May 29, 2014

DC Challenge: No Limits

Roberto is our wonderful host this weekend 
his prompt is: No Limits
at first i thought i was going to share about the endless amount of wild foods to be found this time of year

but instead this piece of art came to me
first as in ink drawing
then to be watercolored

there are no limits to her wings
she even has some that are unseen
wings in her heart
her spirit and soul
all that take her
anywhere she wishes to go




  1. I love this illustration Tammie!
    Thank you for visiting.. I always enjoy seeing you there.
    Your kind words are appreciated

  2. Une aquarelle très belle et délicate.
    Félicitations Tammie :)

  3. Such a wonderful idea to give her wings everywhere and for everything. She sure looks happy and at ease with it :-)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Good morning, Tammie,

    Your poem is so uplifting and full of hope and possibilities. Your beautiful girl looks like she is pondering where to fly next!

    Thanks for being inspirational!

    To answer your question about Tom Thumb from my blog, I believe the little guy, who went unscathed, is a pocket gopher.

    Happy weekend to you!


  6. I like her, especially her star dress.

    just a question: how exactly do I follow the drawing challenge and how do I find out who is host? it seems so random.

    anyway, hope you have a wonderful day.

  7. Hello,again,
    Just stunning illustration, Tammie. I love it!

  8. I love the twisty branches on the trees and the thought that her wings can take her anywhere she wants. Lovely work Tammie!
    Jess x

  9. Nice drawing Tammie. It reminds me of Peter Pan: all you need is faith and trust and a little bit of pixie dust. Eric

    Note for Lissa: on the site of Ariane,
    is a list of the dc's and who's the next host.

  10. I justlove this one. She looks so sweet with al of her wings.
    Hope you will have a nice weekend.
    Liefs, Melanie

  11. Aren't prompts the most fun? We did that in our poetry group. I gave everyone a prompt with a PHOTO. We all wrote a poem (ekphrastic poem) and it was so fun to hear and read how differently the prompt effected each writer.

    Tammi Lee, your art is gorgeous fantasy; you and Wanda Miller and a few other artists can say what I can't say with paint and pencil. LOVE IT! And...thank you for visiting. Anita

  12. Hi Tammie, on, play with my suggestion, I think your point is correct, think of wings, is thinking about flying to infinity, to cross spaces freely, and that tells me: No limits! And your illustrations fits perfectly in this idea!! good weekend!

  13. How gorgeous..she and all that she represents is very beautiful and what you have written is it...hugs..
    Shine on...another fantastic soul-kindred you have created!

  14. I just simply adore your work and that is all there is to it!!!! In art, it is always fun to me to know that there are hidden elements that the viewer may or may not be aware of. The artist has the choice (power) to decide to tell...or not. Magic indeed. Love this work. Norma, xo

  15. Ha Tammie ,prachtig meisje hoog boven in de boom
    mooi werk jou pentekening met zachte water kleur verf,
    Tot zien ,een groetje Christiene.

    HaTammie beautiful girl high up in the tree
    nice work you pen drawing with soft water color paint,
    To see a Christiene greet you.

  16. I love what you wrote at the end... so beautiful, I wish I could be more like her! Thanks for your drawing and words and I try to keep it in my mind... no limits to my wings ;-)

  17. i like imaginary wings, because they do carry us, and bring us, wherever. i shall remind myself of it, whenever in doubt... thxs, n♥

  18. Lovely painting/drawing and poem! We have wings, though invisible, to fly high beyond our limitations and restrictions. Thank you for joinig my blog, Tammie.


  19. "No limits" sounds great. I love this prompt. Your artwork is beautiful and I can really see that the pretty fairy you have created lives probably without any limits.

  20. I see: She is sitting between the antlers of a stag. The stag is her freedom. The stag can be a pictuere (symbol) for God...

  21. very nice interpretation, such a 'free' feeling.

  22. This is gorgeous, really love it!

  23. So cute, Tammie! Imagination gives us the wings to fly wherever we want to. No limits!
    Lovely interpretation!

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  25. sweet Tammie
    such a sweet drawing
    i love wings, in real and imaginary
    like Eric i had to think of Peter Pan!!
    all we need are no limits and faith ;^)))

    Patrice A.

  26. Hi Tammie I like your interpretation and the idea of real and imagined wings which get you anywhere you want to, for those able to believe everything is possible, not limits. This idea is wonderful, dreamy and powerful at the same time.
    barbara bee

  27. Hi Tammie. Great to join you in the Challenge I really like what you wrote and I am just trying to imagine where my wings are. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. ManonX

  28. Nice painting Tammie. I love the colors and the lines. And the way she's sitting. Your interpretation makes me wonder is it you that's sitting there?

  29. I've always wanted to be able to identify what food is edible in the wild. So cool that you can do that!

    Your winged tribute in words and art is uplifting and beautiful.

    wishing you a good week.

  30. I love how playful this image is and yes of course the wings- light and airy and free- but she chooses to sit and confront us with her lovely smile- like we could all be this easy in our own skin!
    Thank you for this wonderful interpretation!

  31. Oh, yes! There is no place where your wings will not take you. She is delightful, and I love the touches of purple. I missed a lot of your beautiful paintings. I was especially tickled by your hand lettering. Fantastic works! Have a gorgeous week! xo

  32. Oh, Tammie! I adore this drawing! You caught something so whimsical, so delicate and joyful, that it makes me smile.

  33. Oh, Tammie! I adore this drawing! You caught something so whimsical, so delicate and joyful, that it makes me smile.

  34. dear Tammie
    i am the dc host this weekend
    and i hope you will join again

    Patrice A.

  35. I do love her dress....


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~