Jan 9, 2011

Born as Two, Spirit of One

 in her spirit
lives a wolf
keenly in tune
with the tapestry of life
willing to share
with those experiencing strife
born as two
yet spirit of one
sharing silver hearts
as they wander wild parts
of our land

to enjoy sketches from wonderful artists... 

following tracks in the woods
I stirred up a mammal, that is new to me
we think it is a mink:

so fun to see!


  1. Wolf the teacher. They seem so knowing. Great poem xJ

  2. So cool...love the suprise creature you found along the way..!

    and LOOve the art and words..deeply stirring and magical! Very beautiful Tammie! it brought me to a place where once on my journey..both in dreams and in visions..when a white wolf was appearing inside my heart ..and like a chakra portal opening..he kept howling for me..beckoning me to follow..he was a powerful guardian for a long time and through some changes in my life..so very special to me..and very cool synchroncitiy with this amazing art and poetry! awesome!

    thanks for sharing your magical world! (and reconnecting me with special sacred memories!)

  3. hi Jasmine,
    they do seem knowing, I agree.


    Thank you for sharing your experience, very special and a powerful muse. Amazing that it goes so well with this piece!



  4. I love your sketch and your poem. And Wow what a great picture of that mink. Fantastic!

  5. oo nice...love the wolf and the textures of his fur...great accompanying poem as well

  6. Haunting piece and words, Tammie. Really lovely!

  7. Lovely painting and words!

  8. your drawings just get better and better! It's so nice to see them each week.

  9. lovely piece beautiful words and a very magical picture!!!

    Great photo of the mink too!!!

    Have a great week :0)

  10. I love the power of the wolf girl sketch. I have been trying to read "Women who run with the wolves" but it is a bit of a struggle - a bit too much like a text book for my taste!

    I've no idea what that creature is, but a mink does seem a good guess! We have mink in the UK now, though they are not native. They are ones that escaped from fur farms. Unfortunately they are upsetting the natural balance and killing off rare mammals like the dormouse. See, you learn something new every day!

  11. Beautiful work. I love the juxtaposition of the wolf and the female portrait.

  12. Lovely poem and illustration to go with it. This is the second mystical type post I have read today.

  13. I know personally that the wold is my spirit guide and teacher. I have Lupus...an autoimmune disease that needs to be daily balanced with my life as an artist. When I had open heart surgery years back I woke up to see a white wolf laying beside me and guarding. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  14. that's a nice poem to link your 2 sketches. They look so nice coloured in.

  15. I like the idea of having one spirit! And they both seem strong enough to take any challenge. And, oh, their eyes!...
    What about the mammal - it must be very exciting to see an unknown animal so close to you!:)
    I wish you a New Year, full of magics, inspiration, warmth, love and health!

  16. Your work always make sme feel as if I have just floated ot another astral plane...mystical, transporting and pure.

  17. Thanks for your delightful comment Tammie, why not follow my blogspot if you are liking my designs and want to keep up to date with my latest posts?

    Take care....x


  18. Tammie, your avatar is so lovely. The source is even lovelier! Oh wow, I am seeing such great artistic transformation. Thank you for your kindness. Happy new year to you.

  19. The poem is wonderful and so is the wolf sketch.
    I dont know what the creature is but it is beautiful.

  20. What a beautiful painting! I love wolves - they are such amazing spiritual creatures. You did a wonderful job! Theresa

  21. Hi Tammie!!!! these two pieces in your journal are wonderful....love seeing them from sketch to colour!!! great job!!!!

  22. Super sketch and lovely poem.
    You look like you have as much snow as we do. Cool animal.

  23. Hello Tammie,
    wow this is a powerful piece and as always I love the words that tell the story along with your gorgeous art! Such a spirtual pair these two!

    Smiles and hugs and thank you for this lovely art!

  24. how fascinating to see that running through the trees! I absolutely love the cloth your wolf is sitting on..

  25. this is so lovely, the words and the piece... :)

  26. I almost choked: that's me! And my wolf. No, don't worry, I'm not crazy but it does have a very special meaning for me. Thank you for opening my eyes again.

  27. You are an artist with paint and with words--Love this, and that Mink--awesome!

  28. All the hairs and the details on the wolf are stunning, and the trees too! Wow! I'm completely in awe of how much depth this picture has!

  29. oooh great words to accompany your beautiful sketch. wow, how cool to be able to spot that animal, too! xxoo

  30. loved the line about them sharing silver heart (also the shared green eyes and piercing gaze). Don't like the fact that this post didn't show up in my reader. Google and I are going to have a VERY stern talk. Hope you're enjoying your Carolina snow!

  31. Your drawings really speak to me, Tammie; and there is so much of You in them!
    Janice. x

  32. Anonymous1/12/2011

    Greetings from Southern California :-)

    I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You, ~Ron

  33. just lovely! both the words, and the artwork. There's just something wonderful about wolves isn't there?
    I see one of your comments mentioned 'women who run with the wolves'. I started that book several times over the years, but the furthest I have gotten is 100 pages. One of these days I'd like to actually read it all, lol!

    I have no idea what the critter is, but how thrilling to see!

  34. Goodness! How did I miss this?? Did you know that I have a huge fascination with wolves? They're such free spirits and they way they roam the earth within packs just make them more intriguing to me. Thank you for painting this, it's simply mesmerizing.. oxx

  35. Their eyes! Their eyes are beautiful and mesmerizing. What a great color. The subtle hint of trees in the background is wonderful as well. And I love your beautiful redhead below. I just noticed that she is your new avatar! Yay!

  36. The poem is really touching and I think the wisdom of living close and respect the nature is what we have forgotten long ago since we moved into the city :)

    A beautiful painting with a beautiful story as usual :D :D Thank you for sharing~! Love the forest view and the furry look of the wolf XD


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~