Mar 24, 2025

Spring Fairies


I adore when two seasons mingle

the liminal space  they create.

There is a quality to life,

the air, soil and spirit of these times 

is unique medicine for ones spirit.

Pause breathe and enjoy. 


We woke to 8 inches of fresh snow Sat. 

this is spring in NW Montana


 Lovely Spring to you!





  1. Your drawing is simply enchanting. But oh, that snow! We're cold -- but at least the snow is done!

  2. Spring means more light. Spring is near you in the snow. I LOVE this! And I love this enchanting painting made by Original Tammi and nothing else :;:;:;:;
    Many greetings from Dori from the Bavarian Forest to mystical Montana-Forest , the snow went a few days ago........

    1. Frühling bedeutet mehr Licht. Der Frühling ist dir im Schnee nah. Ich LIEBE es! Und ich liebe dieses bezaubernde Gemälde von Original Tammi und nichts anderes :;:;:;:;
      Viele Grüße von Dori aus dem Bayerischen Wald in den mystischen Montana-Wald, der Schnee ist vor ein paar Tagen weg........

  3. What a lovely, fascinating painting of this interim period! Everything feels like spring now, and yet it's wintry with the snow where you live!
    I wish you a wonderful springtime.Hugs Elke


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~