Dec 1, 2016

Christmas Elf

this little elf is full of holiday spirit
ready for sass and fun

woke up to 3+ inches of snow

It's beginning to look a lot like winter!

lovely week to you!



  1. Your snow scene looks fabulous Tammie....hope the little elf can keep warm!
    You too...

    Happy weekend!

    1. the little elf enjoys wood stove heat
      easy to enjoy the snow that way ;-)

  2. I'm in love with your holiday spirit and your magical land. Sort of glad the snow isn't here and yet when I see it on your blog, I just get big smiles and feel all happy! Happy December!

    1. ah, in love, that is wonderful. Sometimes it takes a bit to adjust to a new season. But it usually happens. I am ready.

  3. lovely little elf, I love her candle staff. and your environment looks amazing.. those trees, and such beautiful colour.

    1. I want a candle staff ;-)
      Thank you for enjoying.

  4. I love your elf full of spirit and energy, a lively and fun piece! Oh and that first dusting of snow, looks like the sky is full of it, enjoy!

    1. I think winter has begun here, 3 weeks early. We have snow predicted every day for a while, good chance it will stay now. fun fun.

  5. Thank you for enjoying Alexandra!

  6. cute elf, I like to be just as energetic as as her...

    snow already? I guess I should glad we haven't had any yet.

    have a lovely day.

  7. Your photograph is of an enchanted place. Is that a tiny house on stilts?
    You've made a lovely painting of the Christmas elf, with different colours, he looks as if he has something important to do after he has finished balancing on the toadstool for you.

  8. like the flame on top of the staff. Just what an elf needs to guide him through the pine trees. nice seasonal painting. No snow here yet just frost. Lovely photogragh

  9. Zo mooie tekening , prachtig in de kerstsfeer.
    Ook je foto Tammie, zo mooi winters koud!!

    groetjes Christiene

    So beautiful drawing, beautifully into the Christmas spirit.
    Also, your photo
    Tammie, so beautiful wintry cold !!

    Greetings Christiene


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~