Apr 3, 2011

Butterfly Girl

her wings
made of energy
only some could see
a quiet flighty one
full of dreams yet to be
if you sense into her heart
you'll find a spiral dance
you'll sense her wings of dancing light
a bit like a butterfly's stance

oh! her face is so pink in this scan, her face is more light peach
and her top and hair a gray, oh well.

I have begun taking 21 Secrets
began with Jane Davenport's class
she asked to show her our 'doodle'
you know, what ever little thing that we have been sketching throughout life

well I have been sketching little energy spheres like in the wings above forever
do you have a doodle?
please enjoy artists sketches or share your sketches with us!


  1. oh Tammie, this is beautiful. and yes a little pink in the face, :) my first thought of this drawing was of angels before reading the post. you draw so well. keep up the good work. have a great day.

    good luck with your 21 secrets class.

  2. The pink works though! Great detail! She reminds me immediately of the nature spirits the children find in the forest and garden! Ahh all these classes one day I must make the time!

  3. She is gorgeous. I hate the way some colors scan, on my scanner it is yellow, always too bright and blue always to soft.

  4. I LOVE her! I think she's gorgeous!

    I'm also in 21 Secrets. Haven't gotten to Jane's class yet. So many wonderful classes to explore...

  5. Very very pretty! I love the wings and the lovely shades you've chosen here.

  6. nice poem to go with your butterfly girl, I wish I were her!

  7. Oh this is so cool. I love your butterfly lady. Sounds like a cool class, too.
    I like the words you have put with her too!
    have a great day tammie - xo

  8. I like her wings, translucent and light. have a sweet sunday!

  9. I LOVE the butterfly girl and all that she represents. Beautiful work Tammie!

  10. Anonymous4/03/2011

    she's lovely..such delicate wings.
    and her poem is wonderful, touching my own spiral dance :)

    i'm a dotty doodler.. stars, suns rays, spirals.. circles.. movements..energies.. vey much like in your wings.


  11. Her wings are gorgeous. Love this alot.

  12. Lovin the energy sphere wings! I like the atentennas too!

  13. I think I'm a bit burnt out when it comes to courses but I'm seeing mentions of this one everywhere this week!

    I love the idea of her wings made of energy :)

  14. Anonymous4/03/2011

    Love those wings! They remind me of damselfly wings.
    Another beauty, Tammie.

  15. I actually love the pink - very unusual and it works! Her wings are gorgeous! I have been doodling daisies for as long as I can remember, always little daisies...I use them a lot in my work now too...funny how we use certain things over and over.

    Smiles my dear friend.

    I have missed your gentle influence in my life.

    can't believe you still have a foot of snow at your place! when does spring arrive typically?

  16. Sometimes the scanners really alter the colors. She's a pretty thing, though! I usually doodle leaves or birds.

  17. I love this beautiful butterfly girl! You've done such a nice job with her wings and face. <3

  18. Very pretty butterfly girl! I absolutely lover her wings!

  19. I have spent the day in my bed healing from pneumonia but have so enjoyed your Sunday sketches...the pink made me smile. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  20. She is SO beautiful, Tammie. :) Very ethereal. Have fun with 21 Secrets. I had to pass this time out. Theresa

  21. I love her wings. They appear almost gossamer.

  22. Beautiful butterfly girl and poem to go with her.

  23. oh what lovely words and the drawing so apt.

  24. This is wonderful, Tammie! I love the workshop, too! :)

  25. She's lovely Tammie. I love the delicate patterning on her wings. The doodle I tend to do a lot is wavy lines, like hair or tendrils. :) x

  26. Its so wonderful to see your beauty flowing and progressing within your sketches. Sorry I have been absent of late. I'm feeling more inspired by the day xxJ

  27. I'm taking 21 Secrets, too....Jane's class may well be next on my list! I'm really loving the wings!

  28. NICE!(the sketch and the poem)
    i doodle flowers and spirals n stuff mostly. .

  29. The consideration of around the world people...
    IT will become the driving force to let Japan be Re-birth.

    Thanks to all of Warm Cordiality.

    From Japan, ruma

  30. Oh my... i just love and adore her essence...magnificent!! wonderful!

  31. Do I have a doodle? Yes, I do. There's a lady with tilted eyes--I don't always like her. Then there is a fat cheeked cherub I doodle everywhere.

    I like to doodle people's faces--all in a clump--old people, men and women, children of all shapes and sizes--I should post one of my doodles sometime.

    What an inspiring teacher you have.


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~