May 16, 2010

Sunday Sketches

I decided to take Suzi Blu's: Goddess and Poet class. 
This past week I drew faces of ladies, one after the other, 
all with eyes that are heavy lidded.
So different from the eyes I had been drawing.
This drawing will be painted.....
at some point.

To enjoy sketches by other people, visit Sophia's Sunday Sketches

Eva at Angel Pearls,
was celebrating the followers on her blog and I won a lovely prize!
A handmade brooch
with a freshwater pearl in the center.
Thank you Eva!


This week, a friend and I went east of the Rockies.
The day was gloriously beautiful, you can see some photos on my other blog
I will share something here, that I have not shared over there...

a black bear eating flowers!


  1. Lovely sketch, she looks a bit sad.

  2. Great sketch1 Thanks for showing my 'work' at your place!! Love//Eva

  3. Oh Tammie ... your drawing of the woman who looks deeply in thought and greatly self- possessed is magnificent. I look forward to seeing the shades of new life that will come to her when you paint her. And oh! the black bear eating flowers !!! Wonderful You.

  4. Hi Tammie..wonderful post! lovely sketch..sounds like you are enjoying your new course. Yay..what a sweet treasure you won! So pretty!and what a gorgeous bear...feasting on nature..yay!

  5. I like her eyes, she is very serious, well chiseled features, lots of added detail.

  6. I love the structure of her face. This looks to me like the bones of a future painting.

    Great job!


  7. Hello dear ladies,

    sad, I can see that.Suzi Blu is teaching us inward eyes, the goddess looks inward...

    Eva, you are welcome, thank you for the lovely brooch!

    new life in the painting... I can only imagine that is true. It was wonderful to watch this bear!

    Yes I am enjoying the course. Thanks for your visit~

    Thank you Lenora

    the bones of a future painting, indeed.


  8. I've watched some of Suzi's videogs...she is a panic! Yes, the eyes do look contemplative.
    Watch out for those bears this time of year...although you from out West must know that =-)

  9. great sketch, she looks interesting, and i really like the droopy lids

  10. I love the sketch, to me she looks 'sultry' with her hooded eyes and may i ask....just how close were you to that bear?? Yikes!!

  11. Hi Joei,
    Yes Suzi is a character, fun. Contemplative, sounds like a goddess to me. Yes, we must be aware for bears!

    It is fun to hear what everyone thinks of these eyes.

    Hi Karen,

    we were in our car and it was on the side of the hill. We were maybe 90 feet from it. I am not too good with measurements! But the bear ignored us the entire time. Seemed a very slow process for the bear to eat enough flowers!
    Sultry eyes.... I like that.

  12. She's wonderful. Love the detail and the shading!

  13. Anonymous5/16/2010

    She IS beautiful... definitely a goddess, sultry-eyed, appraising.

    That bear, though... YIKES! You must be a photography goddess for certain!

  14. Your faces are so expressive and have personality! Looking forward to seeing your progress as your learn to draw. Love the bear, what a thrilling sight! Thanks for your nice comment on my blog, I enjoy visiting with you here and at spirithelpers.

  15. Great sketch I can't wait to see this painted!! Love your photo of the bear too, it's funny to imagine that you have them wandering around over there, wow!

  16. I like the way you draw noses & lips, they're have so much character, even more than the eyes

  17. Hello Tammie! Ah, I see you're showing emotions with this one... Can't wait to see her painted! I'm sure she'll look lovely. :)

  18. Anonymous5/18/2010

    I love this blog! It is going on my list.

  19. Anonymous5/20/2010

    What a great post.

    I'm happy to see my good blog friend Eva's art on your blog! Eva doing wonderful things and she is a very very nice person, and together we have had a good contest, on my blog!

    Thank you for your comment, it's made me happy.


  20. Wow - a bear in real life... I'd love to see one (from afar).

    Love the melancholy look on the face - very beautiful.

  21. Anonymous5/20/2010

    Thank you very much for you comment on my blog, you made me so happy :)
    It´s not my poem. It´s my favotite song by Sarah Mclachlan.
    Have a nice evning.

  22. I'm so happy I found your personal website. Your goddess looks so beautiful! I really love the mysterious look to her. Talk to you soon...Theresa

  23. Oh! I LOVE her nose!!! Do you know how hard noses are to draw???

  24. Wow! With your blogs I never know which one to start with first ;-) The black bear is soooo gorgeous - and your sketches are really lovely Tammie. You seem to be evolving in your facial expressions... they soften with each face. Love the early one of the woman with the head tilted to the side. Beautiful day to you!

  25. She's beautiful. I love the eyes. I think she is Native American.


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~