May 26, 2011

Pink Realm

she lives in a pink realm
soft edges
ephemeral borders
skin transparent to energy tender
fluttering friends

her pink sky 
filled with the sweet scent of lilies

yes she lives in a pink realm
that holds true to a soft heart
that sings purely

this piece started with a sketch I shared with you a couple of weeks ago:

I colored her face with prismacolor pencils 
I love doing that

then I cut her out of the page
and prepared a 7"x16" piece of plywood with bits of colored paper, napkins and paint:

for the first time I coated the piece with beeswax
oh how i love 
yes LOVE
the scent of beeswax
plus it makes for a soft realm:

 though the very first photo in this post is the completed piece
from that photo it is hard to see the texture and softness that these side views show


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  1. What a gorgeous color palette! It is truly lovely. The cute little kitty is also adorable. Your process is so much fun...I want to try it.

  2. Those piercing amber eyes are so enchanting! Love the dreaminess of it all :)

  3. This blondie is wonderful! The texture from the beeswax looks great. Never tried the wax even though I bought all the equipment but I just can't stand the mess it would make. :)

  4. Anonymous5/27/2011

    i love the depth and texture that the beeswax has given your painting. it's wonderful.

  5. It's a wonderful job ... these different shades of pink and green leaves from the front ..very sweet. Saludos

  6. OMG, Beautiful, TOTALLY GORGEOUS, Bees Wax, is there nothing those little insects can't do LOL... I really love & thank you for showing the steps, it is wonderful to see the process of creating this beautiful piece :)

  7. Your little beauty has turned out soooooooo well, the beesway gives it a wonderful finish, too! Happy PPF, Valerie

  8. very nice, I especially love the faces you do. always thrilled to see your work. take care.

  9. Tammie, this is just so beautiful. I love it.

  10. She's beautiful in all of her textural glory!!!

  11. I've never used beeswax like this before. You've made a nice effect with it. :)x

  12. oh wow Tammie!!!! I love this piece...I think this is one of my favorites!!! great textures too!!!

    Have a wonderful Friday and Weekend!!!

  13. Lovely shade on a beautiful piece. Wonderful and enhancing effect the encaustic makes. Gorgeous!

  14. Anonymous5/27/2011

    Lovely piece Tammie. Thanks for sharing your process. The kitty is so cute in her hands. Happy PPF! :-)

  15. Oh just look at all those lovely textures and colours! I can almost smell how fragrant that beeswax must have been just by looking at this. This is a truly exquisite piece :)

  16. She's charming! I love the texture and colors and use of mixed media ~ nice!

  17. she's just gorgeous...i am loving the pink realm!!! I like how this shimmers, too!!!! her eyes are gorgeous... and hee, of course...i love pink! and of course, the little kitty! have a great friday! xo

  18. She is so beautiful. I love beeswax too. The scent,textures and soft look it adds. Happy PPF! Theresa

  19. Anonymous5/27/2011

    She is enchanting! I love the smell of beeswax too ... I will have to try it sometime!

  20. Enchanting was just the word I wanted to use... love the softening glow that the beeswax added; what a wonderful, experimental journey!

  21. This is fabulous. Thankyou for showing your process too. Its always fun to see how things develop!


  22. I am in Love!!! so gorgeous Tammie! how are you? Feels like we haven't talked in forever!!!

    Hope all is well with you and you are doing wonderfully - any sun in your realm??

    Smiles and hugs

  23. Love that beeswax on your piece. She is exceptional. Very nice. Happy PPF!

  24. Beautiful piece of art and loving the beeswax, it gives such great dimension. Annette x

  25. lovely piece, Tammie.

  26. Anonymous5/27/2011

    So glad you told how you did this one. You knew I was going to ask, didn't you? Beeswax, that is interesting.
    Beautiful! I wrote down the name of the pencils, I love the way they come out.

  27. Oooh I love her - and wonderful to see how she evolved. I was also rather captivated by your little waterling - what eyes... what hair...

