Feb 25, 2012


 magic potions for life
inspires life in balance
magic potions for life

these are two of my evening sketches....
i have to come up for a name...
"evening meditations"
for they bring me present, with very little thought of anything else

inspire peace, because i love drawing and painting

ignite a vital flame that lives within my spirit

yes, my evening sketches will be known as

Evening Meditations
(which can be done anytime, day or night)


Visit Sunday Sketches to enjoy others art!


  1. So very lovely the first one!

    And the last one I like very much, it's quite fun! =D

    I've drawed a little more, just a wee bit, but I'm far far from satisfied..
    I love your paintings, so cheerful!

    Smiles.. Viola :)

  2. Yay...both so very beautiful!!Gorgeous works..and very calming and meditative! My good friend is a yogini so this post made me think of her...magical!! Beautiful evening meditations!!! shine on!!

  3. Anonymous2/25/2012

    beautiful, love these!

  4. ...quiet ~ gentle ~ persuasion ~ i see yoU ~ i honour your truth ~ blessed be...

  5. Beautiful and very meditative indeed!

  6. when i first looked at the top sketch i felt breath, air, breeze.. then read your words.. like your evening meditations ideas..

  7. Awesome works!
    As a crystal healer I used to teach meditation and visualization many ears ago. I find it very useful while drawing.

  8. Love them both ~ your art style is so 'flowing' just like your blog title says ~ 'Beauty flows" ~ like your art and poetry ~thanks for sharing ~ namaste, carol (A Creative Harbor) Happy SS ^_^

  9. oooh, these are great - i agree balance is necessary for fullfillment in our lives...your blue eyed girl is magical....and i love the pose on your yoga girl - inspired me to go STRETCH!
    love this here today!

  10. The frost in your girl's eyes are so amazingly beautiful. I love seeing the tranquility in all your drawings...I suppose meditation helps to let it show?

    And happy birthday my Pisces friend, thank you for being such a lovely soul. I'm so glad we found each other in blogland. :) OXX

  11. Oh man I love both of these--the top for the contrast of the white hair and the purple color you used for the skin--lots of drama with minimal line work. And the bottom for the girl with the zany, cute pose, and all the text of what's on her mind really adds to it.

    Overall, great pieces.

  12. I love them both. I sure wish I were as flexible as the girl in the second one! LOL. Beautiful poetry, as always. xoxo

  13. Oh I love these. I love how you have the used the wording in sketch #2 to give it more feel and motion.

  14. The serene girl at the top has the most beautiful and haunting eyes..wow!!

  15. I love the soulful face you've drawn. Gorgeous eyes!

  16. These are great! I especially love the bottom one! Oh, that I could get into that pose and stay more than a tenth of a second.....

  17. the first girl is luminous. she really drew me in.

    capturing the second girl-- yoga girl!-- from the back was very clever. makes me want to get out there and stretch!

  18. love her eyes in the first sketch, doubt I'll be able to do that position in the second sketch.

    wishing you a sweet day.

  19. Hi Tammie, I'm feeling much better this evening...thank you for well wishes... Love the position you've got going on with your girlie...wish I could do that.. :)

  20. I love the meditative nature of drawing... sure others don't understand it but there is something so calming about sitting and getting something down on paper... you captured it beautifully ... have a wonderful week...xx

  21. Your top girl is so pretty and the second one wants me to make me go do some yoga.

  22. Beautiful work...love them!

  23. OMGosh! The yoga position is awesome. I so wish that I could not only assume that pose but possess much of which yoga teaches. First image is very haunting. You do a great job of capturing melancholy in faces.

  24. Great yoga position! I like her flow and your words moving with her. They both relate your peacefulness and introspection.

  25. Ooo I wish I could balance like that!! Maybe I could a long time ago but alas no longer haha!
    Great sketches. The first one really pretty.

  26. Hello Tammie so great to have come upon you through sunday sketches. Your blog is a lovely place to visit. Your home sweet home picture is adorable, love it. Will visit again. xx

  27. i do love a good evening sketch. it IS so therputic, inspiring and fun, and i love yours! ^^

  28. Pouty lips always look so intriguing. Why is it that all of a sudden my inguinal area hurts? :)

    Ah Tammie, trying to make myself smile today. I am back at work and back to the stress. Funny, my work is not the one giving me stress but my "art" activities do. Sigh, I wish I could just be satisfied with doing it rather than overanalyzing why I do it. Is it possible to equally love and loathe something? I do. I love drawing and painting bit loathe why I do it. I no longer find it meaningful nor useful. Now I just feel stuck.

    Utter failure.

    Anyway. I have to tend to this project. It is nice to be needed and have people demand your attention and make you feel frantic. Oh the pay is not bad either.

    Have a wonderful day and thank you for allowing me to meditate and recite my failure mantra.


  29. these sketches are great. I love the blue eyes! i like the way you sketched the 2nd girls legs with so much shape to them. Nice job!

  30. what beautiful drawings! was recently reading about the mannerists at the end of the Renaisance era - these girls belong right in that era

  31. Fabulous pictures and I only wish I was as bendy when I do my yoga :D Your earings in the previous post are gorgeous too.

    I shall think of you when I'm doing my yoga.x

  32. It's a long while since I could do that posture without any pain!
    That's a lovely thing to call your daily drawing, meditations. Drawing certainly is like that and it takes us to another place doesn't it. :o)
    Jess xx

  33. :-) Yoga girl is fun... (I'm a yoga teacher and have learned so much from practicing yoga.)

    Serene girl is beautiful...

  34. oh wow Tammie!!!! gorgeous work....and that is some yoga move!!!!

  35. yet again your skill wows me!

  36. Love your evening meditations and the meaning of them. :) Thank you for your beautiful comment on my latest post. I appreciate it a alot. :)

  37. Lovely both and I love the idea behind these too!

    A great exercise for the spirit I think...

    Hugs and smiles

  38. Dearest Tammie,

    so sorry i come so late, not feeling really well lately...
    Wishing you a belated birthday, i am sorry i missed your birthday :(
    I hope your birthday was as special as you are! ♥

    ~a big hug from far away friend

  39. evening meditations is a perfect name! and I adore both those sketches. I've been doing traditional yoga since the beginning of this year, but I don't think I can do that move, lol!
    have a blessed night

  40. Absolutely beautiful! I love the subtle hues in her face. You know, you inspired me to pull out my watercolor pencils, but I could not produce anything nearly as beautiful as you!

    I don't do any yoga, so maybe that's why her pose looks so painful to me. Hahaha! Very fun, though!

    Yoga pants. I like yoga pants, but that's about as close to it as I get. :)

  41. Anonymous3/04/2012

    With you it's very easy to find the balance!
    Very easy ...
    I love your work!
    Kisses, Tammie!


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~