Apr 7, 2015


though she seems dressed for a warmer day than we have
she does have an atmosphere of the color of early spring

hanging on the island


  1. Adore that photo of the ducks. They look as though they are in the most intimate of conversations!

  2. Bonjour chère amie,

    Un petit billet tout doux... de la tendresse, de la sérénité... et le charme si délicat de cette petite jeune fille...
    Que du plaisir !

    ❀ Gros bisous ❀

  3. She seems to be hugging herself ~ with love ~ which will certainly keep her warm until the weather catches up with her! And the ducks ... more warming love.

  4. Charming and friendly! The two ducks are lovely.

  5. She has such a friendly face and elegant way of pointing her toes. She looks like she could be a very good friend!

    The colours reflect the landscape here where I live. One moment her outfit could be worn here, and the next, she would have to run into the house and grab her winter coat and long underwear! What a weather roller coaster we are experiencing!

    The photo of the ducks reminds me of the pair of ducks I have been pursuing on my walks lately. If only they would stay still long enough for me to get a close up! I have duck pictures on my blog today too!

  6. We had a couple of ducks hanging out too. Warmer weather is definitely creeping in slowly. Sweet figure and love the outfit you painted on her.

  7. I love to see the couple ducks hanging out, although often we see the boy ducks swimming around on a happy day out while the girl ducks have to stay at home and look after the babies (or eggs).
    Your lovely girl is indeed lovely. I wonder how you get the positions and attitudes so right, do you have a magical elfin model who lives nearby in the forest?

  8. I love to see the couple ducks hanging out, although often we see the boy ducks swimming around on a happy day out while the girl ducks have to stay at home and look after the babies (or eggs).
    Your lovely girl is indeed lovely. I wonder how you get the positions and attitudes so right, do you have a magical elfin model who lives nearby in the forest?

  9. So beautiful Tammie! And yes this is the early spring colors and that I love so luch! The expectations and the coming big wonders, coming to life little by little.. Lovely painting!

  10. And a lovely and so sweet photo! ♡


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