Jul 31, 2010

Born of Petals

It begins with a sketch:
then poetry and colors unfold:

being born in a cocoon made of petals

deep in the forest
treasures behold
petal by petal
cocoon takes hold
filled with protection
nutrition and more
essence is planted
her spirit and body are born
sunlight imbues
pink lavender golds
body and spirit are fused
a blossom born of petals

visit: National Geographic to see and read about flower petal nests!

To read wonderful poetry for the prompt 'Cocoon' visit: OSI
To enjoy wonderful sketches, visit: Sunday Sketches



  1. Dear Tammie,

    Oh, I can see why you thought such on my blog. I have been sharing some personal things lately. But no, that was an old poem that guided me as I drew the Seasons Series.

    Now you, on the other hand. I thought of you the other day in your cabin by the lake surrounded by all the beauty - how peaceful. For a moment, I envied you. I was so under stress with my work and all the frenzied activities that I had to do. I was in pain, I was so distressed that the thought of downsizing and living surrounded by nature was so desirable, instead of massive concrete structures - just too much to bear. Alas, we can downsize things, not our relationships, especially those we love.

    I am so glad to see you draw and sketch. You are such a renaisance woman.

  2. As I have not visted you for a while it is interesring to see how your portraits and ideas are developing. You seem to be really enjoying painting, lovely work.

  3. ~tammie...i l♥ve everything about this...your mind and the beauty it holds...the drawing so intimate and warm and your words...my heart be still...beautiful...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  4. I've so enjoyed my visit through your lovely art work. Thanks for dropping by and for your lovely comments :)

  5. so amazing...thanks for sharing.
    wish i were a rare bee slumbering for most of my life in a petal cocoon and toiling to create something so beautiful during my waking hours.

  6. one more thing *sorry so lengthy*...these fine cocoons reminded me of a 'scene' that i can only describe as making my heart ache from per petterson's book "out stealing horses"...i literally lost my breath.
    ...with his dog lyra, the main character lives in a small cabin near a river in southeastern norway bordering sweden. i read the novel a few months ago and i'm still fantasizing about life in a cabin in the woods...verdant with moss and a waterfall would be most welcome:)

  7. Hello Ces,

    I do love my wee cabin, but it is overflowing with stuff, a business and life in a small cabin is a bit much, still I love it. Concrete can be bit much, reminds me of Joni Mitchell's song, they paved paradise and put up a parking lot.

    Hi Milly,
    Lovely to have you stop by. I am enjoying exploring art...

    you have left such a loving comment, thank you for taking this to heart. but then again, I think you might take everything to hear. xo

    Hello Yarrow,

    lovely to have you stop by. I wish you the best with Merlin!~


    Lovely to meet you. Please leave as long of a message as you please. I love seeing through your eyes, your words; a slumbering bee.
    I am entirely smitten with the little flower petal nests that these bees make. I would love to see them in person!

    I live in a little cabin with two ponds, forest and meadows... it is as good as one would dream it to be, at least for me. I may have to take a look at that book. Many thanks for sharing.


  8. She is just dazzling. I really wish I could have signed up for this class. :( I think I would have learned so very much from it. So stunning. And I love these flower petal nests. Theresa

  9. Wow again more facinating things are happening with you. I must go to NG and read more. You asked about the napkins. I usually find them in gift shops, especially gift shops at garden stores. I really have to love them as they are expensive. I have also been known (shame on me) for taking a cocktail napkin home from aparty if I love it. We are talking about paper napkins folks not someones fine linens.LOL

  10. Hi Sharon,
    I love using napkins in my mixed media pieces. You can see them in my post: Depth and Deep, Never Sleep, also Ochres and Pinks as well as Divine Journey. I adhere them with matte medium. I am interested in collecting a couple more, perhaps we could trade napkins at some point, I only have a package of butterflies now. But when I get more?

    Yes, go to National Geographic and take a peak at the info on the flower petal nests, I was absolutely amazed!

  11. greetings Tammie :) what a wonderful poem.. did you sketch that image yourself? it is very beautiful.. it matches you eloquent words to the core!

    your wordplay took me to that forest, and to the birth of that angel in the cocoon..! well said, short and clean lines.. the ending was good.. a blossom born of petals..!

    thank you for the inspiration @ OSI this week.. :)


  12. Hi Tammie;

    You've written a magical idea, you've weaved your thoughts into a cocoon of beautiful petals...and I'd say..wow...!

    Thanks for this prompt Tammie...:)

    Writing my take this morning, I made several drafts, five I guess, trying to combine it with another prompt (metamorphosis), which happens to be my prompt suggestion at Haiku Heights, Leo's new meme...

    I'd read, then discard, write another, read, discard, well i think, all have merits but i need to come up with only one, hence I'd be happy if you could drop by and see for yourself!

    Interesting and inspiring prompt Tammie! And you wrote an equally interesting take! Loved it dear!

  13. This is a wonderful thought, Tammie; that of being formed in and born from a beautiful cocoon/womb tends to make a beautiful souled offspring.

