Oct 18, 2014

What's Under a Witches Hat?

have you ever wondered
what is under that pointy hat
why does she wear 
a hat like that

well she is full
to overflowing
with the wonders of life
that is what tuning in is like
I think it might be good to ask for witches to remove their hats
so that the beauty within will rain down on us ;-)

it started with a page too big for my scanner of witches
in the bottom right corner this idea flowed in

and then the first sketch:

the owl is because of the owl that landed near my pond this week:

and then it jumped in!
So I continue to remember it's beautiful presence and it enters my art


I am sharing with Alexandra's Sunday Sketches 


  1. First of all, you always amaze me with your creative ideas. Just where do they come from?

    Second of all, what an awesome experience you had watching the owl go into the water! I never imagined that one would do that. What type of owl was it?

    Today I was fortunate to have a Great Horned Owl visit me in my yard. It posed for a few photos and then flew off!

  2. Wonderful work, love the idea with the witch's hat, and the owl photo is just magical! Valerie

  3. Lovely drawings. The picture of the owl is fantastic, you don't see them around too often.
    Enjoy your Sunday

  4. Such a lovely witch ~ Great post for SS ~

    happy week to you
    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  5. lovely whimsical sketches!

  6. I'm not sure I like witches all that much, but I love the idea of her hat hiding all those lovely thoughts. Perhaps it is the hat which when removed, would make those lovely images visible? I love your artwork, my friend. You are truly gifted.

  7. Hello,
    quelle belle surprise que ton blog.
    Tu as un talent qui mérite d'être soutenu et encouragé.


  8. I love how you've illustrated what is under the witch's hat and how the idea blossomed from a medley of sketches. The owl near your pond is so cool!

  9. So charming :-) I know several witches and their hats, and hearts, are brimming with beauty and love.

  10. I love your witch sketches, especially that their hats are filled with the wonders of life...charmed! :)

  11. What a cool concept, and sweet illustrations! Happy Sunday Sketches!

  12. Tammie, you are beautiful witch in black and white and in color ........
    I go for color .........................
    nice what comes out of this pointed hat ....... I love you little witch ...
    greet you Christiene ...............

    Tammie, prachtig zijn jou heksen in zwart wit en in kleur........
    ik ga voor kleur.........................
    mooi wat er komt uit deze puntmuts....... ik hou van jou heksje...
    groetje Christiene...............

    1. hello Christiene, thank you for all your lovely visits!
      It is fun to hear which one you like best. I love the ink drawings, but color also calls to me. I like saving the ink ones to be used as coloring books by my grandchildren some day. Sweet week to you!

  13. Hi Tammie, love this drawing and its message.
    What a nice picture of the owl! We had one perched on a tree next to our house yesterday night and Bella was very anxious because he was hooting loudly and woke her up. She is crazy for owls, but this one, so real, so close, and so "vocal" was a bit too much for her. In the end we convinced her that he was trying to sing her back to sleep and left her with her little dragon light on.
    ...she is going to be a witch on Halloween! ;)

  14. I love your interpretation of the magic of this season!

  15. Bonjour ma chère amie,

    Ta jolie sorcière a sous son chapeau des formules magiques qui rendent le monde meilleur et beau... Ton univers a toi est magique et fascinant... Je suis sous le charme !

    Gros bisous ♡

  16. aw, to watch the owl (yes, please) and have a white page filling in... n♥

  17. Such a lovely painting with a wonderful story behind it ....

  18. Loving your beautiful witch, Tammie! It's such a lovely thought, to think of overflowing wonders that could shine upon us... Wishing you a peaceful day, my friend. :)

  19. I like it, and I like the idea, l like all those little objects from her hat. this turned out quite nicely. oh, it's so wonderful to have an owl to inspire you to add into the piece. I doubt I would see any owls or any creatures out my window being in the city an all.

    hope you have a wonderful day.

  20. that sweet owl!!!!
    wishing i had a pond like that nearby

    dear Tammie
    i am the DC host
    are you in?

  21. Oh goodness! I never knew that! That is the best secret ever! Methinks you must wear such a hat yourself. Your drawings are full of magic. I've so enjoyed catching up with your art!


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~