  28. She;s really her coloring!

  29. Such a beautiful little lady she is, Tammie! I love how you're exploring new mediums... Using Beeswax sounds very interesting, and delicious! I can't wait to see what you come up with next. :) oxx

  30. Anonymous5/27/2011

    Oh just love all the textures and colours. She's so pretty! The lillie flower also, really sets her in dream land.
    I forgot totally what i was going to write to you in seeing her. Blown away!

  31. Love this piece and your blog! I am excited to learn how to use beeswax on my art. Thank you for visiting my blog. I will be back here to see more of your beautiful art, and follow as soon as Blogger gets their problems worked out. :-)

  32. Admiro tu capacidad de transmitir al lienzo tu encantadora imaginación.

  33. I love the juxtaposition of the soft colors against her sort of spooky expression. Very beautiful! :)

  34. Your creation is fantastic! HAPPY PPF!

  35. I loooove beeswax too - it always makes me so happy to finish a painting that way (I think the smell soothes me).

    It's a wonderful painting - the background is amazing!


  36. Anonymous5/27/2011

    You are unique!

  37. My 1st visit through PPF and how beautiful is your work! very, I like I like, so I have added you to my side bar so others will see you

    love Dawn xx

  38. She is enchanting. The colors are magical and the beeswax brillant. this is fabulous. gerri

  39. Thank you for telling us your process. I have never worked with beeswax, but feel that I should give it a try. The texture is wonderful, absolutely gorgeous.

  40. i've never seen beeswax used this way and it looks lovely - hard to photograph, but you did a good job showing that there's a little sheen to the lovely gal. the cutouts are a fun addition. very nice piece.

  41. I just love it! So beautiful! Glad to see the side views, too, and learn how you went about creating it. I love the smell of beeswax, too.

  42. oh my word. Gorgeous work!

  43. I love that world pink, bright colors. Greetings.

  44. This was fun seeing your process behind the piece. You create such wonderful characters. THanks for coming by my blog and leaving a comment..I appreciate it. Have a great weekend.

  45. She is gorgeous and I absolutely love the background on this one.

  46. Lovely work!! Such wonderful design and composition. Thanks for sharing your process!

  47. Lovely. I like her eyes and the butterfly. Thanks for stopping by my place, Happy PPF!

  48. So dreamy and pretty and I really like the kitty!

  49. So pretty! Love her pink softness. Wonderful texture. It´s great to have an idea of size with the outdoors picture.

  50. She's gorgeous! I love her! I keep saying I'm going to delve into beeswax, but inevitably chicken out! Happy PFF!

  51. Ohhh this is so inspiring! I have never used beeswax before! I LOVE the texture that you made with this piece really lovely work! you have me all inspired now :0)

  52. Happy Pinkness! She looks very fragile and soft. Love the beeswax!

  53. I thought this was really sweet, and then I scrolled down and saw the texture... and it looks amazing! *o* How I wish to try that someday!
    Awesome work!

  54. She is absolutely lovely! Hurray for beeswax. I love the dreamy feel it gives, too. And the SCENT.....ahhhh. You did a wonderful job.

  55. A absolute beautiful piece of art work. Thanks for sharing your process in this very lovely creation.

    Took an art class but never got into the bees wax side of things....maybe soon. Thanks for the inspiration.


  56. What a beautiful painting, I love the flowers at the top part of the canvas. I have never used bees wax either, what a cool effect it has!!!

  57. this is great, the colours are reallu lovely!

    xx, Sabinna and David

  58. what pink loveliness this amazed at what you are creating tammie!! such a beautiful expression of your soft heart~
    xo abigail

  59. now she really is wonderful..

  60. will be nice to see it in person,and the kitty-my five are doing quite well. yes a very special piece.

  61. very beautiful piece! lovely textures!<3

  62. Such a goreous pink realm and such a beauty she is..fabulous! and yes beeswax is such a beautiful way to finish any creation! Shine on!

  63. She is gorgeous and LOVE the beeswax finish!

  64. ...I just love this post....she is so beautiful. Pink is one of my favorite colors when painting...

  65. Tammie, she is GORGEOUS! I love all the pink and her lovely green eyes. Wonderful translucency of the butterfly too! The variegation in the leaves is fantastic. The dappled background...oooh, I just love it all!

    Aah, I've missed so much!


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