Jan 23, 2011

Heart, the Natural Art

live with heart
the natural art
feel alive
and akin

as Valentine's day approaches
I find myself wanting to let the human heart
the universal and divine heart
influence my art

I forgot to take a scan of my original sketch, 
still I share this for:
Sophia's  Sunday Sketches


  1. She has a beautiful expression - serene and understanding.

  2. thank you lisa. I was looking at her face and wondering what she was sharing, I like what you see.

  3. She is so peaceful.So serene.

  4. Great sketch! I love the soft colors you used.

  5. Beautiful and uplifting! I can see the love and tranquility in her eyes :) And I adore the limited colour palette, it works really well here and creates really nice contrasts between light and dark. Yet another lovely piece of art!

  6. Lovely drawing and words!

  7. oh i love the words here Tammie! excellent. going with the feelings of our heart can take us to wonderful places, especially in art...
    i love how you are incorporating this into your art of late! wonderful! xxoohappy sunday

  8. great writing to go with your serene art.

  9. Beautiful, Tammie! She looks so serene and knowing. Great job! Theresa

  10. Great sketch/art! I'm wondering what she is thinking.

  11. The winter full moon has been gorgeous and your art work reminds me of the moon's beauty and brilliance.

  12. Just beautiful, I love the softness of this.

  13. just lovely & of course,
    the focus on heart is
    the BEST!!

  14. She is so pretty! Love the colors and her expression is so peaceful. Yummy pink. love her hair too.

    Hope you are doing really well this weekend! I thought of you today as we were out cutting up fire wood in the woods today, building up a store for next winter...hard work, but oh so rewarding!


  15. I like how light and soft this image is. Your lady is lovely, like a sweet scented flower. :)

  16. A lot of your artwork give me a sort of magical and medieval feeling when I look at them. It is the best feeling EVER!

  17. I personally think the most powerful way to live a life is to live it with all of your heart and feel every joy and sad emotion thoroughly .. :) even though sometimes I might nag and get upset when things aren't going well but hey, sunshine still comes to you after a blardy thunderstorm :)

    Wish we could surround ourselves with those lovely pink and lighthearted energy like the girl in your painting!

  18. engaging face!
    cheers, dana

  19. Hello All you lovelies,

    thank you for your thoughts, perspectives and supportive comments. Your visits are so encouraging and I love seeing my art new through your eyes and hearts.

    Gallery Juana,
    your comment is poetically wonderful. Thank you.

    Fun to hear you thought of me while out in the woods! Cutting fire wood is hard work, who needs a gym, eh!

    like a sweet scented flower, ah, how lovely.

    magical and medieval feeling, that is wonderful. kind of makes sense, I am more from an old world than this modern one.


    I love what you wrote, to live life with all our heart, joy and sadness included.
    Me thinks we all do have light and energies around us, that is why I draw them.

    thank you all!
    with light, from my heart to yours,

  20. Wow...gorgeous Tammie..i see I have missed a few of your fabulous art posts!! beautiful.. and such beautiful words...shine on!! I love the energy in her..very loving very spiritual..such harmony she permeates to all things!

  21. Beautiful as always Tammie!

  22. You have some really lovely new pieces on your blog! I love the soft coloring of this. Her face and hair are so pretty!

  23. Lovely Tammie! :) Cannot get enough of your lovely paintings! :)

  24. Nice art ...
    I really love this 1
    gr8 Job

    Take a look on my art works as well
    hope You like them as well ... ;)

  25. Hi Tammie, Gorgeous piece, really love the contrast of the green eyes with the red hair and dress. REally love your previous posts too very unique pieces!

  26. She makes me feel centered. I love her pinky hues and headband!

  27. Your poetry permeates your art, dear girl. How lovely--and this one fills my eyes and my heart.


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~