Oct 27, 2011

Autumn Moon

the moon and woman
in silent communion
found deep intimacy
open and gracious

yea, my firewood pile is growing
i'm like a squirrel preparing for winter:
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  1. She is wonderful! She's a bit different than your usual girls, isn't she? Love it! Good luck with all the firewood. :)

  2. oh, wow, Tammie... what an amazing composition, gorgeous colors, lovely rendering -- I especially love the face on the moon. Sending you autumn blessing ... glad to see the wood pile ready for winter: cold is on its way!

  3. I like this piece Tammie. Soft colors and she's quite pretty. You have a lot of firewood, enjoy it. Take care and thanks for sharing.

  4. She is beautiful. I love the shadow of you on the woodpile. Blessings, Janet PPF

  5. Beautiful picture and I love your photo, too! Valerie

  6. Anonymous10/28/2011

    she's beautiful, such a lovely illustration. thats a very impressive wood pile-you must have a massive fire place-we'd have to chop those bits up several more times to fit in our wee woodburner!

  7. Anonymous10/28/2011

    Have so much to express ... this is ART!
    A big hug!

  8. She's so gorgeous! Love her soft loving face and where she is! Beautiful! :)

  9. YaY! Autumn Moon! It's a new moon at the moment, that means darkness and no moon in view so it's lovely to see a moon in the sky in your painting!
    Jess xx

  10. Really beautiful work! I love the colors and the detailing.

    Uugggg....winter is coming!! Although I love the clothes of winter, I HATE to be cold. Time to start thinking about hibernation!


  11. What a beautiful Fall painting--wonderful piece of art Tammie.
    Oooh --winter-- it comes way too fast!

  12. What a beautiful piece! (I loooove whatever technique you've used at the bottom of the page!)


    p.s. EVA is going to love that moon!

  13. I love all the foliage and flowers in this one, it's beautiful.

  14. This is so beautiful, your style is undergoing such an evolution.

  15. Beautiful Journal pages I love the soft appearance of the face in the mood. And all that wood, I would love to see the fire it's for over the Winter ;0) Dxx

  16. What a beautiful painting and a lovely log pile. It makes me feel warm!xxx

  17. I LOVE that Moon! And the rest of the pages - fabulous spread.

    (Kristin knows me so well....)

    Great wood pile and shadow photo.

  18. Hi Tammie,

    Lovely details in the background. The moon's face seems to be speaking to the young woman. And after reading your poem, I see that they have a silent communion. How I'd like to be in the forest now:)

    And look at all the trees in your photo! That must be a good workout cutting and piling that wood.

  19. hello everyone,
    thank you for your wonderful comments, I love your friendship and support!

    As for the wood:
    yes those pieces in the pile are TOO big, so yesterday I split them all and stacked them. So sore! So tired, but feeling strong and good.

    Kristen, the foliage at the edges was done with Tim Holtz distress stains, fun and easy to play with!

    lovely art day to you all.

  20. Beautiful image and writing!
    Both are so poetic!

    Enjoy seeing the photo of gathering wood for winter, too! :)

    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  21. pretty portrait.

    the picture with your shadow on it is cooooollll

  22. this piece has real power. Love her beauty and the subtle face in the moon.

  23. beautiful, radiant faces on the girl and the moon. love the colors of the twilight sky, and the foliage technique is supercool.

  24. Such a lovely lady and beautiful words too.

  25. Awesome painting and words and love that you captured your 'shadow' by the woodpile ~thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) ~ Happy PPF ^_^

  26. Hi Tammie, love your journal page, your girl is gorgeous... also wow. Your home in the woods looks magical... peaceful... have a wonderful weekend...

  27. Great post! I love your journal spread. It's beautiful and evocative (I'd love to have that moon smiling down at me!).

    Hooray for your wood pile! What a great photo of it!

    Happy PPF!

  28. The colours you've used are really lovely.

    Your woodpile is a good start - although I hear this will be a long, cold winter!!!

