Dec 31, 2014

New Year's Blessings, DC: time

on the threshold
a moment in time
between two years
with heartfelt care
a wish:

may blessings grace your days and nights
may dreams  be met to your delight
may health and perfect wealth be yours
may hearts hold peace and joy
with sacred love 

wishing you and our world
a beautiful 2015

Eric's DC challenge is time
so perfect at turning of a year
when we are aware of the passing of time
an entire year
and considering our next year
Thank you for hosting Eric!


  1. these are lovely words that I wish I have written, & a lovely drawing too. I hope you have a blissful 2015.

    1. that is so kind of you to tell me
      i have read words before that i wish i had written
      it might be one of the best compliments
      thank you for your wish

  2. Thank you Tammie, that's so kind. I wish you and your family lots of love in that beautiful surrounding that you share so often with your beautiful pictures. I hope you keep on dreaming and share those dreams and thoughts next year with us. x Joke

  3. So beautiful! You are a blessing to the world, Tammie. Your loveliness, kindness, and magic shine through the words you write and the pictures you share. Have a wonderful new year.

  4. Beautiful words and beautiful painting too! Wishing you a very happy new year!
    Also if you would like the pattern for the deer the easiest thing would probably be for me to photocopy it and send it as it needs to be the right size and the instructions are over lots of different pages. I would be happy to do so if you email me your address. My email is

  5. wonderful, magical wishes, that could only come from you, when accompanied by such a wintry warm image. i for one, imagine the home fires burning, in back.
    a happy, merry, joy & creativity filled new year 2015, to you and your family, tammie!
    x x x

  6. Peace
    Happines to you and everyone <3

  7. thank you for your lovely words and wishes!
    your drawing with that girl is so charming and touching and full of feeling, wonderful!
    Have a good time dear Tammie
    x Stefanie

  8. Oh that's a beautiful and peaceful painting! Thanks for your kind words and wishes. And thanks for joining the dc. - eric

  9. That's an other peaceful and charming painting Tammie. I just love your girls to pieces. Well done. much love and many blessings for 2015 for you and yours. X

  10. Such beautiful words! Wish you all the best for the new year, dear Tammie. I love your sweet red haired girl! :)

  11. Buon anno nuovo Tammie,un abbraccio dall'Italia:-)

  12. Thank you for your painting and the words. Both touched me deep. All the best for you.

  13. The year has turned and it's always a big turn for me as my birthday's new years eve. :) I wish you a happy healthy joyous new year Tammie. May all your dreams come true.
    Jess xx

  14. Tammie Ha, a beautiful lady in particular green
    peace on earth for everyone a happy New Year
    and you may make many beautiful art !!
    Groetje Christiene ..........................

    Ha Tammie,een prachtig dame in het bijzonder groen
    vrede op aarde voor iedereen,een gelukkig nieuwjaar
    en dat je nog veel mooie kunst mag maken!!
    Groetje Christiene..........................

  15. Anonymous1/02/2015

    A beautiful illustration--she looks positively magical. :) Happy New Year! :)

  16. Love the greens and the blues in this touching painting and love your inspiring words.
    Thank you for your positive thoughts and wishes.

  17. The small snowflke-points are very important in this soulful drawing!

  18. Hi Tamie! long time without coming here!! I like this! congratulations!
    I like the color, strong tone,
    do you feel more confident about your job? sometimes (I think) the diluted color reflects insecurity, and strong color, reflects security in yourself! :)

    1. Hello Roberto,
      color is an interesting thing to consider. it can have a strong effect on us. sometimes reminding us of things long past, taking us back in time. Sometimes making us feel good, sometimes we back away from a color. i have read that people who like the strong bold colors are more extrovert, soft colors more introvert. I have always loved colors. I am not sure that anything has changed in my life or that i feel more confident. thank you for your visit and thoughts.

  19. Sorry!!! Tammie!! :)


Lovely of you to drop by! I love hearing from you~