Jun 18, 2011


sacred essential
solid as mountains
varied as water air earth fire
alliance of understanding
support encouragement raw love
brave support
with out girlfriends
with out mountains
life would wobble
I love my girlfriends
thank you for being my girlfriends

treat yourself to a visit to Sunday Sketches
or even join us with your own art!


  1. awesome! the drawing, the concept and the writing. nice. :)

  2. Hi Tammie, what a fantastic idea I LOVE this piece I think my favourite girl has to be the blue haired one, those eyes are GORGEOUS! Lovely work Tammie :0)

  3. oh this is really cool. The words and the art match so well and I love how it all flows together :)

  4. Anonymous6/19/2011

    OOOh I like this, their all beautiful!

  5. the expression in the eyes is so great...May I be one of your girlfriends?
    I think the left one


  6. Great Tammie, really wonderful! Valerie

  7. Very very clever Tammie and so true!

  8. Tammie, I think this is my favorite one yet....I know you have heard me say that. I love their faces. here is to girlfriends. hugs.

  9. Beautiful Tammie....as always.

  10. isn't that the truth about girlfriends?!! love this!!
    let's build THIS in south dakota!

  11. Wonderful drawing. I love the blue hair and the faces are all so beautiful! :-)

  12. Girlfriends are essential. I love mine very much. I have many levels of girlfriends.

    My sisters are my first line of girlfriendship.

    I have:

    ...a friend for 15 years with whom I have deep intellectual and emotional discussions. yet we have never gone out together to just drink coffee or hang out. Yet we are each other's first choice when we need an opinion.

    ...a friend for 25 years and we have binge communications and exchanges around our birthdays and holidays.

    Technology is great. It allows us to reconnect with friends from the past who are everywhere around the world.

    I have a friend since elementary school and when we exchange communication we talk like we just saw each other yesterday.

    All my friends in Facebook who are not family members and except for blog friends and a couple of HS classmates, have been my real friends in real life from different time periods starting with pre-school.

    To me the word "friend" is a very solemn and honorable title.

    I will say I am on friendly terms with someone, or she is my close acquaintance but will not call someone a friend without a corresponding emotional commitment.

    Aristotle describes three levels of friendship:

    1) A friendship of leisure

    2) A friendship of utility

    3) A friendship of virtue

    All my life, I have worked for the third one. It is very rare and precious.

  13. I agree, this drawing should be in the Black Hills region of South Dakota.

  14. Lovely post! Wonderful drawing!

  15. So neat! I love the theme and how "solid" the girls seems together!

  16. what a lovely tribute to girlfriends!

  17. Anonymous6/19/2011

    for me ... sirens ...

  18. Beautiful work, love their flowy hair!
    My fave is the blue-haired/blue-eyed one, she really stands out~

  19. So many cute girls it is darling! Love their hair colors too!

  20. Wonderful sketch...so light airy and love how the hair flows across the page!

  21. hello everyone!
    Lovely Father's Day to one and all!

    so fun that so many of you have enjoyed this piece.
    Isn't it wonderful that we have one another to share our art with!
    Can you imagine if we made it and it never was shared with our friends?
    I love your messages that you leave for me and one another.

    and yes Ces, girlfriends are essential!
    I completely agree with you, the word/name friend has significance. It implies a connection. I suppose that is what makes the different levels.
    I also use the word/title consciously as you have shared with us.

    As I was coloring this piece I did think of the Black Hills carvings. But it was not an inspiration for this piece.
    This piece was inspired by the depth of connection I have with my friends.

    Yes, they do have a siren spirit to them.... fun to see through your eyes.

  22. Oh, they are so pretty, I especially love the flowing hair. It reminds me of a flowing river.

  23. Lovely piece! Hurray for friends. :D

  24. I love how all the colours stand out from one another, yet work so perfectly together :)

  25. Wow I love this. And clever how you made the blue haired girl's hair flow out like a river. Really nicely done.

  26. Ok, I LOVE THIS! The whole cncept and the way you have illustrated it...just beautiful..very well done. this would make a great card line! xo

  27. Fabulous Tammie! Girlfriends are the best!!

  28. So absolutely beautiful, the words are poetry and your ladies just embody them perfectly! Thank you for being one of my 'sisterfriends' as dear Ces would say, I so value everything you add to my world, serenity, beauty, peace, and perspective.
    Hugs and smiles

  29. tis a while since i have dropped in here tammie.... my loss... your drawings & words are so full of feeling. This is truly lovely, the spirit of friendship, like the mountains, goes on & on.

  30. So beautiful and feminine...soft yet powerful...Love it!!

  31. Huge applause from this corner -- your gifts just seem to keep growing and blooming in new and fantastic ways. Love this, love you -- anno

  32. Wow..i love the FLOW to this magical piece...there is a such a powerful collective essence and spirit shining and beaming from this image.. Beautiful!!

  33. Oh Tammie...there is so much feeling in all of your work...I truly love it!!!

  34. Gorgeous goddesses! That is what I thought as soon as I saw this piece. I love they are forming such a powerful sisterhood from the mountains. Beautiful and moving, Tammie!

  35. Oooh, they're all so pretty! You're right about girlfriends. To be honest, I don't have that many in real life, most of the friends I had growing up were boys, even my late best friend was a tomboy! But now in blogland... I have tons!!! And they're just wonderful! :))

  36. Amalia,

    Men friends are treasures too!

  37. Your poem and drawing flow so nicely together. I really like how the shapes merge so nicely.....great composition!

  38. ...very, very cool. Your creativity flows as much as your beauty does...

  39. Anonymous6/20/2011

    A beautiful concept and drawing. I like how different elements are represented by the different friends as well. The landscape of your family of friends :)

  40. wonderful piece!
    I have three amazing sisters, my best friends, I feel very lucky to have that

  41. each one individually beautiful.

  42. i couldn't remember what it was i wanted to ask you....and this is it! this painting...i was wondering if you'd finished it, and now i see...and love it so much!
    i'm so thankful you are my girlfriend, and have been, most of my life. i love you tammie!!!
    xo abigail

  43. Anonymous6/27/2011

    Girlfriends are so special...
    I love this work.
    All the best to you and thank you for following my blog.

  44. Anonymous7/01/2011

    this my dear, is absolutely amazing! a whole world within them all..together..as one. so beautiful :)


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