Dec 12, 2015

Cloud Maker

she danced on her toes
spinning among swirling branches
it was her joy
and destiny
to be
cloud maker


  1. Hi Tammie..oh how I love ehr..and such a magical energy she embodies...I love the poem... cloud maker spiritual and uplifting...she is divine!
    What a unique beauty!
    I always enjoy your artistic and soulful works...maginficent and poetic!

  2. this didn't turn up in my feed reader for some reason. it's so lovely, such a wonderful expression on her face.

  3. Een mooie aquarel Tammie ! de danseres mooi in balans
    geen angst voor spinnen,mooi om zo te kunnen
    dansen in de vrije natuur
    groetjes Christiene.

    A beautiful watercolor Tammie! the dancer nicely balanced
    no fear of spiders, good to be so
    dancing in the great outdoors
    Greetings Christiene.

  4. Clouds bring hope for rain. Rain means life and blessings from above to the earth. She is connected with the tree, the roots, earth and sky. This is MIDST!:

  5. I love the idea of being a cloudmaker! Beautiful!

  6. thx for visit and command my blog
    (my english is not so good)

  7. I like how the tree branches seems to be growing clouds, this is wonderful!

    hope you have a lovely day.

  8. She's so straight among the curved tree branches.
    It's such a lovely idea that she is happy to be a cloud maker.

  9. That is magical! I was gazing at the clouds today with the setting sun painting so many beautiful colors on them.

  10. A wonderful idea! I look if I can see the girl dance on the clouds!

  11. A cloud maker! That WOULD be a joyful destiny, love that.

  12. So this is who I have to thank for the beautiful skies I see. She does a wonderful job.

  13. Being a cloud maker. OOh, love that. What a thought. GREAT painting. LOVE it.


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