Mar 28, 2017

Scribble Picnic: Boat

sailing in aqua waters
a big fat moon

last month I made this sailboat for my grandson's birthday

I thought that hanging by a window 
or from the ceiling
it might inspire wonder filled

(the pattern is one of Ann Wood's
she does charming and heartfelt fabric arts! )

This week Michael chose: boat 
to inspire our art

I thought that good timing having just made a sailboat. 

Visit Michael's to find out who else is sharing art!



  1. Bonjour chère amie,

    Magnifique ! J'adore... Une incitation aux voyages, aux rêves... et puis il y a la petite chanson que me chantait ma grand-mère : "Maman les p'tits bateaux"...Maman les p'tits bateaux
    Qui vont sur l'eau
    Ont-ils des jambes?
    Mais oui, mon gros bêta
    S'ils n'en avaient pas
    Ils ne march'raient pas.

    Allant droit devant eux
    Ils font le tour du monde
    Mais comme la terre est ronde
    Ils reviennent chez eux.

    Va quand tu seras grand
    Tu sauras comment faire
    Pour lutter vaillamment
    Contre la mer et le vent.

    Gros bisous 🌸

  2. Anonymous3/29/2017

    The picture is great I love such motifs!
    Sweetly the boat for the grandson you have tinkered great!
    Happy day

  3. The fabric boat looks great I am sure Grandson will imagine many adventures sailing the 7 seas. The painting is sailing along nicely as well. Great sea swirls

  4. Your pieces are fantastic Tammie, make me realize how much I love boats.

  5. You MADE the sailboat? Amazing. And I love the painting. It has such charm. It reminds me of being at the lake (though truth be told, we see more jet skis than sailboats there, but I'd rather see the sails!)

  6. Very soft and beautiful. Wonderful use of colors.

  7. Love your fabric sailboat and your watercolours are lovely and soft and fluid.

  8. Linda,
    A lovely peaceful scene even with the waves - the sailboat seems secure. And isn't it interesting you just made a fabric sailboat?

  9. I love your painting - makes me want to sail away soon!
    The fabric sailboat is also lovely - great idea for a nursery decoration.
    You are very talented Tammie.

    Mary -

  10. Linda, your painting is so pretty and magical too. And I love the fabric boat. What a wonderful gift for your grandson. I do hope it sparks his imagination.

  11. oh, this is lovely. I like the little curve at the end of the boat. & that handmade boat is so cute, I could imagine myself there in that little corner, taking a nap, if I was a fairy or tiny being.

    two very lovely take on boats.

    have a lovely day.

  12. Was admiring your boat painting, then... Bonus! a darling cloth boat as well! Love them both.

  13. What a fine idea to make a sailboatgift for a grandson! And WHAT a beautiful handmade sailboat! Also the watercolour is very nice and friendly, full of day-and-night-dreams for grandsons and grandmas and....

  14. Oh my gosh, I just love that fabric sail boat... and the painted one too. :)

  15. Your painted boat on a painted ocean is such a lovely illustration. The boat is tossing gently on the waves.
    I do like your real boat too with its little flags. What a lovely gift for your grandson.

  16. Lovely work, Tammie, both in your watercolour and fabric pieces.

  17. What a lovely gift. I can only imagine the sailboat will bring wonderful dreams to your grandson.


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~