Mar 27, 2015

DC: Pollinators aka: Gold Dusters

butterfly fae
spreads pollen where ever she may

my friend and i built a bee nesting house this week

our native Mason Bees do not drill holes

they look for ones made by other critters

so hopefully they will lay their eggs in these holes

line them with pollen and seal them with mud and leaves

and next year new bees will emerge and begin anew

you can learn more about bee houses:
here, here and here
with Spring doing the tango with winters end
i find myself thinking of the beings that pollinate our flowers
enabling our foods to flourish and then feed us

an interesting National Geographic article: Gold Dusters

visit the lovely people below this weekend 
to enjoy what they have shared:

if i left anyone off the list, let me know


  1. you found treasure!

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  2. Hooray for pollinators! I love her green freckles. Adorable! And wow, I've never seen a bee house like that before. Fascinating! I hope it becomes home to many, many, many bees.

    1. thanks for noticing her freckles, i thought i might have chose an odd color, but i found it fun!
      this is my first experience with a bee house too.

  3. Such a lovely painting, I think we really need such gold dusters! what will we be without the bees!
    And wow, such a beautiful bee nesting house you have built, I am impressed!! :)

    My contribution is ready. I put the link to my post here.

    1. yes, we need to support our gold dusters ;-)

  4. She's lovely! I love her freckles. I have a mason's bee house here in my little city garden and usually I buy the bees every spring. The garden is marvellously productive with bees around. :D Thank you so much for hosting Tammie, this was a fun challenge to the max. XXX

    1. so you buy bees in the spring.... if they don't show up this year, then i will do that next year. So good to hear about your garden.

  5. Butterfly Fae is delightful! I love her green freckles and her wings.
    What a great bee box that is - I hope it is soon a lively home.

  6. Your fairy looks very modern with her green hair and purple pants, a lovely happy painting.
    I hope you get lots of bee visitors to your bee box.

  7. She's sparkling, scattering her gold dust!

  8. She's sparkling, scattering her gold dust!

  9. Hello thank you very much for this nice and very important theme also and your insect house looks very good and will be a very good contribution to our envirements!
    wish you a nice weekend
    barbara bee

  10. I like her butterfly wings and the colorful pollen. sweet art.

    I managed to finished mine just now. thanks for the hosting.

    hope you have a lovely day.

  11. p.s., you have Melodye twice on the list

  12. I am enchanted by your cheery painting and sweet bee hotel. I fear I have a wasps nest on my bathroom window -- uncertain what to do about it, as the days are getting warmer. Thanks for links to bee houses. I wouldn't mind the others!

    1. wasps are pollinators too, but they are hard to like due to being aggressive and ouch!
      our native bees rarely sting, so that is nice. I have never really noticed them. i read that they look a lot like flies, so it will be fun to get to know them better this year.
      I don't believe that wasps lay eggs in these houses, but they might try to dig in and eat the eggs.... time will tell. I might also have to put chicken wire over it to keep woodpeckers from doing the same. It is a learning experience.

      Thank you for stopping by!

  13. Butterfly fae is charming! I have never heard of a bee hotel, but that's really cool! Thanks for hosting; have a lovely weekend...

  14. Ha Tammie, butterfly fairy does a good job of vespreiden pollen
    a beautiful apiary nicely made for maintaining the bee.
    Tammie I wish you a good weekend .....
    Kind regards Christiene.

    Ha Tammie ,vlinder fee doet goed werk door de pollen te vespreiden
    een mooi bijen huis mooi gemaakt voor het behoud van de bij.
    Tammie ik wens je een goed weekend.....
    Lieve groetjes Christiene.

  15. What a lovely bee home! If they don't move in at once, then I can't help... ;-) And your Miss cute and colourful! Makes me long for spring even more!
    Thank you for hosting!

    1. there is some longing going on here too.

  16. a beautiful butterfly girl! and your bees home is great! I hope we built a new one this year - up to now we had only a little corner in our garden with old wall stones, plant cubes, sand and so on.
    thanks for hosting!!
    :-) mano

    1. how wonderful that you have had your own sort of home for the bees.

  17. What a wonderful bee box you have made Tammie! Thanks for telling us about this. Your painting is wonderful of course! Such a great post here. N, x

    1. thank you Norma
      and everyone for enjoying this post
      and for those who have joined in for this DC.

  18. You are so clever with your interpretation for this challenge! Daintily she stands on her toes pollinating... Well done!

    Cool bee house! I hope it works!

    Thanks for hosting this challenge. It was a lot of fun!

  19. your butterfly fae looks relaxed, to her spreading pollen is a most natural thing to do ofcourse ;)
    great bee hotel! i want one too!
    thanks for a lovely theme Tammie,we so easily forget the importance of bees and butterflies in this 'robot' times, the ingenuity and wit of nature, the beauty of it all.
    i had fun, x

  20. Hi, Tammie, thank you for your invitation. and thanks for the links. very interesting theme bee houses! Good week for you!

  21. I like the bee box! And your drawing!

  22. Tammie, I love mason bees. This is a GREAT bee nest! I think I will try to make one,as it looks charming as well as being a super cozy home for the bees

  23. what a bunch of pollinators here gathered on your blogpost! ;))) we have a ball... zooom, zoooom - - - extraordinary theme.. n♥

  24. Oh, she's so sweet. I love the way you did her face! Hope the bees will find your nesting place!

  25. Liebe Tammie,

    so danke für deine Besuche auf meinen Blogs und die freundlichen Kommentare.

    So schön zeichnen und malen zu können, gehört neben der Fotografie noch zu meinen Wünschen für die Zukunft.

    Ihre Werke sind wunderschön und die Art, wie sie malen, gefällt mir sehr.

    Ein lieber Gruß
    von der Waldameise (Morgentau)

  26. Tammie,
    What a great Bees nest , and it so very pretty...
    Thank you so much for your visit and most kind words...

  27. Better late than never, right? I didn't have time to draw anything, so I went through my photos and found a few that fit perfectly. Thanks for the great challenge!

  28. Tammie,

    Your blog is wonderful, and so are you.
    I wish you wonderful days.

  29. gold dusters i like that!
    as i like your sweet fae
    and the bees hotel!
    you see them around here a lot

    i have just posted mine
    better late than never ;^))


  30. Holy pollination of extravagant proportions I imagine Robin saying to Batman when he saw your Pollinating Fae! I sure did. Love both your painting and your bee box. Let us know how it works out this summer. I am wondering about inviting so many bees when we have little grandkids playing in our yard. Have you any suggestions for that? xo Carole

    1. hi Carole,

      these sort of bee house is for native bees, they rarely sting, look much more like a fly, so you have to look close to see it is a bee.
      Not for honey bees, or wasps, but..... wasps sometimes come to them to eat the eggs that are laid in these, from what i read that is.
      So if you are concerned I would put them away from well used areas, somewhere that you have to walk to it to see if anything is going on.
      Otherwise, there is lots of info on these. Oh, I know, I would make them and put them in the wild where they can be used, but maybe nobody sees them, how about that?

      thank you for making me laugh over you thought of pollinating Fae!

  31. She's a cutie Tammie! I especially liked seeing your bee home, what a wonderful and thoughtful project. :-)

  32. PS: YOur new header sketch is wonderful.

  33. Lovely painting - and you know I covet your beautiful bee home! :)

  34. Hey Tammy, this is such a great bee house, I am going to put a link to it from todays post on Mason bees, if you don't mind.

    1. Yes, feel free to link this post to yours Jeri.
      Thank you for enjoying.


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