Oct 4, 2012

Kindling Box

readying for winter
filling my wooden box with kindling
thinking it would be nice to paint it

sitting under the autumn sun
enjoying creating art outsie
now my box has a painting on it!
today is the first day it is cold enough to use 
the kindling in this box
to start a fire
a new season has begun!

sharing this with Paint Party Friday


  1. beautiful- she looks like a mermaid!

  2. ...her forest gown ~ green-sleeves ~ sublime radiance ~ starry starry night ~ silver moOn ever bright ~ may thee float into a joyful week's-end ~ blessed be dear kindred ~ (thankyoU for your kind words)... ...xXx... ...big hugs to thee...

  3. Your kindling box looks great painted with a beautiful lady and her offering of wood for your fire. Great idea

  4. party!

    Aloha from Honolulu,

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  5. Anonymous10/04/2012

    Your essence blankets nature and your true nature blankets you with every intimate encounter. Together... you keep each other warm comfortable and truly alive as you shine brightly as a guiding star to the others who see you from their mountain tops.

  6. Oh wow!!!!! Tammie it is beautiful! Even the kindling sticks look beautiful. So neat. Keep warm! Tsup! tsup!

    I always thought of painting our wooden surfaces.

  7. what a great and somehow mysterious painting! I love the idea of art on a kindling box- makes something bleak (the cold!!) somehow brighter.

  8. Gorgeous! I love seeing all the artists turning to fall.

  9. Beautiful idea and she looks so mysterious, a great friend to have on cold nights

  10. No, no winter yet. :) I'm not ready for cold. Gorgeous box!

  11. Such a clever idea to decorate the kindling box...it is beautiful. I have painted kindling before now and used the pieces to mark out planting areas in my garden:)

  12. Tammie I love this, and the whole feeling around it. It's a magical season, I love those first cold days. Enjoy your fire and the warmth Autumn brings inside! xx

  13. I love your timely post! She is lovely and will bring a smile whenever you build a fire! Happy PPF

  14. Such a great idea! I love your box!

  15. That is so lovely and pretty! You live so beautifully close to nature! <3 I can almost smell wood smoke in the crisp autumn air! Love the starry sky in the painting and how her hair blends in the hills...

  16. This must be the most beautiful kindling box ever. Happy PPF, Annette x

  17. I love that you used this beautiful painting for decor on the wood box. Blessings, Janet PPF

  18. You are all kinds of brilliant! I would love to sit around the fire in your cozy little cabin, drinking tea and watching the snow fall, and talking about art.

  19. what a wonderful idea ~ She is very beautiful and has an ethereal quality to her ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  20. I so love this idea! How grand to have a beautiful kindling box like this. She is beautiful and sweet in nature. Happy PPF

  21. Great idea. She looks great and who wouldn't want to go to the kindling box for kindling when she is there.:) Thanks.

  22. Wow! Your wooden box for kindling looks absolutely amazing with your painting on it! Very inspiring!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  23. What a great idea and lovely result!

  24. omg!!! Spectacular..riveting beauty! What a magical kindling box..is her name Brighid/Brigit and her powerful flame?( she totally makes think of her!) she is stunning..her hair so soft..such a magical landscape and the powerful blue and moon is gorgeous!!wowness Tammie!
    Love♥love-♥ it!

  25. Anonymous10/05/2012

    Love the box, and love that beautiful sky behind the lady blending into the mountains.

  26. Beautiful, dreamy painting, should put you into the right mood for dreaming in front of the fire! Valerie

  27. I love your painting! It's wonderful, especially on your wood box. Great job! HPPF!

  28. She is so beautiful!! Great idea to paint your box :0)

  29. You can see the "Beauty Flowing" from this Gorgeous Painting!

  30. fabulous painting Tammy. She is so beautiful.. your words go right along with your painting. :):)

  31. How fun to have functional art to live with what a grand idea! It looks terrific there!

  32. love that blue in your painting....and I think your kindling would look amazing with a coat of paint. Just do it to one piece.......

  33. GORGEOUS! I love how her hair blends with the background. What a great idea and so pretty for the wood box!!

  34. LOVE it!! Always so fun to have mundane everyday items painted artfully!! Good job...such an interesting piece now!!

    Hugs Giggles

  35. Beautiful Tammie! Such a cool creation! Happy Autumn! :)

  36. It's just amazing Tammie! I do love both of them! :)

    I think the lady with the red warming hair will keep you warm with kindling.. :))

  37. Anonymous10/06/2012

    My goodness.... love!! I couldn't love this anymore than I already do!!

    What a fantastic decoration, bringing extraordinary to the ordinary.

    & the view with the broom - all of your things are *charmed* like you ;-)

  38. Love the connection between the woman and the earth and night sky! Lovely!

  39. I was just looking for a firewood box, and this gave so much inspiration!


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