

  11. such indeed, is the life of fairies...
    i think indeed there was no stopping her here...

  12. beautiful line drawing! it's so fine and delicate!

  13. How beautiful and soul uplifting. I love your sweet and delicate lines and the adorable mushroom faces.

    I am sorry to have missed so much....can't wait to catch up on your other posts, Tammie. <3

  14. I love it! The mushrooms are just up my alley!

  15. What a lovely surprise to have you come visit my blog today and say such nice things. Your blog is a real delight and I will certainly check back again. Peace.

  16. Beautiful fillip Tammie! I love the strong lines in this piece. Lovely!

  17. YES,drawing is such a magic process taking us where it will and sometimes flipping us on our mental ears. A delightful spring sprite you have given us, Tammie. xoxo, sus

  18. lovely work! Thank you so much for coming by my blog too :)

  19. pencil drawing, still my first love
    and you made a lovely spring one

    Patrice A.

  20. :))....that's what spring does, enliven one's spirit, it makes me(a kind of) leap through my garden too,
    i just love your mushrooms, xx

  21. Haha, that often happens to me ; forgetting the original idea... maybe it's all good, going with the flow! Your drawing is super charming and sweet, lovely line work! Love the flowers and mushroom audience! <3

  22. what a very graceful fairy! A lovely whimsical drawing.

  23. she's so graceful and beautiful! Happy SS!

  24. I love the delicacy of your lines. Blessings!

  25. Just looking at her makes me happy. For me, that is what art is all about.

  26. Delightful art work and her skirt seems to match the mushrooms and love her 'leaping' ~ Wonderful! ~ Happy Sunday ^_^

  27. WOW! I love it! I didn't see the faces at first and then I only saw one. After it was flipped I could see them all. SO cool!! Thanks for sharing. :)

  28. Anonymous5/19/2013

    You are a great artist ...
    This drawing is beautiful and your inspiration is a natural gift.
    Thanks for making us happy.
    A kiss.

  29. isn't jumping same as flipping? it's a lovely sketch. I like those mushroom faces, they're the audience

    have a sweet day.

  30. lovely light airy sketch fitting the theme!

  31. Spring must be so stunning at your little cottage in the woods... it must unfurl and inspire you constantly... love the energy of your fairy!!!

  32. very good, the fairy made ​​a joke to you, but with an artist not joke
    an artist with his pencil can do whatever you want, (you could draw the fairy with a big nose, for example)
    I liked your post, and thank you for your comment!!

  33. She is a beauty. I love your lines Tammie Lee. Such lines that move and enliven. You give life to an idea and breath original energy into it. This is a lovely drawing. Norma, x

  34. Love the whimsy of this piece and the mushrooms are so clever!

  35. Your fairy looks so delicate, it's beautiful! Thanks for visiting my blog :)

  36. Leuk Tammie, dat je met iets bezig bent en het heel iets anders word dan gedacht.Heel mooi!
    Groetje Christiene.

  37. dear Tammie
    your drawing make me want to dance!!!I love your plants,they have faces-)))Wonderful!!!!
    i send you a big smile +hugs

  38. what a delicate drawing and lively YES! so spring like and stimulating as fillip- so nice to meet you here, can't wait to see the rest of your blog :)

  39. Lovely and ethereal - love the mushroom men too! Makes me wonder about what else is in the enchanted forest :)

  40. Hello Tammie, I love how the drawing flippled through your ideas/fillip and love it. Joyful and delicate linedrawing!

  41. This leaping fairy is so lovely too, ah such freedom and movement, beautiful!

  42. Light energy and free flowing... freedom, so beautiful!

  43. Such a lovely illustration Tammy!

    She looks so elegant and free!

  44. Hahahahaha, oh, you are so clever. :) She's so graceful with her slender limbs. Oh, mr. mushroom looks worried! :)))


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