May 19, 2011

Earthling Waterling

 In my last post, I shared the original sketch for these pieces
with a poem about how a sketch is the beginning  of a dream. 
I took that sketch and made two very different pieces.

Earthling Waterling

one life a mermaid
one life a modern gal
dwelling in the water world
walking on the earth
waves and wind caressing elements
simply being with what is

 This modern gal is done with prismacolor pencils and a Faber Castell Pitt pen,
6"x12" Nature Sketch Pad 130 LB..

The Mermaid piece is done with watercolor pencils and crayons,
11"x14" Canson Britol Smooth, 100 LB.


Please visit Paint Party Friday to enjoy wonderful art!

original sketch:


  1. These are both so lovely, Tammie. I love the style you've used for creating them. But I identify particularly with the mermaid because my eyes are the same colours!

  2. Hello Janice!
    Thank you for your kind message. Wow, you have two different colored eyes, now that is special!

  3. Anonymous5/19/2011

    Tammie, this is so so fantastically creative.

    first glimpse..waterling..shes beyond words. earthlings cool too.. but, waterling........ :-) i cant stop looking at her.

  4. Anonymous5/19/2011

    is that a wee insect i keep spotting in your work?

  5. Anonymous5/19/2011

    Wow, Tammie, the mermaids are so enlightening! Awesomely beautiful!

  6. Anonymous5/19/2011

    Wow, I am impressed with these! How did you get that background?

  7. I love these pieces and like Sophia I love the different colour eyes. Beautiful work, Annette x

  8. Ooooy! These are beautiful and pretty. So tell me Ms. Tammie, how many years have you been drawing and painting? :)

  9. Hello everyone,

    To answer a few questions:

    Green Whisper: That wee insect is my signature. First a cursive T for Tammie, then a Cursive L for Lee, then little dots because. I will maybe see it as an insect now, fun.

    I am guessing your are asking about the background on the Mermaid? I drew it with a watercolor crayon, painted it with a wet brush and sprinkled salt on top and let it dry. Brushed the salt off later.


    I started drawing and painting March of 2010, so just over a year. So fun to learn something new. Thanks for asking.

    Thank you all for your messages!!


  10. One year?????!!!!!! WHAAAAT! WHAAAAAAATTTT! OMG you are so good! Ooooh I can only imagine what yu will be creating five years from now. WOW!

  11. oh Ces, you are so much fun! Art is so much fun. I am smiling!

  12. Mermaids are so mysterious and enchanting. Love your work! Absolutely, positively, amazing!

  13. oh wow Tammie!!!! this is a post filled with wonderful pieces....I love these....especially the mermaid!!! I love mermaids...and this one just made my day!!!

    Have a wonderful PPF!!!!

  14. Anonymous5/19/2011

    Very nice. I like her eyes and how you rendered her hair! Very cool how you made two different pieces from the one original sketch. Happy Paint Party Friday~

  15. Hi Tammie. Your mermaid is awesome. I agree with Roban about the two different pieces with one. Very creative. Have a great weekend and Happy PPF.

  16. These are lovely pieces. Love the crossover idea. I very much like what the gal is holding. It's one of those eternity symbols (can't remember the name), but on a tarot deck I think the magician is holding one. She is very magical to me this young woman you created.

  17. Love the way you did her hair, such nice flowing pen work. Well Done!

  18. Anonymous5/20/2011

    great sketches and i love how the same girl looks so very different depending on her being a waterling or earthling. thanks for explaining how you created the background!

  19. Ooooh, I love your Sirena! So beautiful!

  20. Beautiful work, love the coloration of the water spirit's skin and tail!
    Their hair look awesome too, very unique and inspirational.

  21. Beautiful poetry and beautiful your girls .. a question: why does the siren one eye of each color? ...

  22. Hi
    Visiting from PPF.
    Incredibly beauty and such a sense of calm.

  23. Tammie,
    Your mermaid is simply beautiful. her face is so sweet and serene. I love the fact that she has two different colored eyes....thats very cool.
    I also love how her tail is twisting around her.
    have a great day. happy ppf

  24. I love to see the original sketch come to life in these! The blue looks dreamy.xx

  25. This mermaid is just so beautiful and I like how you transition her to a modern gal! :-)

  26. Tammie, this is beautiful! Mermaid looks so serene and I love the color choice you made with her.

  27. I love your mermaid and how you achieved two so VERY different results- I LOVE playing with art this way!
    Happy PPF,

  28. These are gorgeous, Tammie! I especially love the modern gal. LOVE her colors. And the way you did their hair! Beautiful work! :)

  29. Not only is your mermaid lovely, but your poetry ephemeral! And your photography is just as amazing. Thank you for stopping by my blog, brought me here and your work's wonderful.

  30. These are both wonderful! Like 2 sisters, but both very different. I love the way you did the hair :)

  31. Love them both Tammie - what a difference attire and surroundings can make to us and your girl!

    Beautifully done.

  32. Love the different colored eyes. Thanks for sharing. HAPPY PPF!

  33. Beautiful paintings evolved from your sketch. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the mermaid and your background inspired me to make a watercolor that was dancing around my head for quite some time. I think your painting was the final kick in the butt! This afternoon!!!