    I am wondering if you had the NG article in mind when you proposed this prompt? At any rate, it is a good one. I fixed your link to come here. Thanks for the heads up.
    I think some of John Morrison must have rubbed of on me from the PBS Masterpiece Theatre. I really don't have to have him hating his mother.

  14. Hello Leo,

    Yes, I did the sketch for the poem. How lovely that you road my poem into the forest!

    Amity, I also find it amazing how a word can give us so many ideas, or be so challenging. i also had many ideas for cocoon, even though it was my prompt ;-) Thank you for enjoying this!

    Hello Jim,

    No I did not have the NG in mind when I proposed cocoon. I came up with a few other poems for this word after I suggested it.

    Thank you all for your visits!

  15. I'm imagining what a wonderful introduction to life that would be.

  16. Amazing! Wonderful poem, and the image.

  17. Love this one. Beautiful.

  18. Such a wonderful take on the prompt. The notion of being born through a cocoon of flower petals has such a soft, delicate feel. My day will be brighter to day, because of you. Rob.

  19. Ah, thanks for popping into my blog. I've been a long time fan of spirithelpers and although I realized I never became an official follower I've had you on google reader for a long, long time... Love this blog too!! Have a wonderful day!

  20. great colors on the final version

  21. I love that you were inspired by the petal nests....its very pretty!

  22. I just love this idea tammie! and so delicately done. Really wonderful how you are so inspired by nature.

    Hope you are enjoying your Sunday and I too wish I could just move to a wee cabin in the woods and enjoy the quiet and SOLITUDE.

    Sigh...we always want what we don't have.


  23. Wow, flower petal nests - they are s adorable. Great blog post.

  24. I've just been on the National Geographic site. I was blown away - how incredible nature can be. I would love to see these nests up close.

  25. This is a wonderful drawing to illustrate your beautiful poem. The petal nest are very cool, thanks for sharing.

  26. I've never heard of petal nests, they are so beautiful and unique, just as your drawing and poem are!

  27. Wow! Beautiful imagination !

    And equally beautiful sketch.

  28. This is really beautiful, and very interesting. I must hop over to the NG site, now.
    Tammie, wonderful poem, too.

  29. Thanks for your gorgeous poem, Tammie. Thank you for joining us.

  30. I love your creativity and your art- you have true all around talent!!! Great prompt choice as well- thanks. Have a wonderful week Tammie!

  31. Tammie, first let me express thanks for a very challenging prompt..you know it gave one time to think that one often creates cocoons and spends rest of the life in them.. trust me, I am feeling so light after having been able to express myself through this..

    And your poem flows like water..and some kind of soothing music behind..

  32. Wonderful poem and beautiful images.. XXX love

  33. one of a kind art to match such lovely verse !!!

  34. Such a beautiful image, I love the idea of flower petal nests! :) ~Lauren

  35. Anonymous8/02/2010

    Have to admit that this "prompt" of yours followed me for a very long time. Thanking you for that as it did teach me much.
    Respect upon your writing and drawing as well. Please have a wonderful Tuesday.

    daily athens

  36. wonderful words, lovely sketch and colour! We will have to check out this subject in national geographic - thanks for the reference - fairy like fore sure! Sorry we are so late!

  37. Such a beautifully written piece! Thank you for sharing!


  38. I didn't know you did all this! : ) How are you Tammie? : ***

  39. Oh so gorgeous Tammie..i love experiencing all of your posts..pure magic! This one is a beuaty! how cool!

  40. Stellar piece! Yes! Wonderful sketching!

  41. love the fusion, and good to see another outlet of your creativity, again thanks for sharing

  42. I love the way you presented this. Very beautiful in all the stages and wonderful accompanying words.

  43. Ah to hatch from a nest of petals. What a magical emergence!

    I am enjoying your new delicate winged gifts of spirit.

  44. Anonymous8/07/2010

    Wonderful sketching as usual & I just love love your words!

    Thank's for all nice comments on my blog!

    Agneta, the swedish one :)

  45. Hi Tammie,

    Your cocoon has balance.

    I will share with you something personal. Before my dad died, he had paid for a very expensive funeral.

    After he died, the funeral director had put him in his coffin, he had his workers spread burgundy chrysanthemum blossoms all over him except his face. There are 9 siblings, and very strangely, many of us went home from the palor feeling very uneasy.

    The next day, I told my oldest sis that I didn't like it, I don't mind if it was like a blanket. She said, she dreamt that Dad was drowning in a sea of flowers. My oldest brother had already told the funeral director he didn't like it. So they removed some flowers and left them like your cocoon.
    Strange, I should be telling you this. The director later said, that they budgeted so much money so they thought it was nice. In fact, my dad was the first guinnea pig.


  46. it may start out with a simple sketch. but as romance unwraps the beauty inside, colour shows.

    it's a very nice piece of drawing :)

  47. Tammie! You DID it! AAaaaahhhh...how lovely. You've inspired me. Remember when we talked about these amazing flower petal nests--and here is this gorgeous artwork from your marvelous imagination...



Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~