Feb 18, 2012


once upon a time
when my son was but a wee lad
(he be a man now)
a girlfriend captured this photograph of us
I wish Jesper's head was fully portrayed (in the photo)

I used this photo because I was practicing profiles

I created two pieces
because the pink one was not making me happy
so began the blue one

as I worked back and forth on the two
I was happy with both in the end


not that they are exactly like the photo
I think with my birthday on Monday
there was something special in creating my first self portrait

having a child is a HUGE experience
it is one of the bigger adventures in my life

a meaningful contemplation through art 
especially near my birthday


visit: Sophia's Blue Chair Diary on Sunday to enjoy other sketches from around the world


both my brother and sister think I gave us measles
instead of freckles.... so no worries if you think that too ;-)


  1. Jeg kom bare lige forbi.
    Gode tegninger.
    Jeg har tegnet meget i mine unge år og senere malet en del billeder.
    Nogle af mine malerier er her på min blok for et stykke tid siden.
    Tak for kigget.

  2. Beautiful painting of you and your son! I dunno I didn't think that the freckles looked like the measles at all. ^_^ It's a lovely and well done peice. Keep up the awesome work!

  3. Anonymous2/18/2012

    Touching dear friend ...
    Your job today is more emotional ...
    I love it!
    Tammie, thank you very much and a thousand kisses!

    Please remove the check on this blog?
    Thank you!

    la verificacion!

  4. Dearest Tammie...
    Such a beautiful photo of you and your son. I rather like the pink background best. I knew immediately they were freckles, lol.
    Such a lovely sharing Dear Sister/Friend!

  5. These are both beautiful! I like the pink one the best. :) Ah, sibling love, I guess the teasing never ends no matter what the age! Your freckles are beautiful both in the picture and in your portraits. Happy Birthday!

  6. Oh Tammie, you are beautiful. I also love seeing the transformation of your art. I have seen many beautiful illustrations of yours lately. I am still in the Philippines and not really blogging socially. I am sort of dealing with jet lag among other things. Take care, beautiful.

  7. Awesome!! How clever you are, you give me a ot of inspiration! :) I like the first one a lot, but the more I look to them I just LOVE the last one! =)

    So beautiful you are and your son! And I think you two have much in common..

    Just love this post!
    Smiles Viola :)

  8. thank you all for your messages/comments. I am smiling at your warmth, humor, support and joy. Thank you so much!


  9. Anonymous2/18/2012

    beautuful , just beautiful,

  10. ...thankyoU for the share Tammie! ~ and blessings upon your entry into the world day!...
    ...may the week ahead be another beautiful one! ~ blessed be!...

  11. Not measles, I thought. Just attractive freckles. Your self-portrait made me remember a 1952 movie, young Julie Harris in Member of the Wedding...Freckles galore, but oh, so pretty!


  12. Yay Happy birthday!! Many sparkles and magic to you! hugs!
    and wow...stunning piece..so serene and joyful..such love shining through...wonderfully inspiring! and such a beautiful photo of you both!

  13. i knew they were freckles right off the bat!
    so nice to see a picture of you!!!! i love this piece...how special!!!!
    hugs to you and happy early birthday!!!! xoxox

  14. Oh, Tammie! How beautiful--you are such a talented artist. How privileged I am to watch you grow and blossom. ((hugs))

    So sorry to have been out of touch. I have missed you. After next week, though--I'll be back full force.

    Love you, sweet Friend!

  15. By the way I ADORE the freckles.

  16. Happy Birthday and great work on the profiles, I really like it.

  17. Hope you have a great birthday and I love that you gave rendering the photo a shot in both colours... both have great things going on and most importantly I think you captured the feel of the photo so well, which is hard to do... happy SS xx

  18. Wow, love this and your freckles...you've captured the likeness of both of you. That's really hard to do... have a great Sunday.. :)

  19. Love freckles!!
    You did a great job with this portrait!!

  20. Lovely photograph and art work. You have done a wonderful job with the portraits...:)

  21. BEAUTIFUL...and a very Happy Birthday to YOu!

  22. Happy Birthday ~ Both paintings are great ~ prefer the pink one slightly more ~ (freckles blend in more) I agree Motherhood is the most magical and magnificent event of my life ~ Happy SS ^_^ ~ namaste,carol (A Creative Harbor)

  23. Anonymous2/19/2012

    Lovely sketches Tammy :)
    Have a great Sunday


  24. ok so Jesper seems to be a cute kid, post his pic next sunday please? :D
    The blue one i like more, though the pink one is quite artistic. The colours of your portrait in the blue one appeal to me more.
    Good Day!
    o and u are pretty :)

  25. your side portraits are so good! I've been trying to improve mine, since I took Jane's class. You really have a wonderful talent!

  26. Wonderful! And you two are so lovely!

  27. I saw your comment on Lauries blog, and I wanted to say congrats on taking off word verification.

    It's such a hard thing to figure out, and the less of it out there the better.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  28. Well don't you worry - as soon as I saw this I thought to myself "lovely freckles". I call my man Freckle - for obvious reasons....

    It's a beautiful portrait of the two of you.

  29. Anonymous2/19/2012

    NIce job! Like you need practice!

  30. You have a great profile, and oh, those freckles are the best! Very nice painting. I don't think I have EVER drawn my children,, who are also men now. I guess it is never too late to start.

  31. This is so cool! I love that you included your freckles and his, and the polka dots in the background are a great touch. You really captured both your essences.

  32. what a gorgeous photo...and such a lovely painting too.xxx

  33. Two beautiful spirits! Lovely portraits, Tammie. Bright wishes, dear one, and much love. xx

  34. gorgeous photo and he drawing is magnificent...a treasure for you both

  35. What a beautiful photo - and you did a lovely job in replicating that beauty in your art work. :) You can feel the love and warmth emanating from it. :)

  36. wow-- you did an amazing job of capturing yourself-- which is not easy to do! what a lovely portrayal of you and your son. i bet he will love it!

    and happy birthday to you! xoxo

  37. These are wonderful studies. So much love in your face.

  38. Happy Birthday! Yes, we tend to get insightful at these times :)

    Thanks for sharing both renditions...hard to choose a favorite. They each have different qualities of line and color that set the mood. Self-portraits are very challenging.

  39. Happy Birthday! Wonderful pieces - am partial to the first one not just because of the 'truer' skin tone, but bc I ADORE all the freckles! It makes sense to me to over emphasize a feature - this is the freedom art gives us after all

  40. I have already sung Happy Birthday to you, so just to say - they are both beautiful. The blue one has more innocence, the pink one more experience in the expressions of both you and Jesper. I think the blue one is my favourite! Happy Day! xx

  41. Ithink he,s wonderful mother and son
    avery nise idea
    That have a good.
    Greetings Christiene.

  42. Happy Birthday!

    What a beautiful photo and self-portrait! I knew those were freckles! Great to see what you and your adorable son look(ed) like!

  43. Happy Birthday!!! Tammie they are both wonderful. I love drawing my family it is so personal,you have done a great job.

  44. Aaaaaah, Tammie, Tammie, Tammie! These portraits fill my heart! They are beautiful and reflect the amazing love between mother and child. You two are gorgeous in the photo. He is so adorable!

    I hope you had the most wonderful and happiest of birthdays! XOXO

  45. I love your painting. I struggle with profiles a lot and need to prectice - you've inspired me.

  46. Oh my gosh...these are fab. I love both and the steps you've shown too. Special love paintings...


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~