Dec 25, 2015

My Sister as a Fairy

my lovely sister 
asked to become a fairy
she loves horses and the sea
and one day this piece came together

she is such a lovely woman

wishing you all a lovely Christmas 
and each day beyond 


  1. An inspired portrait! Wishing you & yours all the blessings of the season -- Merry Christmas!

  2. Thank you dear Anno! Lovely blessings to you!

  3. Warm Holiday ALOHA to You and your Sister,


  4. She is so beautiful! Happy Holidays, hugs, Valerie

  5. Merry Christmas, a day late!

  6. You've made such a very gentle horse (I think it is a fairy horse for your beautiful fairy sister).
    Love the way you have painted the choppy sea.

  7. Lucky sister to have such a portrait! How enchanting!

  8. What a sweet soul-contact between your sister and the white horse!

    Have a wonderful Christmas-time! The newborn is here with love and peace!


  9. Dear Tammie - What a lovely painting about your fairy sister. She could be a fairy in disguise in this world indeed. Not only the painted horse but also some of us have wings to fly though invisible. I have enjoyed your inspirational photos and drawings. Hope you had a heartwarming Christmas and wish you a peaceful and healthy New Year filled with smiles and exciting surprises.


  10. Oh my, such a very lovely painting! The horse and your sister sre looking so beautiful!
    So full of love, and the mooving waves.
    yes thanks, my x'mas with family was nice. Hope the same for you.
    Viola xo

  11. Aww, that was so sweet of you draw your lovely sister as a fairy. She looks gorgeous and a little bit pixeish with her charming smile. I love the horse! I wish you such a very merry christmas and a blissful New year, Tammie. Much love to you and your family. ^_^

  12. What a sweet and meaningful piece of art ... the sea, the horse and the sister. LoVe it!

  13. What a lovely tribute! Your style here is so tender and fresh. Your sister must be delighted! I really like the eyes of the horse and your sister because of the hints of light and the way the horses's eyelashes curve! Delightful!

    Happy holidays to you. I hope you have a year of live, happiness and great love!


  14. Wow Tammie, how I love this painting and your sister will adore it for sure! You did an amazing job :) Happy, healthy and creative new year to you ♥ Conny

  15. What a great talent you have! Happy New Year! Hugs...RO

  16. ✫¸.•°”˜˜”°•.✫ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
    (⁀Happy‵⁀) ❤❤✫¸.•° New Year Tammie!˜”°•.✫ ❤all good things to you:)))

    Beautiful painting!

  17. Ha Tammie, je zuster is een mooie Fee ze komt zo met het paard uit een een sprookje wandelen, mooie tekening.
    Ik hoop dat je gezellige kerstdagen hebt gehad,en wens je mooi een goed Nieuwjaar.
    xxx Nieuwjaars knuffel.
    Groetjes Christiene.

    Ha Tammie, your sister is a beautiful Fairy she'll be walking with the horse out of a fairy tale, pretty tekening.Ik hope you had a Merry Christmas and wish you a pretty good New Year.
    xxx New Year hug.
    Greetings Christiene.


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~