Jan 1, 2011

Listening ~

 listening to the spirit
that lies beneath

allowing it's languid and lively presence
to permeate awareness
as well as stance

grace rises
within each breath

each step becoming vital 
a true place to allow life
to rise from

abiding in a heart of tender knowing

deep peace


As we enter 2011
I wish you a year that feels wonderful to you

may you have courage to honor your dreams
your highest truth

I feel thankful for your kind friendship 
the ways you have shared with me
the ways we grow and learn together

thank you all for sharing 2010 with me
I look forward to a lovely 2011 with each and every one of you

with heartfelt warmth, 

Please visit Sofia's Sunday Sketches 
to enjoy the art 
of my artist friends!


  1. Hi Tammie, she is lovely! Beautiful words and a beautiful painting, I really love her red hair and that you can almost see through it to her shoulder underneath, nice touch! :0) Happy New Year to you! :0)

  2. Wonderful sketching, Tammie!

  3. Happy New Year!
    Lovely composition : )

  4. listening...observing....so important...it seems in the air..I just wrote a log about it.


  5. Happy New Year Tammie xj

  6. I wish for you a very happy journey in the year 2011!

  7. Lovely words....but your drawing is getting better and better. She is lovely .. very lovely.

  8. She is a true beauty, looks like she's enjoying the scenery! Her hair is almost like a glorious mountain, the way it blends in with the background colours so wonderfully. You have a beautiful imagination and it certainly reflects well in your paintings and writing :) Happy new year to you!

  9. She is so perfect Tammie! A very Happy New year to you too! May all you wish for yourself come to pass.
    Thank you for all the incredible photos and art that you share with us, as well as your gentle and wise reflections and observations. You are so valued!

    Hugs and smiles my friend.


  10. Thank you Tammie, this is a lovely post to start the new year. I love her warm-coloured hair and the landscape is wonderful! Happy new year to you. xx

  11. A wonderful post. I wish you a very artful and Happy New Year. Are you staying warm?!!! Hugs, Sharon

  12. even here, I see your light: the way she illuminates hope for the new year, tender protection for new dreams. Love the colors you've used, the echo of her hair in the mountains... a gorgeous way to begin the new year.

    much love,

  13. she looks hopeful, happy - a lovely creature to welcome the new year

    hope you have a great year!

  14. thank you all for your lovely messages, thoughts and wishes for a wonderful new year. Your friendship and inspiration is a gift in my heart and life.

    with warmth,

  15. So Beautiful..stunning energy to her spirit and wonderful imagery!!Wishing you much magic always!Gorgeous post!!

  16. OK Tammie..I feel like a complete dolt!! How did I miss your beautiful artwork..geesh..am I slow on the uptake or what! Wow hon...I love your syle..WOW!!
    Hugs, Sarah

    Off to visit your etsy shop!!:)

  17. Where have I been?! I've missed so many posts, even had a shock just now to see my own drawing staring at me in the face! Thank you so much!

    Gosh, your paintings are shaping into such a beautiful style, Tammie...this lady is so peaceful and lovely.

    Hugs! oxx

  18. I am thankful for your friendship and support, as well, Tammie! This new painting is quite lovely - those mountains look so much like those in your gorgeous photographs. Hope this year shows us more of your magical art! Theresa

  19. I hope you have a year full of inspiration.. I think we are all thinking along the same. I started a new blog. When we are not watching. It is just a reminder to look at simple things because they tell us more than just stories they give us inspiration.

  20. Oh the background is fantastic..it gives a deeper meaning to the whole picture..and the lady beauty is surreal...

    Happy New Year :)

  21. your painting & words
    are so beautiful!
    happy new year to you,
    & all you hold dearest
    in your heart! xox

  22. Beautiful words for the New Year.
    I love seeing the sketch go to a final work. Both are beautiful.

  23. This drawing really does have a lovely feeling of peace about it. Happy New Year to you!!

  24. And thank you Tammie!

    Best wishes for a happy, healthy, prosperous and creative 2011!!

    Another beautiful piece! I really like the background - lovely mountains and Moon.

  25. Lovely piece you've painted. I love the energy of the brush strokes. I wish you a happy and healthy new year!

  26. Lovely and pensive! ♥

  27. Happy New Year to you! Beautiful words and painting.

  28. I feel the peace in your beautiful sketch. Happy New Year to you!

  29. Gorgeous, as always. I love her expression and the flow of her hair.

  30. Happy New Year!!! I love your piece!

  31. such lovely words, thankyou...
    may every day be a joy...

  32. What a beautiful heartfelt piece of writing. how sweet. It's been wonderful to know you too. You write from your heart and as a reader i can so feel that !
    she's beautiful, too! I love her hair....happy new year to you! Looking forward to 2011 and your creations ! xxoo

  33. just beautiful. happy new year

  34. I wish you the Happiest most Creative New Year full of peace.

  35. Beautiful! I love her flowing hair and the color you used for it-it looks great against her skin and eye color!

  36. Such lovely words and kindness... beautiful and peaceful.

    Happy New Year!


  37. Tammie you are an inspiration to me...I am trying to keep a journal for 2011 and yours is so welcoming. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  38. Happy New Year Tammie.
    I love your poems.x

  39. Tammie, may joy fill your life in 2011. I love your work and your delicate approach, thank you for sharing with us all :D

  40. my favorite sketch so far Tammie. it's beautiful. your words are nicely written as well. hope you have a wonderful new year with many more productive sketches. have a great day.

  41. I really LOVE your art Tammie, it is so beautiful and inspiring too. Thank you for the beauty in words and drawings that you share and Happy 2011.

    Hugs, G


  42. Hello, I just came to let you know that I gave you the 'stylish blogger award' on my blog since your blog is so enchanting and a pleasure to visit :)

  43. Happy New Year Tammie,
    I have enjoyed viewing all your paintings. Best wishes for a creative year in 2011.

  44. Ohhh...Tammie! This fills my eyes--you will be so surprised when you see what I'm sending you. You won't believe this--but great minds do think alike!!!

    I think there must be a special bond between you and I. I'm just amazed. This is an exquisite piece, by the way... and with your lovely words, Oh, my. Well, I love it.

  45. It is so nice, in the dead of winter, surrounded by snow on the outside, warmth on the inside, to sit alone with an empty page and a head full of ideas. Hours or days later, there it is, imagination come to life on the page before us. I can see you are spending your snow time wonderfully. She has the sweetest little mouth!

  46. Happy new year Tammie! May 2011 fill your sketchbook with new lovely paintings such as this!:)

  47. Dear Beautiful Tammie~ wishing you a most joyous and wonder filled new year !!! Love, Shayna

  48. She is gorgeous (you). I love this painting! This line feels so good: "abiding in a heart of tender knowing"


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~