Apr 21, 2015

Balancing Pose


being playful in nature

hiking this week
i found these flower stems from last year
completely charmed by the basket-like center
which must of held seeds, maybe?

nature is amazing


  1. Wonderful painting and photo Tammie Lee!

  2. This lady is nicely balanced, nicely colored colored
    a beautiful piece of art !!
    Nature also has countless treasures, Tammie you have an eye for it!
    Fine picture.
    Dear greetings Christiene.

    Deze dame is mooi in balans,mooi kleurig gekleurd
    een mooi kunst werkje!!
    Ook de natuur heeft ontelbare schatten,Tammie jij hebt er oog voor!
    Mooi in beeld gebracht.
    Lieve groeten Christiene.

  3. Fantastic photo Tammie, the centre of that flower really does look like a little basket doesn't it? :) Lovely painting too!
    Jess xx

  4. Hi Tammie,
    I love this painting, and what a beautiful photograph!

  5. I love the smile on the girl in your sweet painting.

  6. Her balance helps me to find and remember my balance! Thank you!

    The thistle is so devote and brave!

  7. Nature sure *is* amazing!
    As is your balancing pose!

  8. Sometimes I think the old, past-their-prime, dare I say "dead" flowers and weeds are among the most beautiful. These certainly qualify -- and I love your painting!

  9. I am in love with those flower stems! And your painting is so beautiful! I love all the texture in it!

  10. I love your balancing pose, Tammie. Beautiful painting.

  11. it is truly amazing Tammie, so many forms and patterns, it is all there.

    the balancing pose; oh, the breeze in her sjawl and hair, her skirt, that's really bringing it alive, beautiful composition too, x

  12. Oh my, I'm speechless, very impressing! It is so vibrant and it makes me happy!
    I love how you've painted the log! It's just as I can see it in real life, you know, out there in the woods :)

  13. What a great drawing, the wind is blowing and the log could roll, and we can see her keeping her balance.
    Everything in this painting is perfectly made. I like her unusual blouse too.

  14. thank you every one for your lovely and supportive messages. your messages mean so much to me.

    as for the flower stems, they are from knapweed that bees make wonderful honey from. it is also considered a noxious week, not native and bad for cows to eat. It also spreads easily and if pulled up, should be done so with gloves. I love weeds. I love eating them. but this one is good to not let go rampant. Still i have to admire it's ability to survive and it's beauty. I have never noticed what i can see in this macro photo of it.

  15. love this painting and how it reminds me of the feelings I have when I am out in the woods. The macro photo is amazing. Love how nature has beauty no matter what season or whether in renewal or letting go. And thanks for the explanation of what kind of plant it is. There are non-native invasive plants where I live with beautiful yellow blooms that the island cannot get rid of. they are hardy plants as well.


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