Apr 30, 2011


kinship with life
a quiet art

walking earth as solid ground
wild companions all around
wind and tree point the way
to a listening heart
that does not sway


still smitten with ink and brush:

This piece came from a guided meditation with Goddess Leonie
from 21 Secrets.

I listened to Leonie's half hour meditation
lying in a meadow, climbing a mountain, conversing with my wise elder self.

Her theme being: You are beautiful just as you are!

These are the animals that were with me on my journey.
I sat with the idea of making a journal page, this is what came to me,
to make my very own totem pole.
It was challenging to sketch animals and learn to paint them, yet quite satisfying to complete.

 Goddess Leonie radiates the essence of us being beautiful just as we are,
which assists to experience the truth of what she shares.


Visit Sophia's Sunday Sketches
to enjoy other artists and their art.



  1. oh, home with all of your friends.
    the kinship with all of life, reaches to ones heart. i do miss my friends and montana.

  2. oh wow Tammie!!!! this is gorgeous....what a neat piece....every element is perfect!!!

    Happy Sunday!!!

  3. fantastic painting! and so unique!!!!

  4. Great sketch! Looks like a part f Narnia, it has magical quialities! Valerie

  5. What a great piece Tammie. So much has gone into it. Magic :)

  6. Very interesting and unique. Love it.

  7. Very beautiful and full of peace. Love the verse you put with it. It is always so nice to come here and read your words and see the art that goes with them.

  8. Oh I am definitely smitten with your ink and brush... This one reminds me of a Picasso ink drawing:


    I love, love, love what you are doing with your ink!!!


  9. this is sooo creative, love it.

  10. Anonymous5/01/2011

    This is beautiful, Tammie! you've created Magic - a beautiful celebration of Life and Nature!

  11. love the theme of this, such a nice idea!

  12. This is really cool! I love it! You capture nature so well. have a great sunday my friend! xo

  13. Tammie, You are so prolific, you must be very disciplined to create so often. Either that, or you are constantly inspired. I think, probably, the later?

  14. this must be your totem in life...absolutely incredible!
    cheers, dana

  15. What a wonderful sketch and idea Tammie.
    I love it. The top of the totem especially...The hare is wonderful.
    Happy May!

  16. Ohhh, we are in love with this piece! My parents are into Native American Art - mom having some NA in her a few generations ago, and this so reminds me of the totem. I adore the bear and the rabbit. The concept. I also love love vloe guided meditation, it has helped me through tough surgery, post partum, an daily life. I also write them and lead them with great joy. My children enjoy being led too, so this does speak to us! Wonderful! Thanks!

  17. This is really special Tammie, I especially like the rabbit. The theme is very good too, we are all interconnected and that's a good thing.

  18. Hi Tammie..
    quite an intriguing piece.. nicely done :)

  19. Love the tree with the deer on top! Also the embroidery on your header. Did you do that? I just read about quilters in your area. Sounds like you guys have a strong needlework tradition. I'm currently making printed paper quilts. Thanks for your visit.

  20. Wonderful piece for this weeks Sunday Sketches submission! Love all of the details and the inspriation!

  21. Very lovely, wonderful animals!

  22. I swear if did not know that you just started drawing last year, I would say, you have been doing it all your life. Tammie, this is beautiful. The lines are very fluid and confident!

    Thank you for your comment. I personally do not denounce the eating of meat. I can't. I eat meat, especially fish and poultry. WhileI have limited my beef intake, I won't make a fuss if someone served me a juicy steak. The harvesting of birds's nest is a major industry for countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, China and some parts of the Philippines. This may actually help the birds because they are protected. However, I do not like the practice in Indonesia where they built nesting houses for the sole purpose of harvesting nests. :(

  23. what a lovely painting Tammie!

  24. This is such a wonderful idea! The details in all the fur and feathers of the animals are beautiful, and the leaves on the tree too :)

  25. hello, i'm visiitng from sunday sketches. lovely piece!

  26. Beautiful chain. I also like a lot of separate frames. As a visual poem.

  27. I love how this piece was inspired by your meditation. Beautiful all around ... peaceful.

  28. Tammie,
    This is beautiful ... I love all the of the images but especially the owl ... wonderful.
    I love how this was inspired and that you are beautiful just as you are ... I do try to live that.
    Thinking of you,

  29. both the poetry and the drawing are lovely as usual!

  30. Great painting. Very unique!

  31. Wow there is a simplicity and tenderness to your work! Very beautiful!

  32. Yay! Absolutely beautiful and truly wonderful..gorgeous spirit!!Another powerful piece..shine on!

  33. Anonymous5/06/2011

    this is cool! i especially love the hare..but i think thats to do with the time of year, cos all the wee creatures gathered here with you are so beautiful.. fantastic piece Tammie xx

  34. what a sweet & wonderful totem pole! i love your ink rendering too....looks like another page of a children's coloring book!

  35. This is just amazing, Tammie. What a powerful piece! I am most excited to take Goddess Leonie's class. Right now I am taking the three little words class. Quite fun. :) Thank you for sharing this work! Theresa

  36. brilliant! I love it...

  37. I LOVE your totem pole, Tammie. I knew it was you before I read the words at the bottom. It's a lovely idea and beautifully executed - the larger images of the individual totem animals are gorgeous.


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