Mar 8, 2017

Scribble Picnic: Umbrella

wandering slowly through the land
enjoying the multi faceted weather

he thinks:
life is good

 the sketch before i inked it:

I think I might paint it next
share that another day

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  1. Indeed, life IS good, and it looks like that storm is just about over! I'm getting a wee bit of an Irish feel to this, but maybe that's only because it's so close to St. Patrick's Day.

    1. your mention of Irish might gladly influence how I color this piece.

  2. I like the multiple weathers and his serene face and the calmness of it all & his ride is a snail which adds the calmness, the slow speed. & do share the color when you're done

    have a lovely day.

    1. Thank you Lissa for taking to heart the details and letting me know.
      I will share the color when it is completed.

  3. Anonymous3/08/2017

    Beautiful your picture of this weather which is just so synonymous with me,
    The umbrella man on the snail can calmly look at everything ... I love it!
    Greetings Elke

    1. Hi Elke, It is nice to go at a snails pace to enjoy life sometimes.
      Thank you for enjoying.

  4. Tammie Lee,
    Though there are clouds on one side, the sun is coming out on the other. A good look at life. Look for the bright pieces in the darkness - they are always there. Beautiful pencil drawing.

    1. Lovely for you to find a spiritual and supportive message in this.

  5. This is such a cute take on the theme Tammie, happy Scribble Picnic!

  6. I love this take on the theme, Tammie Lee. I like the multiple weather views on the same page and that snail is such a cute touch. Well done... I can't wait to see the coloured version. :)

    1. Fun that you like the multiple weather. It is so like that in this NW Corner of Montana! One can be driving in pouring rain and the next moment the road is dry. I think I will paint it today.

  7. My mind is trying to imagine travelling on a snail.
    Yes, maybe an umbrella would be just the thing on a journey like this.
    To travel slowly - just what some of us need just now, thank you!
    What an ingenious illustration for the theme.

  8. That's taking 'somewhere over the rainbow' to a whole new level - I love it and hope to see it in color some day.

    Mary -

  9. A very cute sketch. I like the slow moving snail. It will be fun to see it in color.

  10. A sweet and fun, rendering, Tammie. Is he a leprechaun? Something magical there to ride that snail. Like my piece too, one wants to see it coloured in. I love your clouds , the curly raindrops and overall feel to it. Wonderful idea. Thank you so much for adding this delightful piece, Tammie!

  11. I guess Mother Nature moves at a snail's pace sometimes when it comes to getting through the seasons. A rainbow is always something spectacular to look forward to. Would love to see it colored.

  12. Bonjour chère amie,

    J'adore ce dessin ! Je pense qu'on doit bien profiter de la promenade ainsi installé sur la maison de l'escargot...

    Gros bisous 🌸

    1. Thank you for loving this drawing Martine~

  13. adventurous process, lovely in every step. Brave going on, I wait for the next result! Many greetings from Bavaria Forest to Montana-Latewinterforest with the amazing weather!

  14. you have such a sweet heart :-)

  15. Scottish weather is like your picture 4 seasons in one day. I like the idea of moving at a snails pace. We all need to slow down sometimes. Looking forward to see how you chose to colour the picture in. I agree with the people who think he looks Irish.


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~