    Thank you for visiting me today :)

  29. She's beautiful! Her face is so pretty and soft with those big blue eyes.

    Your wood pile reminded me that it's almost time to get our firewood for the winter. There's nothing cozier that a fire in the fireplace on a cold evening.

  30. The face on this painting is just lovely and I have always wanted to live somewhere cold enough to need a fire... we barely need a blanket in winter here... and it is glorious spring here now xx

  31. Anonymous10/28/2011

    Is she you? I like her very much.
    Are the you the wood splitter??

  32. So magical, Tammie! I think I'm her kindred spirit because the moon and I can be inseparable... :D

    So nice to see you all prepared for winter. Keep warm! oxx

  33. warm hugs to you all for your lovely visits.

    Sandy, I am the wood splitter, along with using a gas operated splitter. Still moving a cord of wood many times yesterday wore me out! I am not doing manual labor today ;-)

    Tracey, I use to live somewhere that rarely got chilly. I love being able to wear boots and scarves, sweaters and the air is divine to breathe.

    many thanks.

  34. Hi Sandy,
    Nope she is not me, well not a self portrait, I still have to try that some day. I will have to learn how to draw wrinkles ;-)

    but in spirit, I suppose it is very much me.

    thanks for asking.
    Someone on FB thought she looks like my sister.


  35. Your pages are charming love the moon and the look on the girls face.
    We have to work on firewood this weekend too :)

  36. How delightful and ethereal! Happy PPF!

  37. She is really beautiful! And I adore that autumn moon! We could probably use some extra firewood here - it is cold and we're expecting SNOW tomorrow night!

  38. Yay...beatiful!!!..is this you? she feels like your beautiful heart's energy and spirit shining! I love this gorgeous piece!Also love the faded face of the moon and the trees embracing it! WOW!
    HUgs..awesome!Perfect fort his magical season and wkd..thankyou friend! i feel magical now..

  39. She's lovely and I love that moon! I just realized there's a face in the moon!

  40. hello sweet gentle spirit! ~ what a wonderful parcel of goodness are you! ~ thankyou sO much for your visit today! ~ may the winds of companionship ~ unfurl her vibrant blossoms ~ & bestow you with much beauty & contentment! ~ i bequeath a sonnet for thee!...

  41. I love this new painting Tammie!!!! and the wood pile looks amazing....I can almost smell it as it burns!!!! warming and creating the perfect ambiance!!!!

    Happy PPF and pop by for Sweet Saturdays!!!!


  42. She is beautiful. Easily inspires the idea of creating a story from! Well done and Happy PPF!

  43. I love her, she is beautiful, I read your one comment about the air where you live, nothing like that fresh air is there. hugs.

  44. Wow! Nice composition, I like.

  45. Those eyes are gorgeous, I need to have another look!

  46. What a lovely art journal page!

  47. I love your art journal page. She is lovely!

  48. She's fantastic...and it is always good to prepare for the worst.. I hear this winter will be a doozy
    we shall see

    - KAT -

  49. She is so beautiful and your poem is so perfect for her!!! I love the face in your moon,this painting is precious! Deb

  50. love the poem that goes with her, makes it easier to see what she's thinking!

  51. OOOOOOOHHHH! I like tis drawing very much! Her face is so lovely.

  52. beautiful words - beautiful work.
    cheers, dana

  53. I love your painting, the beautiful colours and the little touch of the female face in the moon. I always think of the moon as feminine.

    Looks like you are in for a warm, cozy winter. Although you are sure to keep warm if you keep coming outside to chop more wood!

  54. She is gorgeous! I love her eyes! Thank you for your sweet visit last week for PPF - I'm so sorry that I'm late in returning the visit, xo

  55. Tammie, this is beautiful! This looks like an extra large spread in a magical fairy tale book! I love that gentle face in the moon.

    Oh my, you chopped and split and stacked all that wood by yourself???? Muscles!

  56. I love the feeling this drawing gives--I totally adore the detailing you put into it. Your lovely heart shows through your artwork, you know. ((hugs))


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