Mar 19, 2011

Within, a Universe

like a faceted crystal is my spirit
made of friends from many realms
we blend and flavor our
words and deeds
together we are
summer autumn winter
and yes
we breathe bloom
and flower
laugh cry and share
when you meet me
you greet 
our universe

I was so surprised how spring like this piece came out, simply because I have been submersed in winter's spirit for so many months. 
Nice to feel in sync with the season.
I sat down to draw the other night, simply wanted to draw a girls face, something familiar, nothing new to learn, something I could be a little mindless with. 
Then all these faces showed up one by one. 
They felt as though they were aspects of the central person. 
Then the poem came.

Wishing one and all a lovely Spring Equinox
for others Autumn Equinox


treat yourself to a visit:

to enjoy sketches by my art friends


  1. wish you a super spring

  2. LOVE the faces in this one, and the thought of frienship being like the seasons and facets of a crystal. how true! happy spring to you my friend! xo

  3. Gorgeous Tammie..super magical..and so beautiful..what beautiful images and faces and souls..they are all so uniquely enchanting! Lovely prose! Always so fun and wonderful visiting here..Happy SE to you too...enjoy and wishing you many sparkles!
    Hugs and Happy day!

  4. It IS indeed very spring-like! It made me so happy to see. There is a lot of magic in that world - looks like it would be fun to visit with these folk. :) Happy spring! Theresa

  5. Yvette, lovely season to you too~

    Heather, I love your comment and thoughts about my poem, thank you.

    you make me smile with your enthusiastic and magical comment!


    I love that you can see spring in this. It surprised me, fun how art can do that.

    Happy and lovely equinox to all!


  6. Anonymous3/20/2011

    The same to you, Tammie. We are off to a grand start here.

    Love your characters!

  7. I am very fond of the little Leprechaun-ish, elve-y guy on the bottom, with his high cheekbones and his impish little grin.

  8. An enchanted (and enchanting!) community! A lovely welcome to spring ... hope you are enjoying yours.

  9. Again I love how our lives come through in our art and they take on a life of their own! Seasonal rhythm is important to me in raising my family and here we are again, spring! Lovely - and I really like the words of your poem!

  10. Great collage. I love that you incorporated little elements of the different seasons within it also.

  11. Meant to say my favorite is the blue hatted girl, I love all their eyes, very expressive, feel like i can see a bit to the other side through them, and love the title, so suiting your wonderful prose!

  12. Hi Tammie!!! I love your dreamy and fun characters!!!! you really had a lot of fun with these and it shows!!!! wonderful work!

  13. Wonderful sketches Tammie, and I saw your last painting was finished! It's gorgeous! The deer is perfect! xoxo

  14. Lots of enchantment to spin some magic. Love what you've done here.

  15. These are very whimsical and sprightly. Great expressions. I love the piece in the blog post below, that is fantastic.

  16. Incredibly cool Tammie! And that it was unplanned makes it even more fascinating!

    It seems to me all those characters call for their own stories to be told!

  17. What a soft and wonderful piece and poem! I love that these just flowed to you as you were drawing - they look like they all belong to each other!

    So very beautiful! I like the white haired lady in the back - have never thought of doing someone with white hair!

    Smiles and hope you are having a wonderful week!

  18. Tammy, I love the faces and the words they inspired. So glad you are feeling Spring, it is still a little cold here for me to feel that yet but it is getting closer.

  19. What a lovely piece. They faces are all so lovely. What mixture of lovely souls. Thanks for that poem.

  20. You must be so happy with this Tammie, it's wonderful...

  21. Great piece Tammie, well done.. happy spring...

  22. What a fun drawing! Love all the faces. It is Spring like, I now want to go skip through a meadow!

  23. A lot of work Tammie, nice to look at the many faces of the universe.

  24. As always - words and pics - so together! Love it.
    cheers, dana

  25. These are wonderful sketches Tammi, I like how different they are and the comparison to the crystal.

  26. Oooh - such great faces and I love all of the little details surrounding them too!


  27. What a beautiful view into a world of fairytales~
    Love the soft colors!

  28. I love the composition here! All of the faces look so interesting together. It reminds me a bit of the Labyrinth for some reason...

  29. very imaginative. Have a wonderful spring yourself :)

  30. Such a lovely, detailed piece of art here, the composition is wonderful, each face has been given such attention and effort and looks as beautiful as the next! And the poem is just lovely too!

  31. You draw so beautifully!

  32. Love this piece, reflective of the true nature springing forth from her spirit.

  33. Anonymous3/25/2011

    hello many faceted spirit..your gentle beauty shines through this piece.. fun and i see mischief :o)

    enjoy the magic of spring dear lady..xx

  34. All those faces, popping out to greet you! You draw such beautiful eyes. And her lips! Boy, do I want her lips! Happy Spring!

  35. Sometimes it is fun to see what happens when one places pencil to paper--you just never know what will pop out!

    lol I love them all, but that little fellow at the bottom is my fav.


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~