Apr 10, 2015

DC: Grass

 in the realm of grass
i offer you this most precious gift

but i could not stop there.....

the land of grass
house under hill of grass
house made of grass
nest of grass
bales of hay (grass)
man wearing hat of grass and shoes
smoking a pipe of grass
green green mountains
of grass
snake in the grass




  1. ha Tammie, you just let your mind wander through ' grass', i did too, in a way we came to the same conclusion, grass is everywhere around us and very multifunctional.
    your mountain view scene is so amusing and great,the little star made me smile, so you,and the tiny footsteps.
    and a snake, ofcourse, faraway fauna to me but a part of yours.
    i like it when you do this big, wide scenes, they bring Montana a little closer and make me dream;)

    thanks for your nice comments, x

  2. It's a perfect and ideal landscape you've painted Tammie and I love it. I want to be that girl sitting with the grass fairy! :D x

  3. ah, i love these tammie! beautiful, precious grass!!!


  4. Oh what a lovely spring color on the grass on the first piece here! I like them both, so fun with the nest, lovely color on the mountains, lovely houses I would like to stay overnight, and a lovely sunny day to wake up to! :)

  5. What a lovely scene, with such delicate colours.

  6. these paintings make me happy......

  7. Ha..... that's what happens with grass! You get addicted and all creativity breaks loose.... love the melodic flow and grassy colours in both of your paintings, Tammie. xo

  8. Beautiful and charming true fairytale of GRASS, dear artist!
    Love and peace: these are the most important things we need.
    This also is the content of the charming souls you draw!

    The second drawing shows to me the adventurous process from a very simple pencil-beginning to a space-ful and dreaming sheet of color-paper. Grandioso!

  9. Wonderful post.Love the "grass hat". A kind of "dejeuner sur l'herbre"

  10. Eres mágica!
    Adoro este post, me gusta el aroma de la hierba.
    Un beso querida amiga!

  11. Ah, such wonderful paintings and I love the stories they tell. Fabulous!

  12. Dear Tammie,
    sweet drawing! could be in a children's book. You bring grassy Montana to my house. Thank you!

    Your bee nesting house at 'pollinators' is fantastic. If I would be a bee... it would be my place :-)

    xo Ariane.

  13. Wow, you really couldn't stop with just one, lucky for us. My mind went in all directions too and finally, I had to discipline myself and pick one theme...prairie grass.

    I would also like to visit your little scene, so peaceful. The colours so refreshing, the details so delightfully grassy...

  14. a pipe of grass? my son's ears are itching... ;))) n♥

  15. ;^))
    nice words
    and drawings
    they gave me a smile
    hmm... the smell of grass
    while laying down in it


  16. Tammie,

    These are gorgeous paintings. I love your talent!

  17. A gift of grass, what a lovely idea. And a grass hat! - brillliant.
    You have such a unique talent for thinking of, then painting these wonderful scenes, each with a strong story.

  18. I love the quirky idea of a grass hat. All the scenes are so relaxing, too. Good job!

  19. Your art is so charming and imaginative! I love how sweet it is!


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