May 8, 2011

Knowing Heart for Sunday Sketches

there is a natural knowing
in the heart of a mother
to let love live
in her children
love is passed on to her children
lives on 
in their blood
in their heart
through the knowing
heart of a mother

I wish everyone a lovely Mother's Day

for everyone
has a mother

I bought some Lyra 'skin tone' pencils. 
I love how different choices of color 
are inspiring in new ways. 

I must share with you a mother that I saw in the wilds of Montana last week:

Tall Tree

Black bear mama denning in this tree with her two cubs:

Mama, where are you going?
I think I will follow you:

 the little bear did not follow, but any day now.

To see more Black Bear photos visit my other blog:


To enjoy sketches by other artists, visit:


  1. Love hers eyes...and the writing! Thanks for sharing the bears!!!
    cheers, dana

  2. Beautiful sketch, Love the way you made the eyes stand out.
    Thanks for sharing the pictures of the cute little bears.

  3. Beautiful sketch!! I love the shades you chose this time!

    That tree almost look's like a "Mother Tree" the way the cub and squirrel are coming out of it!

    Happy SS and Mother's Day!

  4. Love your beautiful sketch, and the bear photos are priceless! Valerie

  5. lovely tribute. and what cute pics.

    have a sweet day!

  6. beautiful sketch, happy Mom's day!

  7. oh these words are beautiful!!!! I love them....they speak such truth. gorgeous lady too in the sketch...the eyes popped right out at me....xo

  8. Beautiful drawing! Thanks for sharing the mama bear photo. :) Enjoy the day! Theresa

  9. Such a pretty lady and the bear photos are so cool! I've seen black bears IRL but never in a tree.

  10. The face is simply soulful & exquisite, the words enhance the beauty, just lovely Tammie :)

  11. Lovely modeling on the face; so delicate! Thanks for the bears!

  12. Lovely poem and drawing, I really like her face, nicely done! Those pictures are way too adorable!

  13. Awww, she is beautiful! And so is your poem. Love the way you have incorporated the writing around her.

    And your totem is wonderful! I can feel the spirituality in your oneness with nature.


  14. Beautiful sketch. I love her large eyes and the new pencils look great.

    That tree has to be huge! The little cubs are so adorable.

  15. Lovely sentiments and sketch. Happy Mother's Day to you too Tammie.

  16. Lovely sketch, I had to go check out more bear photos too, so cool!

  17. Your shading is beautiful, Tammie. I love this piece!
    Have a great week. I'll reply to your email soon.
    Janice. x

  18. A nice and sweet sketch.

  19. She looks just lovely, so peaceful and like she's fully content with everything. The skin tones look beautiful, it's always nice to buy some new art materials :) The thrill of trying them out for the first time is always so worth it!

  20. Wow Tammie she is beautiful I love the eyes and the tones you have used. And that photo of the bears is amazing!!!! I can't imagine seeing that in real life, truly amazing! Thank you for sharing :0)

  21. this beautiful lady is so serene and us mothers need to be! love you beautiful hand writng encircling her too. and how i loved spending mother's day with that mama bear & cubs...i could have watched them for hours....what a delightful mother's day it was! i know yours was too~
    xo abigail

  22. Your artwork and words are just beautiful!

  23. Gorgeous, both the drawings and your poems! I'm getting so happy each time I visit you to see your lovely art of work! :) And happy you have seen the black mama bear and her child!! Fantastic! =))

    Many beautiful drawings and words below as well, and especially I like the animals you have drawed!

    Now I've posted your lovely cards in my blog.. :)

    Have a nice day! :)

  24. happy belated mothers day!
    the bear find is AMAZING!!!
    & lovely drawing.

  25. ooh..she is just gorgeous..soulful eyes..deeply loving and nourishing..and such beautiful words...wonderful tribute to mothers! and yes i love your bear photos; magnificent!!

  26. happy Belated mother's day! Loved the pictures and the poetry part.

    Heel in Mint

  27. Anonymous5/18/2011

    love mama bear:)
    and your sketch..she is beautiful..those milk chocolate..melting :o)
    love seeing your handwriting around her too..nice touch.
    & great colours xx


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~