Jun 9, 2012

Thank You Jerry's Artarama!

this face is larger than life at 10x13 inches 
so many layers of pencil and watersoluable markers

the true color is between the top and bottom image

she is most certainly of the Fae family

Recently there was a giveaway from Artful Gathering
I won the first prize!!!
$200 gift certificate for art supplies from Jerry's Artarama!

I am thrilled with my good fortuane!

I offer a big heartfelt thank you to Artful Gathering and to Jerry's Artarama!


the funny thing is that I ordered an ink that i already have ~ oops

first thought: I will give it to one of my blog friends!

So if you think you would enjoy using Daler Rowney shimmering blue acrylic ink,
(a white with shimmering blue to it)
say "ink please" in your comment 
then i will include you in the giveaway
 Friday 15th!



  1. She has amazing eyes...so beautiful.

    $200 gift certificate...WOW Congrats! Boy what I could do with $200. :)

    I've never used acrylic ink so why not....ink please. :)

  2. Wow..gorgeous art..she is fabulous and such a dazzling photo..I love the color..so deeply beautiful..wonderful vibe and warmth..magical! Congrats on all your winnings..such treasures..lucky gal!
    and boy you are generous..I love ink too..what a wonderful gift! Good luck to all!

  3. The colors you have achieved in the skin and hair are remarkable! Those eyes are soooo penetrating and beautiful. I like how you create the highlights.

    BTW, the ink sounds luscious....and congrats!

  4. Love your new piece Tammie!!! and congrats on your big win!!! you have some amazing supplies there!!!!

  5. What an excellent prize! $200 worth, bonanza! You deserve it, you are the most prolific artist I have ever met!

  6. ...how fun that you won!!! Congrats.....
    I've never used that ink, so include me in your giveaway, "ink please!"

    Also....I love this pink elf girl. Her eyes and lips are gorgeous. I really like the closeup. I keep going back to the eyes!

  7. Great colors... I love her violet eyes... Very Liz Taylor! :-)

    And isn't Jerry's Artarama just heaven on earth? We have one locally and I spend entirely too much time there!

  8. She is beautiful Tammie... I love both her coloring and shading... and those ears... wonderful!! and BIG congrats on your awesome win... love the goodies you received... the ink sounds divine... shimmering blue... how lovely... so definitely 'ink please' thank you for the chance...

    Jenny x

  9. I love her. She's pretty!

  10. So nice of you to share your prize! ink Please!

  11. This is one of your best works! Love her beautiful eyes and ears!
    And congrats on winning the giveaway1 WOW! 200$ worth of products is a dream!!! :)

  12. wow! a huge congratulations to you, that is awesome!
    enjoy creating more and more beautiful things with all your shiny new art stuff :D

  13. Wow! Congrats on winning! :) I would love to try out the ink. So, ink please! :) And your portrait is gorgeous! I love the close up. Your shading is just wonderful.:)

  14. Well done on your win...
    She is gorgeous, beauty certainly does flow.
    Love to you

  15. Elle voit la vie en rose ... magnifique et plein d'optimisme...
    Bravo pour le prix que vous venez de remporter.
    Gros bisous à vous.

  16. So glad you won ~ and so great that you in turn are having a 'giveaway' ~ Lovely sketch and wonderful paintings ~ eyes are awesome! ~ ^_^ ( A Creative Harbor)

  17. That's a lovely, large painting, beautifully done!

    congrats on your awesome giveaway, "ink please"!

  18. wow a $200 gift card- that's soooo awesome! Looks like you had fun picking things out! I LOVE Jerry's too we have one close to me and I can spend hours and fortunes there! hee

    also, love the eyes on this beautiful lady...loving the detail and close up views!

    happy weekend, tammie! xo

  19. wow, yes wow on all aspects of the post!
    cheers, dana

  20. WOW! what beautiful eyes. She really is a stunner! I love the colours you have used.
    Congratulations on your win, How exciting, you have a good range of supplies to keep you going for a while. How thoughtful of you to share your prize. I have never used that ink before so 'Ink Please' Tammie.

