Sep 20, 2014

DC: Second Hand

morning sketch
I usually draw from my imagination
it was fun to sketch from my yard

 treasures can be found second hand
broken in
wonderfully worn
full of life's spirit

yesterday i was given this bench
(thank you Annie and Charlie!)
it's seat boards aged with life

i cleared a spot for it along my pond
raking the grasses with the copper 'second hand' rake

a place to sit
to sketch
to be
to sip
to chat with friends

a glimpse of the pond through
lovely details

the view from the bench
on this beautiful autumn morning
Sweet Equinox to you!
Happy Autumn too!



  1. Such a lovely tranquil place. And your sketch is charming. Have a beautiful day.

    1. thank you Sarah, I love it here.
      now i have a lovely bench to sketch on.

  2. That's a wondeful place for a bench! - eric

    1. I think it is as well Eric. Choosing a spot is a little trickier than i imagined.

  3. Gosh, you have such a beautiful yard Tammie. If I lived there I'd never Love the morning sketch you did. You've captured the peace and tranquility of your setting wonderfully. Hope your weekend is rolling along nicely. :D

  4. Thank you for the equinox wis, it is an absolutely beautiful day here too. Love your old/new bench. I do love lots of sitting places around the garden and our park by the dam. The older I get the more important they become. I love my swing-seat that my granddaughter gave me for Christmas. It sits in the shade of two tress and the chickens graze around my feet when I sit there just after the sun has set with my dog at my feet and a drink or sketchpad or both. I love your surroundings Tammie. I have always wanted to live in a little clearing in a forest.

    1. yes, sitting places are lovely
      a swing seat sounds divine!
      lovely to hear of your place with your critters and yes, a clearing in a forest is so sweet, soothing and inspiring.

  5. It's so great to see how second hand is working in nature. Your garden is beautiful. It must be awesome to sit and just watch the birds or look around. Have a nice day, J.

  6. heaven! oh, that cute little bench o' yours, sitting there, unassumingly and giving so many people pleasure... including us, voyeurs! ;))) n♥

  7. Wow, not only show your pics how wonderful and full of miracles worn out and old second hand items can be, but this place and your view from your bench is just heaven, like Nadine said.
    Wow, wow, wow, just wunderfull!
    barbara bee
    wish you as well a wonderful autum day!

  8. I’d like to sit on the bench in person to feel the warmth of sunlight filtering through leaves as is shown in your drawing. The bench was given the second life to be placed there to give comfort to you, Tammie, and to us through your words and pics.


    1. Thank you Stardust for the blessing of comfort
      to all of you for your visits and messages!

  9. How wonderful and beautiful! I love your trees, what an amazing sketch and beautiful place!

  10. Oh Tammie, what a breathtaking view of the pond... Such a peaceful place to ponder, sit, sip, and draw.
    Thank you so much for wandering over to leave such a sweet comment for fibi and Boo
    I am so happy you enjoyed.

  11. Anonymous9/21/2014

    lovely bench and great trees

  12. Such beautiful trees!

  13. lovely sketch from your yard!

  14. A bench fit for your Farie friends, Tammie!

  15. That's a wonderful illustration, it looks so beautiful and peaceful where you live ...

  16. Reminds me of a place I walk to where I like to sit and think. Even better that it is on your property and a gifted bench. The sketch is a beautiful visual memory too!

  17. I love the sketch! it's more information than the beautiful photos.

  18. Ha Tammie, this is a beautiful sketch of a special place in your garden
    I see you sitting in thought on this beautiful bench on the waterfront
    where you come to rest.
    An Autumn greet you Christiene .........

    Ha Tammie,dit is een mooie schets van een bijzonder plaats in jou tuin
    ik zie je in gedachte zitten op dit prachtige bankje aan de waterkant
    waar je tot rust komt.
    Een Herfst groetje Christiene.........

  19. Surely this is a site well worth seeing.

  20. What a wonderful bench, and beautiful place for it ~ and you ~ to sit! Enjoy it.
    And I love the drawing, too ~ such a sweet honor to the whole experience.
    And, yes, Autumn Blessings!

  21. that's your yard? really? I wish I can go there now. that bench is wonderful.

    just fyi, I'm listing your esty shops as one of a giveaway, no big deal.

    hope you have a great day.

  22. Wow! There's no better place for this lovely bench than this!! I can truely feel the sun shining through the trees, smell grass and wood and hear the birds singing! What an amazing place!

  23. Autumn Blessings Tammie!
    You live in the most beautiful surroundings and what a lovely old bench, it does have character and age. It's situated in a peaceful and magical place where you can write, sketch and meditate in nature.
    I love your sketch, it captures the gentle surroundngs near your home.
    Jo. xx

  24. What a magical place with this gorgoeus bench! Looks amazing to me, wish I could sit a while with you there...ok, I try to imagine for a while........................ ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling


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