  34. Lovely young lady!

  35. gorgeous Tammie..and i loooove the peaceful blues all around her too..she is so spirited and beautiful..gorgeous work! Shine on my friend!

  36. The mermaid is just wonderful. Love the blue and brown eyes and love how the tail wraps around her neck. Love it all. Great job.

  37. So beautiful and absolutely mesmerizing... I love your use of watercolor (and you already know how much I love her hair... still do!)


  38. Really pretty! Especially love the mermaid. Happy PPF!

  39. i really the mermaids face, her two-coloured eyes are so pretty!

  40. Your sketches are so serene...they are really pretty!

  41. Anonymous5/20/2011

    They are both so beautiful! I feel more of a kinship with the beautiful mermaid for some reason!

  42. Wow, love both of these Tammie...great job.,..

  43. I really love their hair.

  44. So COOL! This is like the Little Mermaid who went off to college. I love her hair! And I love all your choices for eye color, especially the pink. LOVE the pink! Two very different feels, yet both equally stunning!

  45. I love the eyes of the mermaid - one green, one blue. All of the shades of the sea! Happy PPF.

  46. Tammie, these girs are gorgeous. I especially live you mermaid...such gorgeous floaty colours, beautiful! I love their hair too, oh and the differ colour eyes of your mermaid. Such lovely wee touches that add to their uniqueness :)x

  47. very creative Tammie, I noticed the waterling has 2 different coloured eyes, neat.

  48. Ahhh I love both of these lovely ladies. Mermaids are one of my favorite things. And your poem is wonderful as always. Happy PPF!

  49. I am drawn in by the intensity of the mermaid's stare! Stunning eyes. :) Really beautiful work, thanks for sharing!

    Merry Making,

  50. I really like that mermaid! My best friend in school had one green eye and one blue. Maybe she was a mermaid!

  51. I love love love these! I especially love the mermaid's eyes.

  52. She is just gorgeous, Tammie! I love her different colored eyes and her hair and the way her tail wraps around her. Theresa

  53. I am so loving your mermaid. Very cool that you took one sketch and made two totally different paintings.

  54. Definitely they are relatives. :) Love how peaceful they look.
    Thanks for the weekly lovely comments! :)

  55. Both your gals are lovely. Well done!

  56. great ways to show two different takes on her, love the hair and of course, the 2 colored eyes!

  57. WOW!! i love mermaids and yours is amazing!!! i love how her tail wraps her shoulders!!! AWESOME! AWESOME!!!
    happy PPF!

  58. Wow, how much beauty there is in this siren, full of tenderness and sensitivity, I love those blues.

  59. really does flow with you, Tammie. As a Pisces, you know I can't help being smitten with the mermaid!! Love how her aura/halo matches the pearl in her hand... beautiful water too...

  60. Thanks for your comment on my blog........lovely to see your ethereal images.

    Wonderful lifestyle you have!

  61. I like the mermaid version the best. love all the blue surrounding her and the dots in her hair - she is quite dreamy especially with her two-colored eyes.

  62. ps, I think you should add 'beauty flows' to your list of blogs in your blogger profile. just a thought.

  63. I love mermaids! You've done such a great job with this piece!

  64. Wow, beautiful work! Very soulful eyes...I like your style.

  65. oooo... so mystical and dreamy! I love them both but am partial to mermaids. Fantastic job!

  66. i love her hair!
    love to you
    from underwater
    & mystical spaces!

  67. ooo she is darling! i especially love her hair.

  68. wonderful pieces..beautiful..

  69. Oh, Tammie! These just fill my eyes. How creative you are--you have such a unique style. I think I could pick your work out of a lineup. lol

    That first one is especially exquisite. I also love the way you did the hair on the second drawing. Both of them fill my eyes..

    I'm hoping you aren't near those floods they're talking about on the news.

  70. again your art is amazing! Modern girl is definitely right up my street.

  71. Anonymous5/25/2011

    Oh you've just reminded me of video I watched yesterday of earth light on youtube. On lilou site she interviews a scientist who as been investigating what people think are ufo's and they're coming up from the ground and she's calling them earth light. They go with your earthlings! So cute!

  72. Anonymous5/27/2011

    I discovered another Tammie ...

  73. Hi Tammie, absolutely love this painting of the waterling,especially because she reminds me of my sister, one brown eye, one blue eye!

  74. what sweet progressions of beautiful thoughts~
    love you!

  75. Anonymous6/08/2011

    I just love your mermaid! I have not visited this blog in quite some time, it is fun to see how your art is evolving, and what you are creating! I love the whimsy and beauty of all of your pieces!

  76. David Bowie----- is this a weird association? Due to bi coloured eyes & he came out with an album titled EARTHLING at one pt -- anyway, love Bowie and love these gals!!!! so charming

  77. Oh these two are awesome. I love that a single sketch can have two completely different looks and both be gorgeous.

    Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts on subject and your process. I've learned a lot from this challenge thanks to some wonderful people like yourself.




Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~