  21. What a lovely sketch :) and a wonderful gift.
    Have a great day!

  22. WOw! I love her face! Her eyes are amazing and that little thingy (no idea the name of it) below the nose is fantastic.
    Congrats on your fabulous win!!

  23. Beautiful! Love the fabulous eyes and ears! Congrats on your win, how awesome and fun prize!

  24. such a wonderful face and she looks so very proud. Congratulations on your win, that's an amazing gift!

  25. Muy bonita tu pintura. Es impactante el rostro de la chica.

    Un saludo

  26. Wow, great work. And I love the "she" below. Amazing!

  27. Anonymous6/10/2012

    Congrats on winning the contest- I think I'd go dizzy with the possibilities,lol.
    Your maiden of Fey I adore! Love that you've done her in one concentrated color and her lovely expressive eyes. Beautiful.

  28. Yummy! All of those art supplies look scrumptious! Have fun!

  29. Oh Tammie! Congratulations to you, what a happy lady you are! :) Good! :)
    And that is a lot of money all the stuff for drawing and painting you got! =) I'm glad you won it! :)

    And the face you've drawn is absolutely gorgeous! :) her eyelashes, glimmering lovely eyes, her nose and the U under nose (what you call it again?), I love your painting! :)

    So nice of you to give away the ink! :) There is more taxes to send it to my country, so I choose not to..


  30. thank you all for your wonderful visits, for enjoying this art and for your celebration over my winnings!
    I do feel most fortunate!


  31. I am seriously jealous of that haul... so many great things to play with there... makes me want to visit the art supply and freshen up some things... but more than that gorgeous photo of wonderful the work this week is very special... your tonal work is really very very good... and the eyes were out of this world...xx

  32. I am falling into her magical eyes...
    I am falling into her spell...
    Willingly I fall....
    Thank you for helping me let go
    and just fall. Ahhhh...delightful.

  33. I opened this post and felt kissed by her! Wow! they are both quite colorful and fun! Wonderful detail.

    Sure, why not? Ink please! I love to try new products.

    Congrats on your huge win!!! Wow!

  34. Anonymous6/11/2012

    I know you will get full use out of the supplies!

  35. you are so generous in sharing your art, and good fortune. but then, only a generous heart could create such moving pieces and share them with us.

  36. Anonymous6/12/2012

    I love your look ... I think your drawing look! What beautiful colors ... Tammie, I love it! Kisses!

  37. She's beautiful with stunning eyes! I like what you said about the colour being between the 2 images. I seem to lose the subtle colours from my paintings when I scan or photograph them, a little frustrating at times but occasionally it improves them! :)
    Jess xx

  38. Anonymous6/12/2012

    The Golden Ratio! You've presented us with perfection & I wish myself right into her world as I stare deep into her eyes [again & again].


    Congratulations on you're super win & yes, 'ink please!' ;-)

  39. Those wonderful big eyes! I love Jerry's...something I recently discovered.

    Your art is like reading a fairy tale book filled with princesses, castles and all sorts of enchantment.

  40. Your portraits are beautiful and I love your wild and funky style. Playful and a joy to look at.

  41. I love the last two faces you have done. Beautiful!!! Congrats on your big win!! xoxo

  42. ooohhh you are so very lucky!!!!
    congrats Tammie ♥

    And she's so beautiful, love her eyes!


  43. Anonymous6/15/2012

    So beautiful. I love the eyes.

  44. Anonymous6/15/2012

    So beautiful. I love the eyes.

  45. Such a beautiful face, Tammie. And congratulations!!!

  46. She is gorgeous! Very intriguing expression; it makes me wonder what she's thinking.

    And yay, congratulations on winning such an awesome giveaway!!

    -:¦:- Art Update: Mint Chocolate Chip -:¦:-

  47. Congratulations, my sweet Friend!!! How perfectly wonderful. ((hugs))

    I have to tell you--I LOVE this little faery--her features, coloring, everything--so striking.

    And fills my eyes.


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~