Jun 26, 2011


 while visiting an in between realm
a space between eyes open
and eyes closed
I met him, the Genie
he grants wishes

lovely lady he did say
your wish of wishes is granted today
open your heart
to the light of high arts
your dreams shall manifest

Enjoy Sunday Sketches



  1. hello Sophia,
    I used Prisma color art stix on the shirt and yellow light around him. They are square sticks made out of the inside of pencils, I used them on their sides. Even though I used the smooth side of this paper, it is still textured enough to look like this.

    Thank you for your lovely message.

  2. Lovely sketch and poem to go with the Genie!

  3. Oh my - I have been making up the genie (i mean doing his makeup) for 3 days in my children's year end play of Aladdin - will see what i can do about linking some photos of our sketching and makeup art :-)actually it is my magic carpet that had that design on her face though - you will see what i mean :-) Love your prose!

  4. Aquariann, thank you ~


    I look forward to seeing your magic!

  5. Whooooaaa! She looks like a totem, one of those idols [people worship!!! How are you today? I hope you are well.

  6. hello ms. Ces,

    genie totem, indeed.

    all is good in my world, my heart is smiling, just because, that is good. I hope you are well too~

  7. Could I borrow him please? I have a wish I would love to have granted...

    Soulful words and playful at the same time...You have captured some mystery in the expressio of this piece ~ I like that!

    Smiles and hugs and hope you are having a wonderful weekend!


  8. Lovely sketch and story, I think we could all do with a genie! Valerie

  9. I like this genie, he looks compassionate.

    have a lovely day.

  10. Very strong image to go along with the equally powerful words. He is very mystical and I love the message in the poem.

  11. Julia,
    yes, you can borrow my genie, but you must visit the in between realm to find him. My poem speaks of how to fulfill a wish.... but maybe he has a different response for you ;-}

    Thank you for your lovely message, you made my heart smile.

    Craft Attack, I believe you are right, we all can use a genie.

    Lissa, fun to look again through your eyes, I see the compassion too.


    Thank you for taking to heart what I have shared, you have inspired a smile in me.

    warmth to all,

  12. Oh.. I would like to meet him, too ;) A lovely painting and poem! Wishing you a nice summer! :)

  13. Interesting...I was thinking 'outer space?' at first because of the ears. A magical genie, why not? Nice poem.

  14. Wonderful sketch and always enjoy a poem to go along with it! AWESOME!

  15. the surface of the shirt is amazing, so textured.

  16. I'm diggin the Zen vibe your genie gives me. :) Beautiful work!

  17. Anonymous6/26/2011

    You got it ...
    Are you the genius ...

  18. this is very cool! I could use a genie to help me fix my computer! LOL - love the sweater texture, too! have a great night

  19. I can't even express how I adore this! *smiles* Norma

  20. The eyes are so powerful!
    Really cool shirt texture.

    I found salt that is used for a salt mill, it has wonderful sizes and shapes and you can see the colour being sucked right up in it:).

    Love the paintings below especially the first one.

  21. Anonymous6/26/2011

    Yes yes yes, I'm just LOVE your art!!!


  22. Oh this is really nice. Thanks for commenting on my sketch.

  23. A face filled with compassion, wisdom and understanding. Thankyou for sharing.xx

  24. powerful illustration coupled with a nice poem! especially like how you drew his eyes,looks like he has a lot of stories and knowledge to share!

  25. WOW!! Really awesome sketch! Beautiful face details, too.

  26. Ooooh, a lovely genie! I wonder if I may have a wish? :))

    Anyway, I have an award for you at my blog... oxx

  27. Oh this is gorgeous! I love the subtle changes in colour throughout this piece, and as always the eyes are so entrancing!

  28. Anonymous6/27/2011

    your genie looks like buddha, but i love the expressions, it's so calm, with all the positive energy at the same time.

  29. Anonymous6/27/2011

    Sounds like a place I would enjoy visiting. I like your genie.

  30. I think this Genie and I have met. In fact, I believe he was a cloud. lol He's on my blog somewhere--you can plainly see a Genie did come to visit that day! ((hugs))

    Have a lovely week, my Friend!

  31. A happy encounter... and a promising start to the week to come. I think I need a meeting with that genier as well!

  32. oooohhhh! i like him tammie!! xoxo

  33. Beautiful!
    I love the colour and texture :-)

  34. cool colors and textures!

  35. I always love when you show the sketch and then the finished piece....amazing what colour can do!!!! beautiful work Tammie!!!

  36. Wow - this is truly stunning. I love the texture on her clothing. And I love the variation of color playing shadow on her face. Nice work!!!

  37. Anonymous7/01/2011

    he's magical..love all the different colours on his face..tis like a beautiful rainbow spirit shining through :)

  38. "lovely lady he did say
    your wish of wishes is granted today
    open your heart
    to the light of high arts
    your dreams shall manifest

    ...and sometimes it is just a simple as that...xo


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~