Sep 4, 2016

29 Faces #4

until I painted her lips and green aura
this was all done with one color
permanent brown


Visit 29 Faces to enjoy other faces around the world.



  1. The colors work perfectly together. She's beautiful! :)

  2. Ha Tammie,
    Een bijzonder gezichtje!!
    Het net als in het echte leven,geen gezicht het zelfde
    alleen als je tweeling bent.....
    groetjes Christiene.

    Ha Tammie,
    A special sight !!
    Just like in real life, do not face the same
    only if you're twins .....
    Greetings Christiene.

  3. Thank you for visiting my blog, and enjoying the tales of the Moon Spinners.

    You do beautiful, beautiful Art.

    And you must live in an idyllic spot. Lucky you!

    Gentle hugs,
    Luna Crone

  4. So pretty. I love her delicate appearance.

  5. I have just caught up with your faces. Like the names you have given them. As usual lovely gentle colours and great drawing.

  6. the added green makes the face stands out better, I think, I like her color, looks more pink than brown on my screen which is kind of nice.

    have a lovely day.

  7. So lovely you're participating again. I love the combination of the brown with the green. She looks very peaceful ....

  8. This one is so delicate and sweet!


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~