Jun 15, 2012

The Winner Is:

she looked at her palms
reading the story of all time
past present and future
turning the pages with her heart
offering light to the tale with her eyes
lending wisdom to all life
a playful dance for all to find

i have been finding wonderful mushrooms
even up in the trees
the squirrel folk have been busy

the winner of the shimmering blue acrylic ink
the wonderful
Debra Anne of The Gipsy in the Parlour!
on my Nature Photography Blog:

I am having a wonderful Give Away!
a $50 gift certificate 
from Novica, who is affiliated with National Geographic
They are a wonderful company who support artists around the world by selling their beautiful arts. 

So, feel free to visit and leave a comment on that post
sharing with Sunday Sketches
visit to enjoy!


  1. Anonymous6/15/2012

    OMGoodness.... I just logged in for the 1st time today. I was such a busy bee buzzing around this week, I've hardly buzzed the blogosphere at all! & here I am, visiting my dearest Tammie, my 1st stop & voilà, I won!!

    The universe sure works in strange & wonderful ways sometimes, doesn't it?! & as seen & spoken through you today... the story of all time *exists* exactly as it should & we learn together ;-)

  2. congrats Debra Anne~

    another beautiful piece of artwork Tammie. your poem is so fitting to the image. happy weekend~

  3. Love your fairy, she's adorable.

    congrats Debra Anne.

  4. Anonymous6/15/2012

    Tammie, you are great!
    You make people happy!!

  5. Congrats to Debra!!
    Your new fairy is sooo sweet!!!

  6. Sweet, whimsical fairy, love her!

  7. Lovely painting! So small can the elves be, sitting on a *big* mushroom :)) and I love her shoes! I also love the circle of the sun (or maybe the moon) behind! :)

    Congratulations to the lucky winner! :)

    Lovely weekend to you! :)

  8. Congrats to Debra!!!! Thank you for sharing your lovely fairy and photo - a mushroom up in a tree! THAT I've not seen before!

  9. I love how soft and delicate your fairy is. I see you've been using a lot of pink lately. Feeling a bit melancholic? I do that sometimes, being Pisces an all...haha!

  10. It is so damp here that we have mushrooms popping up all over the place - especially the fairy ring kind, which clearly means that the Fae are in my garden dancing nightly and leaving trails of magic in the dew!

    What a beautiful fairy you have created today. I wonder if I'll find her in my garden?

  11. Beautiful poetry Tammie... love your uplifting, inspiring nature.x

  12. i like your mushroom fairy, I like the pose and the way she is holding her palms.
    and the photo of the mushroom is beautiful too...how did it get there in the trees? from the squirrels?
    great shot!

  13. She is a divine 'mushroom fairy' ~ love her delicateness ~thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  14. lovely tribute to the mushroom today Tammie!

  15. So very magical and beautiful..lovely prose alongside this wonderful spirit..gorgeous work!!
    Shine on~

  16. Such a lovely little fairy nymph...and wierd mushroom find in a tree??? Who knew?
    Sweet giveaway, will check that out too.
    Enjoy this beautiful Sketchers Sunday!

  17. for all of you that are curious about the mushroom in the tree.... yes squirrels like to squirrel them away in trees. I have seen them do it, storage i guess. I wonder if they remember to go back for them!

    thank you for all your wonderful visits and messages!


  18. I love the way your fairy is positioned; fabulous use of space and shapes. I also like the softness of color.......lovely!

  19. Hi Tammie, great fairy, love her pose. she looks gorgeous.. :)

  20. congrats to the winner! What a lovely fairy you've sketched this week!

  21. i love the line, "turning the pages with her heart". beautiful!!!
    cheers, dana

  22. I believe she invites us to read with her.

    such a treat to see her wings.

  23. You are really enjoying painting and I have just enjoyed seeing all your amazing portraits. Somehow I knew you would be painting fairies. Lucky you, the new art materials will be put to good use. Millyx

  24. Dear Tammie,
    I shall look up more often.....I find my squirrels like to take the grapes I set out for the birds...They do not eat them they just put them here and there around the yard. Silly squirrels. Wonderful Fairy..I love her shoes!

  25. congratulations to the lucky winner. I am honestly running out of things to say about your beautiful art and photographs....

  26. Thank you for the opportunity to open the door to the amazing elves world, so beautiful!
    And thank you for your comment in my blog, you are so kind!

  27. Precious fairy! Watch those mushrooms!

  28. How perfectly beautiful! And you DO find mushrooms in the arms of the forest--how whimsical!

  29. I love the poem describing your beautiful faerie with wings folded and concentrating. Blessings, Janet PPF

  30. Anonymous6/22/2012

    She is precious. I am caught by the phrase "turning the pages (of life) with her heart".


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~