Jun 30, 2014

Summer of Color, week 4

he stepped from the trees
to offer her berries stepped in the magic of sunlight

i've been finding flowers in these colors too:

this weeks 
Summer of Colors

Pink & Apple Green

with a Smudge, Splash or Pop of Dark Green

lovely summery week to you all!

Jun 27, 2014

DC: Nude

the flowers
fungi and she
dressed in the clothing they were born to be in
a la natural
her fun prompt: nude

Jun 23, 2014

Queen of the Fae, We Celebrate Faery Day & Week 3 of SOC!

queen of the faeries
Atma at her Crown
in her heart
in her eyes

she reigns

celebrate celebrate
it's Faerie Day
(June 24th)

for hosting a celebration of the fae kin!
and anyone else who is joining in


we are in the 3rd week 
for Kristin's Summer of Color!
Lavender & Grey
with a Smudge, Splash or Pop of Plum
thank you Kristin!

Jun 19, 2014

Solstice Greetings to One and All

as the sun warmed her world
inspiring flowers
and plants to grow

her animal nature was summoned
as she wandered the wilds of home

forget me nots are such a wonderful summer presence

wishing you all a summer that thrills you


next week to celebrate Faery Day!


enjoy her beautiful spirit and arts
perhaps you will add your link to the celebration
of summer

Jun 16, 2014

SOC, week Two: Coral, Teal and White

i wanted to see the full moon
to feel it's beautiful light shinning down
coloring our world
that night was cloudy

yet it inspired this piece

Thank you Kristin for hosting Summer of Color

visit her sight to see others art

Jun 12, 2014

Under Her Red Cap

under her red cap
she kept 
things that you can imagine
magical things
tiny things
things made of sparkly energy
you know what i mean
sweet and magical days and nights 
to you

Jun 6, 2014

DC: Upside Down

such a fun and unique challenge

loving yoga
even though after years i am still a beginner
upside down reminded me of a dozen poses

long ago
a friends son
would put himself upside down every chance he got
i thought that was so Coooool!

note the large rock this is photographed on 
is indeed purple
Montana rocks are awesome!

I found my first fawn of the season,

the tiniest fawn I have ever seen!

Tuesday we had a big storm
thunder for hours, then lightning, hail and rain
lightning hit a tree 40 feet from my cabin
wahoo, LOUD!
Poor tree!
bark and wood all over my yard and forest
it turned my modem 'upside down'
or rather off for two days, till a new one arrived

this is how it looked as the storm moved on:

with your thought provoking them:


Jun 3, 2014

Tall Thin Man with Owl for Friend


an evening sketch
and watercolor

for sale in my shop:

I so enjoy evening sketching!
hello art friends, 
i have just decided to take a Compassion Course
have you ever heard of non-violent communication?
I had the fortune to enjoy two days with Marshal Rosenberg 
and learn about this form of communicating

i was so impressed
by how simply conflicts can be resolved
needs have a chance of being met
empathy brings us present 
it made me consider, more than any other path
how peace on earth could possibly manifest

you can see two samples of the course

it is a 52 week course
one lesson a week
perhaps you would enjoy it too

sweet week to you!