Sep 20, 2013

D.C.: Maria

our blog friend 
offered the drawing challenge: Maria
a name
in religion: mother and child
dark spots on the moon
the sea is in this word: mar

for some reason i kept thinking of a woman
she holds the entire world and even universe in her heart,
her body
simply in the ability to give birth to life

i felt the spiritual stance of stillness
with love
and acceptance
and this is the drawing that came

i will also share an older piece

a spiritual vision in the form of a woman
above the sea

Thank you Patrice
for being our lovely host!

also sharing with 29 faces


  1. ...magical mystical awesomness!...(O:

  2. I like them both, the one on top is so ful of magic, the holy Maria the way she is mend to be I think.... and the second one is soooo powerful I think, like the colors a lot!

  3. the colours of your first drawing are sublime, just right. i like the posture too.

  4. I love the background and the lovely face of your Maria, with her direct yet loving gaze. And that lovely woman above the sea is magical.

  5. magic and spirit in it - just wonderful!
    x Stefanie

  6. These are both lovely with a wonderful, warm feeling to them. Soft and gentle! :)

  7. Wonderful Post Tammie!! Your words add dimension to both pieces like poetry! I especially am drawn to the second one :)

  8. Ha Tammie, een mooi beeld van Maria in deze moderne tijd
    Je kunt zien dat het met liefde is getekend ook de tweede tekening in de spirituele vorm hangt als een kristal boven de zee.
    Een zondags groet Christiene.

    a Tammie, a beautiful picture of Mary in this modern age
    You can see that it has signed the second drawing in the spiritual form as a crystal hangs above the sea with love.
    A Sunday greeting Christiene.

  9. This images are very powerful. They express a sense of acceptance and spiritual strength that can transcend the difficulties of the everyday life and bring serenity and peace.

  10. they are both beautiful Tammie...

  11. Wonderful images. Tammie.

  12. Wonderful! Mar - sea - blue color --

  13. Magical drawing as always dear Tammie, the colors and words give the whole post a gentle spiritual and serenity feeling.

  14. both are so beautiful - but most I love the first one. she is really magical!
    :-) mano

  15. touching images, serene and strong, the blues make them magical, lovely words too, xx

  16. beautiful words
    and drawings!
    i like the first one the best
    the soft grey-tones around her
    her posture, seren face

    thank you for joining!
    Patrice A.

  17. Both wonderful, dear Tammie! But the first is my favourite. It's so sensitive...I think she is both strong and fragile. Love her natural expression.

  18. This is such a beautiful post. I love the first painting -- the less detailed, simplified elements make a lovely contrast with her face and hair. Beautiful work!

  19. Beautifully written blog post and two whimsical women....Lovely Tammie.

  20. Wow...these are just amazing. You have grown so much as an artist over the years. I am in awe.


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~