Jun 23, 2011

Paint Party Friday ~

in the evenings
wanting to do art 
without much thinking
I sketch swiftly
color with watercolor pencils
(loving Derwent Inktense for their vibrant colors)
and quickly brush with water
fun fast(er)
inspiring a looseness in my art, i think

perhaps it is simply fun
but also somehow nurturing
because I loose myself in the moment
a sort of meditation

these three are what I share for PPF
please join us or visit us to enjoy wonderful paintings!

also, it is my pleasure to share Amaila K!
Most likely many of you know Amaila, her gorgeous mystically charming art
and her generous sharing heart. 

Recently I ordered dreamy beautiful art from her, 
she was including an amazing gift of a tiny painting for anyone who bought from her store, an ACEO.

The package arrived and was filled with her magic
in the form of art:

Treat yourself by visiting her blog: Translucent Blue
Her Webstore: The Wish Forest

Maybe you too would enjoy purchasing one of her gorgeous pieces!
Thank you Amalia!



  1. The things you got from Amalia are gorgeous!

    Your work this week is just as beautiful. Loved it...and your poetry (as always!)

    I'm glad you enjoyed the insanity that is Bailey! The dolls are SO close to being finished. I worked on them all day today. Just wigs and skirts left to do. They are all assembled (and seem to have strange personalities already!). I hope they don't wander off during the night while I sleep.

  2. Oh you look to have had so much fun!!! Pretty pretty girls!

    and lucky you to get such beautiful things from Amalia! Doesn't her work just make you smile and smiles?

    Hoping this finds you well and happy - if your beautiful paintings are any indication you are both!


  3. Your quick sketches are just lovely. I am a big fan of Amalia's work...what a generous package she assembled for you. Enjoy!

  4. I like your quick drawings/sketches and the soft colors you use. Really nice job. Wow, that's a lot of goodies you received. Very nice.

  5. Lovely work Tammie!! I especially love the lady's eyes in number 2!! They really do stand out!! What a lovely package of goodies you received from Amalia!! She really is an amazing and inspiring artist I'm sure you'll treasure them all thank you for sharing!

  6. The quick drawing work are nice! Like the color palette of the last one! I knew of Amalia's work, she's an incredible artist. ;)

  7. Very nice quick sketches! Lovely! Thanks for sharing Amalia's work too. Happy PPF! Theresa

  8. Love all these faces. It does help to losen up. :) Thanks for sharing Amelia. I'm off to check her out. :)

  9. Lovely eyes. What a great package of artwork to receive.

  10. Great work, from both of you! Happy PPF, Valerie

  11. Anonymous6/24/2011

    Oh wow, Tammie, your creating loads of beautiful art and you recieve some also.
    Your on a roll!

  12. Anonymous6/24/2011

    Oh wow, Tammie, your creating loads of beautiful art and you recieve some also.
    Your on a roll!

  13. your painting has a lot of expression. I am taking a class on watercolor. Something I have been very afraid of!
    Happy PPF!

  14. Tammie dear, your girls are as delicate as the flowers you capture in your images...

    I'm so glad you like the art and the little surprises I sent you. I know they'll find a loving home with you! oxx

  15. When hyou drew a quick, usually come from within .... Kss

  16. Tammie you are just spreading your wings and soaring!!
    And Amalia's work is stunning1

  17. Happy PPF, loving your sketches, so cute and you have some wonderful purchases. Annette

  18. Enjoyed your pretty ladies this week. That GIFT art package is beautiful. HAPPY PPF!

  19. Beautiful post Tammie...all your women are dazzling beauties...your work always carrie such enchantment and peaceful spirit too! Yes i agree painting is hughly meditative...aweseom!
    Oh my...what a beautiful treasure trove to receive..such gorgeous art from her!Enjoy!!
    Happy Summer my friend!

  20. your girls are lovely as always, each with their own unique look.

  21. Great work with the Derwents! Thinking I haven't utilized their potential yet. So many products, so little time. Terrific of you to include Amaila in your post too - lovely work!

  22. beautiful work! I love getting lost in my work, isn't that a great feeling? Your last lady is just my favorite of the day!
    I love what you got from Amalia, she's sooooo very talented! Beautiful pieces. lucky YOU!
    have a great friday

  23. I love that feeling when tyou get so absorbed that time diappears altogether. :)
    Amalia's work is beautiful, lucky you getting that package of delights! Have a great weekend Tammie :)

  24. Cute pictures :) Happy PPF! Marcia

  25. Love your drawings! The eyes are mesmerizing! :-)

  26. I love these. Creating to me is always meditative!!

  27. Wow, your girls just keep getting more expressive. Love to see them

  28. I love your ladies, especially the one with the blue hair! Happy PPF!

  29. Love it, the creating and receiving of beautiful art :) I especially love your blue haired girl, her swirls are gorgeous, oh to have hair like that :)
    And such an amazing envelope of goodness to receive :)x

  30. Like your second lady the best! Happy PPF!

  31. Sweet pictures of the lovelies. Baeutiful blending on their faces.

  32. Beautiful art Tammi. I love your writings and the 3 women are very pretty and calm.


  33. Charming, with deep eyes and beautiful blue dresses.

  34. I love all of the intense blues in these paintings, inktense are really amazing to work with :) The eyes are really captivating too!

  35. Your ladies are gorgeous! I'm especially drawn to the second one. Beautiful work on the face. LOVELY, all of them! And what a nice package you received from Amaila. :)

  36. Awesome work on all of these, watercolor pencils are so much fun to work with!
    Really love the last one, she has a sort of rococo Marie Antoinette -look to her... ^-^

  37. Your drawings look delicious, you know, like something that induces salivation because they stir some pleasant memories like sweet childhood...

  38. These two first I like a lot! Great work Tammie! Without much thinking you can make the most beautiful things when drawing.. painting.. and yes, a good meditation! :)

  39. Beautiful girls in splendid colors. I love that you paint as meditation - I would love to try that. Thank you for the inspiration.

  40. I love them all, Tammie. And Amalia's too - a beautiful package to receive. I like the Derwent Inktense too. Of course, in my hands they produce nothing like these treasures...!

  41. i love the faces on your characters!! great artwork!

  42. Oh, my dear--I love every one of these wonderful pieces. A friend of mine says everything I do has a glimpse of me in it.

    I believe the same is true of your artwork. There is a bit of you in each one--and beauty flows.

  43. Anonymous7/01/2011

    it's wonderful seeing your creations as they grow with you.


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~